Anybody with Networth Direct


Contacted a marketting person.

Plan details:
Upfront Fee: Rs.5000 (Will be refundable once brokerage generated)
Brokerage: 0.23% for Delivery, 0.023% for Intraday, Rs.40 Options
After the brokerage touches 5000, they will refund the upfront amount and brokerage will be reduced to, 0.15% for Delivery, 0.015% for Intraday, Rs.40 for Options.
Exposure: 12 times minimum for all shares (20 times maximum if capital is high)
No AOC, Software Charges.
Call and Trade is available anytime.

I already have account with HDFC and their brokerage is very high when compared to this.

Anybody have experience with this already? If yes, please share your experiences.....


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