Anybody having Idea on AMIBROKER issuing SMS on Signals Generation....!!!!!


Active Member
One difficulty is being faced in SELL signals only , that Same Message is coming up unlimited.
This problem is with SELL only, in case of BUY is ok & comes once only.

Any advise.
The Correct Code as follows -




Public Sub pushbullet(Message_Text)
Dim Message

'Your Message
Message = Message_Text

Dim objXmlHttpMain , URL

strJSONToSend = "{""type"": ""note"", ""title"": ""Alert"", ""body"":""" &Message_Text&"""}"

Set objXmlHttpMain = CreateObject("Msxml2.ServerXMLHTTP")
on error resume next "POST",URL, False
objXmlHttpMain.setRequestHeader "Authorization", "Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
objXmlHttpMain.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/json"

objXmlHttpMain.send strJSONToSend

set objJSONDoc = nothing
set objResult = nothing

'Store response
'response.Write (objXmlHttpMain.responseText)
End Sub


pb = GetScriptObject();

if (LastValue(ValueWhen(Ref(Buy,-1),BarIndex())==BarIndex()) AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"buyAlert")==0 )
pb.PushBullet("Buy Alert in " +Name() + " : BuyPrice Value is " + BuyPrice + " Time " + TimeNum());
StaticVarSet(Name()+ GetChartID() + "buyAlertBar", LastValue(TimeNum()));

if (LastValue(TimeNum()) == StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"buyAlertBar"))

StaticVarSet(Name()+GetChartID()+"buyAlert",1); //alert was triggered, no more alerts on this bar
StaticVarSet(Name()+GetChartID()+"buyAlert",0); // new bar formed, and alerts can be trigered.

if (LastValue(ValueWhen(Ref(Sell,-1),BarIndex())==BarIndex()) AND StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"sellAlert")==0 )
pb.PushBullet("Sell Alert in " +Name() + " : SellPrice Value is " + SellPrice + " Time " + TimeNum());
StaticVarSet(Name()+ GetChartID() + "sellAlertBar", LastValue(TimeNum()));

if (LastValue(TimeNum()) == StaticVarGet(Name()+GetChartID()+"sellAlertBar"))

StaticVarSet(Name()+GetChartID()+"sellAlert",1); //alert was triggered, no more alerts on this bar
StaticVarSet(Name()+GetChartID()+"sellAlert",0); // new bar formed, and alerts can be trigered.

And if you have an SMS Gateway subscription whom provide HTTP API then configuration is similar to Pushbullet.

But one issue with SMS Gateway providers are there are two kinds of SMS types

1)Promotional SMS (cheaper but blocks DND numbers and allowed from 9a.m-9p.m)
2)Transactional SMS (Only Companies can send to their clients anytime in std template)

Individuals are eligible to get Promotional SMS only. so you need to remove your number from DND to recieve any alerts.

But yes with amibroker anything is possible.


Well-Known Member
And if you have an SMS Gateway subscription whom provide HTTP API then configuration is similar to Pushbullet.

But one issue with SMS Gateway providers are there are two kinds of SMS types

1)Promotional SMS (cheaper but blocks DND numbers and allowed from 9a.m-9p.m)
2)Transactional SMS (Only Companies can send to their clients anytime in std template)

Individuals are eligible to get Promotional SMS only. so you need to remove your number from DND to recieve any alerts.

But yes with amibroker anything is possible.
Thanks Very Much sir,
Push Bullet is Free & fast too.
Still I would like to understand from U that in case I take any SMS package from a vendor, then what I should ask from them?
& then how to convert it into AMIBROKER AFL?



Active Member
And if you have an SMS Gateway subscription whom provide HTTP API then configuration is similar to Pushbullet.

But one issue with SMS Gateway providers are there are two kinds of SMS types

1)Promotional SMS (cheaper but blocks DND numbers and allowed from 9a.m-9p.m)
2)Transactional SMS (Only Companies can send to their clients anytime in std template)

Individuals are eligible to get Promotional SMS only. so you need to remove your number from DND to recieve any alerts.

But yes with amibroker anything is possible.
I need paid SMS services on Amibroker Signals as per my Logic... Who are providing those paid SMS service in India... How can I approach them... I need clear cut information..not outline information please....
Thanks Very Much sir,
Push Bullet is Free & fast too.
Still I would like to understand from U that in case I take any SMS package from a vendor, then what I should ask from them?
& then how to convert it into AMIBROKER AFL?

There are SMS providers like they provide promotional SMS for individuals. Along with that you have to activate http API as well. Now all you need to do is integrate the http API similar to pushbullet AFL using VB Script.

Little bit of VB Script and HTTP Api + AFL Knowledge solves the problem. But you need to pay for SMS Gateway mostly on volume basis

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