AFL required First 15 Candle High Low Marke afl

OST=091500; //Observation Start Time
OET=091500; //Observation End Time

Currtime=TimeNum(); //get current time

ob_end = Cross(TimeNum(),OET); //detect the observation end time
ob_st = Cross(TimeNum(),OST); //detect the observation start time

Highest_since = HighestSince(ob_st,H,1); //capture the 5 minute high
Lowest_since = LowestSince(ob_st,L,1); //capture the 5 minute low

ORBH = ValueWhen(ob_end ,Highest_since,1);
ORBL = ValueWhen(ob_end ,Lowest_since,1);

OST=091500; //Observation Start Time
OET=091500; //Observation End Time

Currtime=TimeNum(); //get current time

ob_end = Cross(TimeNum(),OET); //detect the observation end time
ob_st = Cross(TimeNum(),OST); //detect the observation start time

Highest_since = HighestSince(ob_st,H,1); //capture the 5 minute high
Lowest_since = LowestSince(ob_st,L,1); //capture the 5 minute low

ORBH = ValueWhen(ob_end ,Highest_since,1);
ORBL = ValueWhen(ob_end ,Lowest_since,1);

Thank You

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