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  • hallo friend
    Good morning and happy diwali

    My english language is some poor but i try to writing and post in this website

    i am day treader and work in stock bazar with help of live technical chart. see my some detial
    email= ganesh_kansara@*****.com
    live in surat city
    m.b.no = 92750 18293

    this is my first letter on you and this website traderji.com so some mistake so sorry

    i wish you help me in stock bazar

    with much thank's
    ganesh kansar
    Faith, we have to look for it on the forum!!! Shall post the link if i come across it!! I have Nifty Futures eod data and IEOD also but in excel format!! If u can convert it I can try to send it!! Mail me at rkkarnani at gggmmmaaiilldotttcommm
    Sir please give link for historical nse data of amibroker till date and also Nifty futures EOD and IEOD for amibroker.
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