Read values from now without excel


Well-Known Member
From complete noob in Autohotkey, within 7 days(not full days), I could develop a script to obtain quotes from NSENOW and save them alongwith formatted date into a csv file.
Here is the script.

CoordMode, Mouse, Window
SendMode Input
#SingleInstance Force
SetTitleMatchMode 2
DetectHiddenWindows On
SetControlDelay 1
SetWinDelay 0
SetKeyDelay -1
SetMouseDelay -1
SetBatchLines -1

IfWinExist NOW 
ControlGet,MyWatch,List,,SysListView323,NOW    ;Copied contents of SysListView323 into MyWatch
        MsgBox %MyWatch%

StringReplace, MyWatch, MyWatch, %A_Tab%, `, ,All
Tempvar = 
Loop, Parse, MyWatch, `n		;This loop is to access each line of the list.
Tempvar = %Tempvar%`n%Cdate%`,%A_LoopField%

FileDelete, R:\Nifty.txt                  ;My RAM drive is R
FileAppend , %Tempvar%, R:\Nifty.txt
		MsgBox File Written

	MsgBox NSENOW not open.
If this is put into loop, a file can be generated every second and imported into Amibroker.

Any contributers?
Rest assured that you will not repent for the time spent to study Autohotkey.

We need not develop client for RTD


Well-Known Member
Hey Josh...

Can you help with reverse engineering of excel method you used in the package for extracting info and feeding into amibroker? I do not have a NEST software but use pointer provided by ventura and I would like to see if this could be possible as it is through Nest.

Reverse Engineering ... ? Why do you need that? All those applications are open source.


Well-Known Member
How do I find RealTimeServerProgID for my terminal? I searched the registry for SCRIPTRTD but didn't find anything related to my terminal. It must be a different name but as you know the registry is too big. Any shortcuts?
Which terminal are you using? You said you do not have Nest. Do you have NOW?

SCRIPRTD is available from Syntax of rtd command. CLSID or Server ID can be found with Oleview.exe


Well-Known Member
I am using "Pointer" which is provided by Ventura.

The RealTimeServerProgID which is "nest.scriprtd" for NEST terminal and "now.scriprtd" for NOW terminal. How did you find this? How can I find the same for pointer? I downloaded Oleview but found nothing starting with "Pointer".

CLSID or Server ID can be left empty if the software lies on the same machine. Right?
1. I know nothing about Pointer. Does it support rtd ? Check if it has facility like "Link to Excel" or "Snap to Excel" or ask Ventura.

2. If answer to 1 is yes, download my utilities and read thru the Setup instructions. Then go to MSDN site to read about rtd.

3. Right.
Dear josh1

nice to know somebody is using authotkey. I am using ah for the
past 7 years and having many small utilities for extracting data from now and nest for backfill and also automating trades.

Will answer queries if any


chief sitting bull
(from little big horn)

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