Amibroker Database for NSE stocks


Well-Known Member
Hi karthik, murthysir,
i loaded the sector dta and my observation would be
a)Kalp power, ptc kec should be in Power/Others rather than in Textiles
B) emkay AND gEOJIT SHOULD be in Financial/Others(presently in Pharma and diversified resp)
if yes pl tell me how to make corrections in my database


Thanks for the feedback. We were looking forward to feedbacks like this. This helps us having a good allocaation of Industries and sectors.

1. kalp power, ptc, KEC etc are in Power/ others. Please check. I am enclosing the complete list of sector allocation (latest correction not incorporated) for your reference.

2. Fully agree with you on Emkay and Geojit. These can be moved to Financial service / Investment.

Also please note another mistake which was pointed out by another member.

Kothari poduct now apperaring under sugar industry. This could be moved to Consumer goods/Cigrettes as this company is related to tobacco products.

We look forward to more such comments.

warm regards

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Well-Known Member

oops .. forgot the explanation for moving the stocks from one industry to another.

In the Symbol menu ontop select Organize Assignments..

organize assignments window opens.. select the Industry radio button

on the left pane select the industry where the stock you want to move resides. On the right pane select the new industry where you want to move the stock to. Click the > button... as simpla as that.. The screen image enclosed...

warm regards

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Well-Known Member

oops .. forgot the explanation for moving the stocks from one industry to another.

In the Symbol menu ontop select Organize Assignments..

organize assignments window opens.. select the Industry radio button

on the left pane select the industry where the stock you want to move resides. On the right pane select the new industry where you want to move the stock to. Click the > button... as simpla as that.. The screen image enclosed...

warm regards

thanks karthik for detailing the procedure.

additionally, one may incorporate such chnges in his stockindustry.txt file also, so that in the unfortunate event of rerunning the sector-industry asignment program, the new assignments will be up-to-date.

hope i am clear.


Well-Known Member
Hi all

Stock / Industry Allocation for new listing - NSE.

Company: Development Credit Bank Ltd.
Symbol : DCB
Line of Business : Banking
Sector : Banking
Industry : Private




Well-Known Member
Hi all

Stock / Industry Allocation for new listing - NSE.

Company: Global Vectra Helicorp Ltd.
Line of Business : Air Transport
Sector : Service
Industry : Aviation




Well-Known Member
Hi All

Stock / Industry Allocation for new listing - NSE.

Company: Accel Frontline Ltd.
Symbol : AFL
Line of Business : IT Solutions
Sector : IT
Industry : Software Small


Hi All

Finally we come to the actual procedure to setup the sectors and Industries for Amibroker.

We require 2 Amibroker files, One text file containing the industry details for the stocks and finally one afl to load the data into Amibroker. Following are the files

1. Broker.sectors - Ami file
2. Broker.Industries - Ami File
3. Stockindustry.txt - text file containg the industry details for the stocks
4. - Afl for lading the sector and Industry data.

Following is the procedure

1,Backup file c:\Program Files\Amibroker\data\Broker.Workspace ( or d:\... wherever you AB is loaded)

2. Delete Broker.Workspace

(Or you can just rename the existing Broker.Workspace into something convenient to remember)

3. Backup and Delete and broker.sectors from
c:\program files\Amibroker.
(Or just rename as mentioned before)

4. Copy the files new broker.sectors and file to this dir.

5. Copy into c:\programfiles\Amibroker\formulas\custom ( or d:\... wherever you AB is loaded)

6. Modify file to point to where the StockIndustry.txt file. Is located. The Default location is the root directory of D:\. If you are apprehensive in changing the , just save the txt file in the root directory in partition D.

7. Now open Amibroker.

8. By default, all the stocks will be in the 1st industry, Agro - Others. Move them to Industry 255 using menu item Symbol -> Organize assignments..

9. Open for analysis. In the Analysis window, choose the following
Apply to: All stocks
Range : Last 200 quotes.

And then run the scan. This may take a few minutes depending on your computer speed.

10. Once the Scan is complete, check it your sector and Industry allocation.

The necessary files enclosed.

Please do let us know if you face any problem..

warm regards


very good work and new concept of alloting sector but i have done one correction
var filename = "d:/stockindustry.txt";
instead of
var filename = "d://stockindustry.txt";

than it's work

otherwise it's give error

ones again thanks for great idea


Well-Known Member
hi all,

i hope you have by this time incorporated the sectors and industries on your AB database, including the additions being posted by him from time to time.

exporting all the currently set industries and secors against a stock. may be helpful for your record and to review/modify them on your own.

i am attaching an AFL, which will display the list of stocks with their industry and sectors. as usual, you may change the extention to AFL and scan for all symbols and all days.

all the best.
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