General Posts

Starting a thread where members can post their feedbacks, suggestions and other general posts.



Super Moderator


Well-Known Member
We can write - its for educational purpose and not for trading. Not regd with SEBI etc. A sort of disclaimer.
We can write - its for educational purpose and not for trading. Not regd with SEBI etc. A sort of disclaimer.
Works fine in certain forums like the one you post most. Only problem: TJ is the main forum used from tipsters and call givers to spread there Spam to retailers in your country. So posting even this comment mentioned of yours will not be a solution to the problem here, instead will be misused from all those kind of spammers.

I would say the situation so far is under control in TJ and no more any special comment or what so ever is needed, as real traders know how to handle the rules with out violating them in any way here in TJ.

By the way: Nice to see you here in this place since a long time and have a nice day / Dan :)


Well-Known Member
The Government of India, with a special request from the Vatican Pope, has recently announced that from now onwards, first of every calendar month will be celebrated as a Fool's Day. According to the official Government spokesperson, there are far too many fools in India who have been endlessly believing in a politician after politician and their contribution to the rise in greatness of this great country has never before been acknowledged ...


Well-Known Member
The Government of India, with a special request from the Vatican Pope, has recently announced that from now onwards, first of every calendar month will be celebrated as a Fool's Day. According to the official Government spokesperson, there are far too many fools in India who have been endlessly believing in a politician after politician and their contribution to the rise in greatness of this great country has never before been acknowledged ...
nice april fool joke:D

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