Trading with AMA and price action- forward testing

A good trading method/system generates x % average return per month .

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Learner and Follower
I am confused, pls guide.

According to maths common sense, which scenario has higher profits ?

1. small sl scalp trades with 2.2R as reward.

2. large sl ( less qty) trend trading, with adds at each possible logical point and waiting for tsl hit or auto sq off.

Assume both have 40% win rate.
No. of trades in 1st scenario is higher and correct timing of entry is imp.

Y dont u backtest urself with ur entry setups use atleast 6 months to 1 year.itll give u clear picture and understanding.looks as u have got a little disciplined ur mind started its games the mind always want to throw us off our trade plan. :) all ur confusion should be before ur plan looks u have not done much work on ur 2x exit part before using in ur trade plan.
Vijay bhai, for this I'd have a very simple answer bcos I use this method.

Mathematically I don't know, but It'd also reconcile:

1. On sideways TF, use method 1
2. On Trend TF, use method 2
It should be a question of what suits ur mentality than which gives higher profits .both will give profits in their own way.
well !!! if your win rate is 40 % then 1st one will kill you irrespective of you R:R etc ,but in slow phase :D

second option is much better for profits ..
Second one, but should have patience to stop of your hand from clicking the mouse on every chance of

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Vijay !!! if strike rate is below 60 % then 1:2 etc may not be such a good idea..but if you can rise it to that level then its one of the best idea to implement.

lets talk some facts over the my trading over past one year intra strike rate is 60 % ,positional bnf is 71 % /nf 50 %..swing..55 % ( Jan to dec)...before last year all are at

52 on average.. possibility of higher strike rate is possible with OFA that too only in intra , with normal indicators/know pa like pivot/dp based trading its some what a question mark to me !!!
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Learner and Follower
As soon as a red ribbon on 1 min 15 period OBV ribbon changes its colour to blue, go to 1 min price chart and mark a lowest point in the preceeding red colour band...this is our support. And as soon as the band colour changes from blue to red, then go to the 1 min price chart and mark the highest point achieved in the preceeding blue band...this is our resistance point...

We trade long when the market is making higher bottoms( and higher tops) and short when it is making lower tops (and lower bottoms)...

Chart par mark karo...simple hain...



Learner and Follower
This was my message at 1:31 yesterday. the price was 20651. this was on the basis of info provided by OBV. And then also people say that OBV is not a good indicator.
Please mark the highs and lows in OBV charts for the highest OBV level in the last completed blue ribbon period and the lowest OBV level in the last completed red ribbon period and you would get BO/BD levels of OBV for today. So fresh longs/ shorts can be taken based on BO/BD from these levels and SL's managed and trailed accordingly. This is how you capture big moves like in crude yesterday. Be with the BO/BD trend of the OBV.
Something said abt marking obv hi/lo


Learner and Follower
Have figured out a method to trade obv... Testing now, by the time vijkris back from vacation I will share it in detail...

Thanks buddy. Eagerly waiting for the details.:thumb:


Learner and Follower
Dear Vijkris,
A bit off-topic.
Do you have AMA moving Av. code. If yes, then can you plz post it here.

Have a nice day,
It is already posted in this thread. Or else u can see p ratap sir thread, for all Afl.


Well-Known Member
It is already posted in this thread. Or else u can see p ratap sir thread, for all Afl.
Dear vijay bhai,
IMO you spoiling your vacation checking TJ instatly :D
I know its very dificult to stay away from TJ...But if you need /feel vacation and pleasure to mind you must need to away from TJ :)even from trading related stuff/even from views also its my experience ..


Well-Known Member
It is already posted in this thread. Or else u can see p ratap sir thread, for all Afl.
Pratap sir's AMA code

datamode = ParamToggle("Data Mode", "No|Yes", 0) ;
showintitle = ParamToggle("Show in Title", "No|Yes", 0) ;
showlabel = ParamToggle("Show Label", "No|Yes", 1) ;

usetf = ParamToggle("Use TF", "No|Yes", 0) ;
tf = Param("TF", 6, 1, 100000, 1) ;
isexpandLast = ParamToggle("Expand Mode", "First|Last", 1) ;
expandmode = IIf(isexpandLast, expandLast, expandFirst) ;

period = Param("Period", 30, 1, 100, 1) ;
noiseperiod = Param("Noise Period", 5, 1, 100, 1) ;
Clr = ParamColor("AMA Color", colorLightOrange) ;
ClrClose = ParamColor("AMA Close Color", colorOrange) ;

MAwidthper = Param("MA Width %", 0.005, 0, 10, 1) ;
MAwidth = SelectedValue(C) * MAwidthper /100 ;
showasband = ParamToggle("Show as band", "No|Yes", 1) ;
Onlyclose = ParamToggle("Show Only Close", "No|Yes", 0) ;
showclosebias = ParamToggle("Show Close Bias", "No|Yes", 0) ;
Closebiasht = Param("Close bias Ht", 4, 0, 100) ;
Clrbiasup = ParamColor("Color Bias Up", colorSkyblue) ;
Clrbiasdn = ParamColor("Color Bias Down", colorRose) ;
Clrbiasnone = ParamColor("Color Bias None", colorLavender) ;

Clrband = ParamColor("Color Band", colorGold) ;
bandlevel = Param("Level Band", -1, -5, 5, 1) ;
tradearr = ParamToggle("Show Trade Arrow", "No|Yes", 0) ;
triggertypepvt = ParamToggle("Trigger Type", "Bar|Pvt", 0) ;
Onbody= ParamToggle("BO style", "H-L|Body", 1) ;

datamodestyle = styleNoRescale ;
if (NOT showintitle)
	datamodestyle |= styleNoTitle ;
if (NOT showlabel)
	datamodestyle |= styleNoLabel ;

if (datamode)
	datamodestyle = styleNoDraw|styleNoTitle|styleNoLabel|styleNoRescale ;

onlyClosestyle = 0 ;
if (Onlyclose)
	OnlyClosestyle = styleNoDraw ;

tfs = tf *in1Minute ;
if (usetf)
	TimeFrameSet(tfs) ;

tfma = int(Interval()/60) ;
if (usetf AND tfs >= Interval())
	tfma = tf ;

strtf = NumToStr(tfma, 8.0)+"min" ;

Refo = ParamField("TF Open", 0) ;
Refh = ParamField("TF High", 1) ;
Refl = ParamField("TF Low", 2) ;
Refc = ParamField("TF Close", 3) ;
//Refbi = ParamField("BI", 4) ;

//Plot(EMA( Close, period ), "", colorRed) ;
fast = 2/(2+1);
slow = 2/(period+1);
dir=abs(Refc -Ref(Refc ,-noiseperiod ));
vol=Sum(abs(Refc -Ref(Refc,-1)),noiseperiod );
sc =( ER*(fast-slow)+slow)^2; 
amaplotcx = AMA( Refc, sc ); 

dirh=abs(Refh -Ref(Refh ,-noiseperiod ));
volh=Sum(abs(Refh -Ref(Refh,-1)),noiseperiod );
sch =( ERh*(fast-slow)+slow)^2; 
amaplothx = AMA( Refh, sch ); 

dirl=abs(Refl -Ref(Refl ,-noiseperiod ));
voll=Sum(abs(Refl -Ref(Refl,-1)),noiseperiod );
scl =( ERl*(fast-slow)+slow)^2; 
amaplotlx = AMA( Refl, scl ); 

	amaplotc = amaplotcx ;
	amaploth = amaplothx ;
	amaplotl = amaplotlx ;

if (usetf)
	amaplotc = TimeFrameExpand(amaplotcx, tfs, expandmode) ;
	amaploth = TimeFrameExpand(amaplothx, tfs, expandmode) ;
	amaplotl = TimeFrameExpand(amaplotlx, tfs, expandmode) ;

	TimeFrameRestore() ;

	showoncrb = ParamToggle("Show On CRB", "No|Yes", 0) ;
	Refo = ParamField("CRB Open", 7+0) ;
	Refh = ParamField("CRB High", 7+1) ;
	Refl = ParamField("CRB Low", 7+2) ;
	Refc = ParamField("CRB Close", 7+3) ;
	Refbi = ParamField("CRB BI", 7+4) ;
	Refcrbbars = ParamField("CRB Bars", 7+5) ;
	Refnbars = ParamField("TF Bars", 7+6) ;
	Refdt = ParamField("CRB DT", 7+7) ;

	if (showoncrb)
		diffbars = Refnbars -Refcrbbars -1 ;

		// convert to crb
		Refamaploth = Ref(amaploth, -diffbars) ;
		Refamaplotc = Ref(amaplotc, -diffbars) ;
		Refamaplotl = Ref(amaplotl, -diffbars) ;

//		RefClre = Ref(Clr, -diffbars) ;

		k = 0 ;
		for ( i = Crbst ; i < BarCount ; i++)
			Refbar = Refbi[i];

			Refamaploth[i] = amaploth[Refbar] ;
			Refamaplotc[i] = amaplotc[Refbar] ;
			Refamaplotl[i] = amaplotl[Refbar] ;

//			RefClre[i] = Clr[Refbar];
		Refamaploth = amaploth ;
		Refamaplotc = amaplotc ;
		Refamaplotl = amaplotl ;
//		RefClre = Clre ;

Plot(Refamaplotc, strtf+"AMA close"+NumToStr(period, 1.0)+" "+ NumToStr(noiseperiod , 1.0), ClrClose, styleThick|datamodestyle) ;
Plot(Refamaploth, strtf+"AMA high"+NumToStr(period, 1.0)+" "+ NumToStr(noiseperiod , 1.0), Clr, styleThick|datamodestyle|OnlyClosestyle) ;
Plot(Refamaplotl, strtf+"AMA low"+NumToStr(period, 1.0)+" "+ NumToStr(noiseperiod , 1.0), Clr, styleThick|datamodestyle|OnlyClosestyle) ;
if (MAwidth > 0)
	PlotOHLC(Refamaplotc+MAwidth, Refamaplotc+MAwidth, Refamaplotc-MAwidth, Refamaplotc-MAwidth, "", ClrClose , styleCloud|styleNoLabel|datamodestyle) ;
if (showasband)
	PlotOHLC(Refamaploth, Refamaploth, Refamaplotl, Refamaplotl, "", Clrband, styleCloud|styleNoLabel|datamodestyle|OnlyClosestyle, 0, 0, 0, bandlevel) ;

if (showclosebias)
	upside = Refamaploth-(Refamaploth-Refamaplotl)/3 ;
	dnside = Refamaplotl+(Refamaploth-Refamaplotl)/3 ;

	up = Refamaplotc >= upside ;
	dn = Refamaplotc <= dnside ;

	Clr = IIf(up, Clrbiasup, IIf(dn, Clrbiasdn,Clrbiasnone)) ;

	Plot(Closebiasht, "", Clr, styleArea|styleNoLabel|styleOwnScale, 0, 100) ;

showparam = ParamToggle("Show Key Param", "No|Yes", 1) ;

if (showparam)
	y = (SelectedValue(Refamaploth)+ SelectedValue(Refamaplotl)) /2 ;
	tfsd = tfs ;
	if (tfsd < Interval())
		tfsd = Interval() ;

//	str = "TF="+NumToStr(tfsd/in1Minute, 1.0) + " P=" + NumToStr(period, 1.0)+"-"+ NumToStr(noiseperiod, 1.0);
	str = NumToStr(tfsd/in1Minute, 1.0) + " AMA" ;
	PlotText(str, BarCount+2, y, colorBlack) ;

showrib = ParamToggle("Show Ribbon", "No|Yes", 0) ;
barht = Param("Bar Ht", 4, 1, 100) ;

Refo = ParamField("Open", 0) ;
Refh = ParamField("High", 1) ;
Refl = ParamField("Low", 2) ;
Refc = ParamField("Close", 3) ;

if (showrib)
	Buy = Refc > Max(Refamaplotc, Refamaploth) ;
	Short = Refc < Min(Refamaplotc, Refamaplotl) ;

	up = Flip(Buy, Short) ;
	dn = Flip(Short, Buy) ;

	Clr = IIf(up, colorBlue, colorRed) ;

	Plot(barht, "", Clr, styleArea|styleNoLabel|styleOwnScale, 0, 100) ;

isemapvts = ParamToggle("Pvt Type", "H-L|EMA", 1) ;

if (tradearr)// AND NOT datamode)
avgP = (Refh+refl+Refc)/3 ;
p1 = Param("Fast", 1, 1, 100, 1) ;
p2 = Param("Slow", 3, 1, 100, 1) ;

ismph = H-H ;
ismpl = L-L ;
if (isemapvts)
EMA1 = EMA(avgP, p1) ;
EMA2 = EMA(avgP, p2) ;

upcross = Cross(EMA1, EMA2) ;
downcross = Cross(EMA2, EMA1) ;

bi = BarIndex() ; 

mphbar = HighestSinceBars(upcross, Refh) ;
mplbar = LowestSinceBars(downcross, Refl) ;

mphbi = ValueWhen(downcross, bi, 0) - ValueWhen(downcross, mphbar, 0) ;
ismph = mphbi == bi ;

mplbi = ValueWhen(upCross, bi, 0) - ValueWhen(upCross, mplbar, 0) ;
ismpl = mplbi == bi ;

ismph = IIf(downCross AND mphbar == 0, True, ismph) ;
ismpl = IIf(upcross AND mplbar == 0, True, ismpl) ;
	ismph = H >= Ref(H, -1) AND H > Ref(H, 1) ;
	ismpl = L <= Ref(L, -1) AND L < Ref(L, 1) ;
	ismph = ExRem(ismph, ismpl) ;
	ismpl = ExRem(ismpl, ismph) ;
	isbmph = ExRem(isbmph, isbmpl) ;
	isbmpl = ExRem(isbmpl, isbmph) ;


showminor = ParamToggle("Show Minor Pvts", "No|Yes", 1) ;
showminorlvls = ParamToggle("Show Minor Levels", "No|Yes", 1) ;

issquare = ParamToggle("Pvt style", "Circle|Square", 0) ;
pvtmarker = IIf(issquare, shapeSmallSquare, shapeSmallCircle) ;

if (showminor)
	PlotShapes(ismph*pvtmarker , colorRed, 0, Refh, 12) ;
	PlotShapes(ismpl*pvtmarker , colorGreen, 0, Refl, -12) ;

mph = ValueWhen(ismph, Refh) ;
mpl = ValueWhen(ismpl, Refl) ;

if (showminorlvls)
	x = LineArray(0, SelectedValue(mph), (BarCount-1), SelectedValue(mph));

	Plot(x, "", colorGold, styleDashed);

	x = LineArray(0, SelectedValue(mpl), (BarCount-1), SelectedValue(mpl));

	Plot(x, "", colorGold, styleDashed);

	Reflow = Refl ;
	Refhigh = Refh ;
	if (Onbody)
		Reflow = Min(Refo, Refc) ;
		Refhigh = Max(Refo, Refc) ;
	if (triggertypepvt)
		Buy = ismph AND Refhigh > AMAploth ;
		Short = ismpl AND Reflow < AMAplotl ;
		Buy = avgP > AMAploth ;
		Short = avgP < AMAplotl ;

	Buy = ExRem(Buy, Short OR Refc < AMAploth ) ;
	Short = ExRem(Short, Buy OR Refc > AMAplotl ) ;

	Sell = (Refc < AMAploth AND NOT Refc  < AMAplotl AND Refl > AMAplotl) ;
	Cover = (Refc  > AMAplotl AND NOT Refc  > AMAploth AND Refh < AMAploth) ;

	Cover = ExRem(Cover, Short OR Buy) ;
	Sell = ExRem(Sell, Short OR Buy) ;

	PlotShapes(Buy*shapeUpTriangle, colorGreen, 0, Refh, 12) ;
	PlotShapes(Short*shapeDownTriangle, colorBrown, 0, Refl, 12) ;

	showsl = ParamToggle("Show SL", "No|Yes", 0) ;
	if (showsl)
		PlotShapes(Cover*shapeSmallUpTriangle, colorBlack, 0, Refh, 12) ;
		PlotShapes(Sell*shapeSmallDownTriangle, colorBlack, 0, Refl, 12) ;



Learner and Follower
Dear vijay bhai,
IMO you spoiling your vacation checking TJ instatly :D
I know its very dificult to stay away from TJ...But if you need /feel vacation and pleasure to mind you must need to away from TJ :)even from trading related stuff/even from views also its my experience ..
Ya.. u r correct.. but from secunderabad to jodhpur almost 30 hours boring journey... all upper berth as well..:mad:
That's y spending time in tj.
Will get down in half an hour.:clap:

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