The Top 10 Quant Schools


Active Member
Quantitative analysts are in high demand on Wall Street as electronic trading and the use of complex algorithms to access liquidity continue to proliferate. While in the past quants often have been Ph.D.s in the academic world before crossing over to the Street, today there are more and more programs geared specifically toward preparing quants for financial services jobs. These programs typically offer a Master in Financial Engineering (M.F.E.) degree, but many offer similar degrees, including a Master of Science in Financial Engineering (M.S.F.E.), a Master of Science in Financial Math (M.S.F.M.), a Master of Science of Mathematics in Finance (M.S.M.F.) and a Master in Mathematical Finance (M.M.F.).

The 10 board-selected schools are Carnegie Mellon University, Columbia University, Cornell University, New York University, Princeton University, Rutgers University, Stanford University, University of California at Berkeley, University of Chicago and University of Michigan. While they vary in course requirements and curriculum, our board agrees that these are the top schools for candidates looking for quant jobs on the Street.
I think even schools like Harvard Business school and Wharton School of Finance can be included in the list. The recruitment season of these colleges are the recruitment ground for investment banks.