TS2000I, Hypertools and Globalserver


I am trying to insert data from ascii files into globalserver and then use it in TS2000I but I have som problems. I have read everything I found about this but I cant solve the problem. I hope someone can help me.

With hypertools I have converted the ascii-files to XPO-files.

I have imported the XPO-files into globalserver and they seem to be ok there. If I open the imported symbol in globalserver and load the data everything looks ok.

When I create a chart in tradestation I chose symbols from globalserver. I can see the symbol that I imported into globalserver. I press plot and define a daterange that I know is ok. As compression I chose daily since it is eod data.

Now to the problem: When I try to plot it there is a message "no data available for the selected date range".

What can be the problem? Any suggestion is very appreciated.

Hi noctiluca,

Have a look at your date range (start date and end date). Click format symbol and plot data around 10 years back.
For daily data you dont have to convert the text format into .xpo format. It is necessary only for intraday data.

Pls let me know if you face any difficulties.

Happy trading!

[email protected]
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