Best MF to invest for next 4 to 6 months

I have some surplus money that I want to invest for 4 to 6 months. After that I will need it for buying a home. what are the some of the good MF that can give some good return in next 4 to 6 months.


Well-Known Member
What are the current rates of FD with SBI..
Can I invest in FD online !
Templeton India Short-term Income Returns 2002-01 Jan-2002
Debt: Short-term
5 Star rated from Valeresearchlonline
Risk profile:Avg.
Return :High
1 year return:7.50
Expense ratio: 1.30
Entry Load Nil
Exit Load 0.5% for redemption within 180 days

However to invest online Reliance provides that option.
Reliance Regular Savings Debt Ret
Started in: 2005-05May-2005
Debt: Medium-term
4 Star
Return: Above Avg.
Risk profile: Below Avg.
Risk profile: 1.48