Looking for someone to teach me setup my metastock for $$$

Hi, anyone around to help me setup up my Metastock pro and help me with questions about the charts. Willing to pay.

pm or email me for price per hour pabmove@************


Well-Known Member
there is no need to pay ,
here is a community where all are ready to help each other.
exacctly what you want to do tell me. i will try to help you
hi rohangawale, Thank you for your help.

At present, I'm using Amibroker. Amibroker can handle EOD and RTD at the same time, however the charting is only ok and you need to import indicators. Generally, its ok but I'm playing with charting software and trying to find something that suits me better for active trading real time.

I have a copy Metastock pro and I'm having trouble understanding how to setup the database for intraday and EOD. Basically, I can create a intraday database in MS and I can get intraday day data (tick, on minute) etc... but when I close down the symbol or I have to restart the computer, I lose the intraday information and my when I enter the symbol again, the intraday data starts from the time I open the symbol and I don't have the data from the opening price of the day.

Generally, after searching around I know for sure that EOD and intraday data cannot mix in MS so that means two databases?

Basically, I'm trying to understand how do I go about setting up an EOD database and a separate intraday database (that saves my running data) in MS pro.
Sorry, I forgot to mention I get my data from esignal which can handle EOD and intraday at the same time. Thats why I picked Amibroker for charting first. I don't know if this helps

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