Hi All traders!

My name is Leszek. I am from Poland. I do not have to much experience with trading - started couple of years, but failed, so I gave up and now - since 6 moths I am trying again. So you could say I am quite a newbie.

I am only focusing on futures in Polish stock. My balance is more or less 0 - sometimes wins, sometimes loss.

I am trying to learn price action however also I am trying to find my own indicator - have IT background - so bought Amibroker licence and I am trying coding AFL.

It is difficult how I make my trading decision - still learning...

I found your forum when I searched for daytrading codes for amibroker.

My hope is I understand more futures and technical analysis etc. Honestly there is no polish books (good books) about futures, so I trying to read something bopugh at Amazon, but think - the best would be learn from real traders :)))

So that's it. Happyu to join ur community!