Hello Everyone!

Although I have been investing for leisure for quite some time, last two months have been very fruitful. I work for an MNC and didn't know the value of money. It used to come at the end of every month and I had spent some and saved some. Didn't care much about it.

I had an incident in my personal life which taught me that, all that (almost) everyone connected to you in your life care about money more than anything else. I started reading the book 'Think and grow Rich' by Napoleon Hill. I set up a target of achieving 10 crore rupees by December 10th, 2010.

All these years, I was thinking that the only thing involved in stock market is buying stock cheaply and selling when dearer. I had been reading Ben Graham's Security Analysis. With the target in mind, I had to restructure my strategy. Now I am learning Technical Analysis through books, You tube videos etc. I downloaded Trade Tiger. To get a first hand experience, I am here. I need your best wishes and cutting edge knowledge from your experience to reach my goal.

Thank you!

P.S. I didn't find a suitable user-name as everything is used. Hence the odd name!
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