Free RTData from Nest/Now/Google

To select the existing one. We can use the menu.

To import the new symbols i tried, it showing not a valid scrip file.

Please let me know how to add the new trading symbols in to the database.
Thanks for the application, installed, google works fine
when i try to connect NOW, i get error, Now trader interface error ,Please check NOW trader is opened or not ....
NOW trader is opened and both are running under admin previlage...
Could u please help


Well-Known Member
.net framework4.5 is not available for window xp .is there anyway to make it work?


Well-Known Member
To select the existing one. We can use the menu.

To import the new symbols i tried, it showing not a valid scrip file.

Please let me know how to add the new trading symbols in to the database.



Well-Known Member
thanx for ur utility but error displaying continue :"NEST Trader interference error.please chek NEST Trader is opened or not "


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