how to choose a fund in a ULIP?

Aviva LifeBond5 policy has 5 funds. Index, Enhancer, Growth, Balanced and Secure fund. In last 2 year their NAV history has been:

Index - 10 to 8.6 - NAV fell down 1.4
Enhancer - 10 to 10.9 - NAV rose up 1
Growth - 35 to 31.5 - NAV fell down 3.5
Balanced - 34 to 35.9 - NAV rose up 2
Secure - 13 to 15 - NAV rose up 2

As you can see it seems like Growth and Index fund are not good investment as their NAV fell 3.5 and 1.4 respectively in 2 years. It seems like Balanced and Secure are good funds to invest as there NAV rose up by 2 in 2 years.

But here is the problem, Index and Enhancer fund started from Jan 2008 so both funds are only 2 years old. But others like Growth, Balanced and Secure are old funds they started somewhere 2002-2006. So they are grown from initial 10 to 31, 35, 15 respectively.

my questions are:

1. Which fund is best performing fund in these funds?
2. Should one invest based on Actual Growth in NAV over time? or based on Growth Rate of NAV over time?
3. What is the importance of Fund's Age?