Hi friends,

How many of you have already received the refund amount of RPower IPO? And if not, can someone please tell how much time will it take to get the refunds, and considering that the weekend has arrived, will that cause a delay in the refund process?

I have an account in Axis Bank, Kolkata. By when should I expect the refund? Please share your views and experiences regarding this issue.

Hi friends,

How many of you have already received the refund amount of RPower IPO? And if not, can someone please tell how much time will it take to get the refunds, and considering that the weekend has arrived, will that cause a delay in the refund process?

I have an account in Axis Bank, Kolkata. By when should I expect the refund? Please share your views and experiences regarding this issue.

i have no idea


Well-Known Member
those who are in Mumbai they are getting refunds.. outside Mumbai plz wait till Monday( this is wht there cust care told me.

Toll Free number of cust. care--- 1800 345 4001

warm regards

An unknown error occcured while processing the request on the server.The status code retured from the server was:500.
This type of error while I entering the application number so please solve my problem.

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