Market facts. "the knowhow of stocks"

The first step for you to understand the stock market is to understand stocks.

A share of stock is the smallest unit of ownership in a company. If you own a share of a company’s stock, you are a part owner of the company.

You have the right to vote on members of the board of directors and other important matters before the company. If the company distributes profits to shareholders, you will likely receive a proportionate share.

One of the unique features of stock ownership is the notion of limited liability. If the company loses a lawsuit and must pay a huge judgment, the worse that can happen is your stock becomes worthless. The creditors can’t come after your personal assets. That’s not necessarily true in private-held companies.

There are two types of stock:

  • Common stock
  • Preferred stock
Most of the stock held by individuals is common stock.

Common Stock

Common stock represents the majority of stock held by the public. It has voting rights, along with the right to share in dividends.

When you hear or read about “stocks” being up or down, it always refers to common stock.

Preferred Stock

Despite its name, preferred stock has fewer rights than common stock, except in one important area – dividends. Companies that issue preferred stocks usually pay consistent dividends and preferred stock has first call on dividends over common stock.

Investors buy preferred stock for its current income from dividends, so look for companies that make big profits to use preferred stock to return some of those profits via dividends.


Another benefit of common stocks is that they are highly liquid for the most part. Small and/or obscure companies may not trade frequently, but most of the larger companies trade daily creating an opportunity to buy or sell shares.

Thanks to the stock markets, you can buy or sell shares of most publicly traded companies almost any day the markets are open.

Stock Sectors

Investors break the market down into sectors by company business. These sectors make is possible to compare how a stock is doing relative to its peers.

What Market Indexes Tell Us

Market indexes like the Dow, S&P 500, and Nasdaq Composite, can be useful tools if you understand what they do and do not represent.

Making Money with Dividends

Dividends are a way companies distribute a portion of their profits to shareholders.

What You Should Know about Different Share Types

Not all shares of stock are created equally. Authorized, restricted, float, outstanding and treasury shares all have different attributes. Investors need to know these terms to make informed decisions.


Stocks represent ownership in a publicly traded company and carry certain rights and privileges, including voting for board of directors and sharing of profits.


New Member
Good article, nicely precised and briefed.
In addition I would like add some points to your article.

Stock Market is an amazing place to be if one knows the right formula and secrets. But still even after knowing all the tricks and secrets, there are huge set backs that can ruin participants. Stock Market is a huge world and to know all its rules for survival can be a daunting task. Still some drives out with enormous profits while some gets hit badly with heaps of loses. So, there is a need of very scrutinized approach towards Stock Market Analysis so that loses can be minimized to the largest possible extent.

"Price is what you pay. Value is what you get." - Warren Buffett