anyone know Tick-Action??


I just got an email from someone,
telling me about,
do you have any experience with it?

When I see it, Lol so expensive..
Their making a trading workshop in Bali..
should i attend?

Please Answer..
Hi hi..

Lol you found my post there.. :lol:
I still can't find a good answer for this question..

I think this site is not ready yet..
yesterday the product page is not the same like today..
I mail the owner, and he said that the site is not finish yet.. :confused:
and then he ask me how do you know this site?
He said that this site is going to finish soon next week..

Do you know where can i attend a workshop near Australia?
or maybe in Australia it would be better..


Well-Known Member
It is surprising that you are pressing for information about services of a site whose domain is not yet indexed by google even though there will be plenty of more established players provided the same service in Australia.