Hell...Let's gather all together at Orkut...

Hello friends,

Let's gather all the members of traderji together @ orkut.com.
I am ready to the initiative....
Is anyone doing it ? Please ket me know...

Hello friends,

Let's gather all the members of traderji together @ orkut.com.
I am ready to the initiative....
Is anyone doing it ? Please ket me know...

Why to leave a cool place like traderji to migrate to Orkut? Afterall you get nothing but only tips over there.

BTW, I post traderji links on Orkut whenever needed. Ever come across any?

Best Regards,
Re: Hello...Let's gather all together at Orkut...


Traderji is cool place no doubt abt that but someone wants to share personal interest or photograph...it was just a suggestion....

PS : :( sorry for I ate alphabet "o" in the title.
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