Personal growth/self development/self-help sites


Active Member
Personal growth- It is said that personal growth is the very essence of life. As we go through life many of us may run into problems like mid-life crises, relationship problems, health problems, social problems, career problems and god knows what. Many of us attend workshops; some like to read articles.

Irrespective of occupation, one cannot really do without personal growth if one wants to lead a rich life. Mr Nkpanjiyar has been giving us very interesting stories from time to time which have tremendous learning value. It so happens that during the last few weeks, I have come across some pretty good sites on personal growth/self development. Some of you who are intellectually inclined may find them useful.

Even otherwise, considering that all efforts are ultimately aimed at happiness and share market is a part of life and not the other way around , such articles are worth sharing in a forum devoted to shares.

Hope you llike them:-

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