New US Dollar - 2009 series

Scoop !
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The threat by Russia and China to replace the dollar as the reserve currency of the world has moved the United States government at its highest level. In today's meeting of Presidents Economic Committee, it was stressed that modern economics was all about presentation. The Committee paid tribute to American bankers whose sales skills facilitated the historic global economic revolution of 2008-2009, from which the dollar has emerged stronger than ever before.
The Committee, however, critical of the fact that the the US dollar note still features decadent values of honesty and integrity, symbolized by George Washington et al. Therefore it was unanimously decided to remove these irrelevant portraits and replace them with with the portrait of the legendary Bernard Madoff. This would enhance the prestige and power of the dollar and indeed, United States, globally.
The new $1 note is attached. Please study the new security features, especially the Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithners new signature reminiscent of an insect trap. New high-value notes ($100 to $1million) will feature an advanced hologram showing Alan Greenspan when viewed against light, and a black hole when viewed against darkness. The hologram will included only in the highest denomination notes. In another generous departure from tradition, the Committee decided to print the name of the designer of the note above the Madoff portrait.
The Committee also decided to fight global warming by printing currency notes in face value $1,000,000. The advent of the new million-dollar notes would not only celebrate the hyper-stagflation expected by the beginning of 2010, but also reduce the carbon footprint of the United States by felling fewer trees for printing paper, not to speak of enormous savings in fuel achieved by ordinary Americans who could now travel light with just a briefcase filled with $1 million notes instead of wagonloads of $100 notes for their weekly family shopping.

(Please see attachment. Suggestions for improvement of the new design may be emailed to [email protected]).


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