Bulk Deal help

I got the following information from the Bulk Deal of BSE. I would appreciate if experts in this forum could enlighten me as to why this person buys at 17.46 and sells at 17.77. Is it day trading or ???

17/10/2006 532641 NANDAN EXIM SHAILESH MULRAJ VED B 1809365 17.46
17/10/2006 532641 NANDAN EXIM SHAILESH MULRAJ VED S 1809365 17.77


Active Member
This is known as Scalping done with Huge Volumes and Small gains are taken off the Table. Also as u can c they are done by high Net worth individuals or Brokers or Marketmen who pay no or very minor Brk.

There are also some Ppl here at Traderji doin this. hope some one comes forward and throws a bit more light.

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