New dangers we face in trading


Well-Known Member

I will open this thread in cooperation with other members here (hopefully) in the forum, as I not can do the work all the time by my self. The reason to open this thread is to inform/make traders think about unexpected events and situations in markets any where in the world, as what happen in one place can easily spread over to any other market in any places in the world.

First subject: Velocity Logic

Just before the start of the first POMO of the new year, gold was slammed lower by 2.1% on more than 8000 contracts in what the CME subsequently said was not an erroneous trade. Humor aside, how the CME justified the immediately following 10 second halt, was trough the invocation of a "velocity logic" event, not to be confused with the familiar "stop logic" circuit breaker which we have profiled in the past. Which obvioisly brings up the question: what is a velocity logic event.

Take care / DanPickUp :)


Active Member
Question on optionvue

Hi Dan,
One quick question: Who are the data provider for optionvue.
As per the site: brokerquote has to be purchased and connect to IB.

Any other way to deal with this. Planning to trade only NIFTY. Can we add the value manually in optionvue. (considering very few adjustments are made for trade).
