price action


Well-Known Member

I want to learn what is price action. Can someone plz guide me to basics. I want to use it with stochastic oscillator to make my system more efficient.


I don't know about the above link since I haven't visited it, however I can vouch for

It's by an Australian guy named Nial Fuller. In my opinion he's a genius. While the course is about Forex, the principles can be taken forth to any and every market and stocks as well.

In addition to teaching about Price Action, he does the most useful thing of all - teach you about money management and position sizing. And also writes articles on how you can become a better trader on a regular basis.

Most of his stuff is free so browse on. There is an advanced learning section for which he charges quite little. You could or need not join that. No obligations. The free material is very abundant.

I have paid to become a member of this site. And I think it is worth every cent that I spent.

Please do note: I gain nothing from you visiting his site, except some good blessings.


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