Which is the best free charting n technical analysis tool available?

Friends, please jot down YOUR vote in the form of SHORTEST list of main merits of YOUR CHOSEN FREE TECHNICAL ANALYSIS SOFTWARE available in the market..

Let everyone know WHY you choose that software and why you did not go for any other...

This is just to make everyone choose the BEST one in the market.. The result... a huge group of traders will benefit out of this test and will attempt to try the best tool out there... Let them choose their tool as per what YOU'll write about YOUR tool you use... With that, the whole market will come down to choosing and assisting everyone with the BEST of today.

My best regards to all members,
In None of the FREE Charting software you will find the Efficiency of a PAID Software. Nothing is FREE here. if you want to gain something, then you have to pay for that.
If you want to know the best analysis and trading tool available in the market today(of course paid.........you don't get good things for free......do you?)it is according to me MetaStock and Advanced GET!.....believe me!!!!!!!!



Well-Known Member
hi all,

among the free TA software, i have tried FCharts and consider it very good and efficient. it's watchlist feature is cool.

quote tracker is the other tool free n good.


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