Want to Plot HallowCircle afl code in Amibroker

Dear All,

I am new to the Amibroker software and I want to a Plot hollow circle .

My condition is : I want to Plot Hollow Circle at the 48th candle bar from the current day bar.

I have tried number of times but got errors .Please provide the afl code if anyone knows how to do it.

is it a forward looking plot or a backward looking one, also to code it one needs to know if you are using a day chart and finding the 48th bar



Active Member
Here is one way to do what you want:

currentBI = SelectedValue( BarIndex() );
newBI = IIf( BarIndex() == currentBI - 48, 1, 0 ); //use + if looking backward
Plot( C, "", colorPaleGreen, styleBar );
PlotShapes( newBI * shapeHollowCircle, colorRed, 0, H, 20 );

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