To Read & Re-Read !!!


low risk profile
The correct questions (Set of ) should be:

Is it possible to :

1. Turning 45k to 50 k
2. Turning 50k to 56k
3. Tuning 56k to 62k....

n. Turning 7 Lakhs to 10 Lakhs.

A toddler needs to learn crawling before walking, and finally running. Till date you have received enough gyan from all of us and if you are really having open mind, you should have listened. You are hearing all of us but not 'Listening'.
correct approach :thumb:


low risk profile
You will not make money long term until you know enough about your personality to find a trading style that is compatible. You need to be able to follow your rules comfortably, allowing you to enter and exit
trades with minimal or no uncertainty or anxiety. Once you have mastered
a method of trading, if you feel stress while trading, then either
you haven't yet found your style or yourself
---Al Brooks


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