Plz help to convert this version 6 code to 5.6

Converted by Kelvinhand @20160123


pctile = Param("Percentile Threshold Extreme Value, Exceeding Creates Colored Histogram", 90, 1, 999);
wrnpctile = Param("Percentile Threshold Warning Value, Exceeding Creates Colored Histogram", 70, 1,999);
pmShort = Param("PPO Setting - Short", 0.4, 0.1, 100, 0.1);
pmLong = Param("PPO Setting - Long",0.8, 0.1, 100, 0.1);

lkbT = Param("Look Back Period for 'Tops' %Rank is based off of?", 200, 3, 999);
lkbB = Param("Look Back Period For 'Bottoms' %Rank is based off of?", 200, 3, 999);

sl=ParamToggle("Show Threshold Line?", "No|Yes", 1);
swl=ParamToggle("Show Warning Threshold Line?", "No|Yes", 1);

//Laguerre PPO Code from TheLark
function lag(g,p)

f[0]=L0[0] = L1[0] = L2[0] = L3[0] = 0;

L0 = (1-g)*p+g*L0[i-1];
L1 = -g*L0+L0[i-1]+g*L1[i-1];
L2 = -g*L1+L1[i-1]+g*L2[i-1];
L3 = -g*L2+L2[i-1]+g*L3[i-1];
f = (L0+2*L1+ 2*L2 + L3)/6;

return f;


hl2 = (H+L)/2;

lmas = lag(pmShort, hl2);
lmal = lag(pmLong, hl2);

pctileB = -1*pctile;
wrnpctileB = -wrnpctile;

//PPO Plot
ppoT = 100*(lmas - lmal)/lmal;
ppoB = 100*(lmal - lmas)/lmal;

//PercentRank of PPO
pctRankT = percentrank(ppoT, lkbT);
pctRankB = -1*percentrank(ppoB, lkbB);

//Color Definition of Columns
colT = IIf(pctRankT >= pctile, colorred, IIf(pctRankT >= wrnpctile and pctRankT < pctile, colororange , colorgrey50));
colB = IIf(pctRankB <= pctileB, colorlime, IIf(pctRankB <= wrnpctileB and pctRankB < pctileB, colorgreen , colorgrey50));

//Plot Statements.
plot(pctRankT,"Tops %Rank Columns", colorLightGrey, styleArea|styleThick, Null, Null, 0, -1);
PlotGrid(IIf(sl and pctile , pctile, Null), colorred, 10,4);
PlotGrid(IIf(swl and wrnpctile , wrnpctile, Null), colorOrange, 10,4);

plot(pctRankB,"Bottoms %Rank Columns", colorLightGrey, styleArea|styleThick, Null, Null, 0, -1);
PlotGrid(IIf(sl and pctileB, pctileB, Null), colorlime, 10,4);
PlotGrid(IIf(swl and wrnpctileB, wrnpctileB, Null), colorGreen, 10,4);

plotGrid(0, colorGrey40,9, 5);



Well-Known Member
Some queries
1. How to read the indicator as in lower pane.
2. This indicator works good for lower time frame or higher time frame or any time frame.
Converted by Kelvinhand @20160123
*toptrader modified*


pctile = Param("Percentile Threshold Extreme Value, Exceeding Creates Colored Histogram", 90, 1, 999);
wrnpctile = Param("Percentile Threshold Warning Value, Exceeding Creates Colored Histogram", 70, 1,999);
pmShort = Param("PPO Setting - Short", 0.4, 0.1, 100, 0.1);
pmLong = Param("PPO Setting - Long",0.8, 0.1, 100, 0.1);

lkbT = Param("Look Back Period for 'Tops' %Rank is based off of?", 200, 3, 999);
lkbB = Param("Look Back Period For 'Bottoms' %Rank is based off of?", 200, 3, 999);

sl=ParamToggle("Show Threshold Line?", "No|Yes", 1);
swl=ParamToggle("Show Warning Threshold Line?", "No|Yes", 1);

//Laguerre PPO Code from TheLark
function lag(g,p)

f[0]=L0[0] = L1[0] = L2[0] = L3[0] = 0;

L0 = (1-g)*p+g*L0[i-1];
L1 = -g*L0+L0[i-1]+g*L1[i-1];
L2 = -g*L1+L1[i-1]+g*L2[i-1];
L3 = -g*L2+L2[i-1]+g*L3[i-1];
f = (L0+2*L1+ 2*L2 + L3)/6;

return f;


hl2 = (H+L)/2;

lmas = lag(pmShort, hl2);
lmal = lag(pmLong, hl2);

pctileB = -1*pctile;
wrnpctileB = -wrnpctile;

//PPO Plot
ppoT = 100*(lmas - lmal)/lmal;
ppoB = 100*(lmal - lmas)/lmal;

//PercentRank of PPO
pctRankT = PercentRank(ppoT, lkbT);
pctRankB = -1*PercentRank(ppoB, lkbB);

//Color Definition of Columns
colT = IIf(pctRankT >= pctile, colorRed, IIf(pctRankT >= wrnpctile AND pctRankT < pctile, colorOrange , colorGrey50));
colB = IIf(pctRankB <= pctileB, colorLime, IIf(pctRankB <= wrnpctileB AND pctRankB < pctileB, colorGreen , colorGrey50));

//Plot Statements.
Plot(pctRankT,"Tops %Rank Columns", colorLightGrey, styleArea|styleThick, Null, Null, 0, -1);
PlotGrid(IIf(sl AND pctile , pctile, Null), colorRed);
PlotGrid(IIf(swl AND wrnpctile , wrnpctile, Null), colorOrange);

Plot(pctRankB,"Bottoms %Rank Columns", colorLightGrey, styleArea|styleThick, Null, Null, 0, -1);
PlotGrid(IIf(sl AND pctileB, pctileB, Null), colorLime);
PlotGrid(IIf(swl AND wrnpctileB, wrnpctileB, Null), colorGreen);

PlotGrid(0, colorGrey40);

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