OrderMan - Ordering interface for NOW + Amibroker


Well-Known Member
Yes I checked the same.
static ORDER_BOOK_OPEN_HEADERS_TEXT				:= ["Order Type", "Buy/Sell", "Trading Symbol", "Total Qty", "Pending Qty", "Price", "TriggerPrice", "Average Price", "Status", "NestOrderNo", "Nest UpdateTime"]
	static ORDER_BOOK_COMPLETED_HEADERS_TEXT		:= ["Order Type", "Buy/Sell", "Trading Symbol", "Total Qty", "Price", "TriggerPrice", "Average Price", "Status", "NestOrderNo", "Nest UpdateTime", "Rejection Reason"]
Setup INI for NeST
Server = Nest
WindowTitle = "NEST Trader"

ZT is running as normal user and installed in E drive.

Error I get is
346: Loop,targetHeaders.MaxIndex()
347: columnText := targetHeaders[A_Index]
348: key := targetKeys[A_Index]
350: this._checkEmpty( targetObject[key], columnText, listIdentifier )  
359: if ( value == "" )  
360: MsgBox,262144,,Column %field% not found in %listName% (1.55)
361: WinClose,controlObj.ORDER_BOOK_TITLE (0.13)
362: Exit (27.39)

One thing I want to ask from where OM tahe realtime data if any coz I don't use RTDman. I use GFDL plugin.

Edit 1: Do I need to install 32 bit AHK instead of 64 bit.

Edit 2: Actually it's not able to detect window correctly. When I removed Order Type from file then it is not able to find Buy/Sell column. So I think it's not able to detect window correctly.
1) RTDMan - Prices are taken from RTDMan, i am not sure how it works without it. I think i tested it without RTDMan ( and wont get latest price), but its been some time now so not sure.
2) Chances are that it does not detect Orderbook window itself. Need to check why, check if OrderBook window title matches in Now.ahk/Nest.ahk
3) 32/64 - I dont think it should matter.

You can debug and inspect "allHeaders" and other variables. Headers is read in _readColumnHeaders() using library function GetExternalHeaderText()

It Should be working if everything is setup correctly, so need to check what is missing. Start with OrderBook title.


Well-Known Member
Yes I think I missed something. Needs to figure out.

BTW Nest.AHK don't have all variables compared to Now.AHK...
Do all the variables should be present in Nest.AHK...?
No, Now.ahk is base and Nest.ahk can override anything that is diffferent in Broker specific Nest vs NOW. If not overridden it takes from Now.ahk.

Headers are read using library as AHK didnt support it directly. It works for me, but if it doesnt work for you then i dont know.
If you can debug/code then check whats happening (inputs/output) in below function call. We pass Orderbook window Title and HeaderId ( taken from spy tool ) as input and get back all column header text as output.
Also, Every controlObj reference is a constant defined in Now.ahk/Nest.ahk so you can verify there.

allHeaders  := GetExternalHeaderText( controlObj.ORDER_BOOK_TITLE, controlObj.ORDER_BOOK_OPEN_LIST_HEADER)
Hi Can someone guide what I missed in configuration.

Changes in orderman.ini
Server = Nest
WindowTitle = "NEST Trader"
There is only one file in Scripts folder default one (SBIN.ini)

Arranged column like below

But opening orderman.ahk giving error Order Type not found in Open Orders.:confused:
Is there any other step that I missed...?


Well-Known Member
Hi Can someone guide what I missed in configuration.

Changes in orderman.ini
Server = Nest
WindowTitle = "NEST Trader"
There is only one file in Scripts folder default one (SBIN.ini)

Arranged column like below

But opening orderman.ahk giving error Order Type not found in Open Orders.:confused:
Is there any other step that I missed...?
As we discussed, try to check inputs and output of that function call ...
I am new to this thing, quite amused to see someone got such good skills to write an utility as valuable as this.

Though I have no goddamn idea on how to get this thing installed on my pc what are prerequisite to run this etc etc..

Someone very kind pls elaborate and help.

Thanks and Regards to OP.:thumb:

Excellent Utility, I accidentally stumbled upon this thread and am stunned to see the work you have done. Looks very innovative concept to me and I am curious to try this. If it is working exactly as desired I will call this one of the best open source tool I have seen for Automated trading. :thumb:

I was working on something similar using Zerodha Kite API but it appears that Kite API is not yet stable and isn't working seamlessly.

Is there documentation available for OrderMan? Something that will help in getting started without much knowledge of HotKey?

Again really appreciate the work, great job.