KelvinHand@ Can you remove the protection of date please ...

Please Mr. KelvinHand, can you remove the protection of the date from this formula?;thanks in advance...

SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer panel color ",colorLightYellow));
SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("BackGround Color", colorDarkGrey));

Title = EncodeColor(colorYellow)+ Name() + " - " + EncodeColor(colorRed)+ Interval(2) + EncodeColor(colorSkyblue) +
" - " + Date() +" - "+"\n" +EncodeColor(colorYellow) +"O= "+O+", H= "+H+", L= "+L+", C= "+C+", V= "+ WriteVal(V);

NNN =ParamStr("### Paint Trend Bar Direction###", "-- Color: Bull, Bear & No Trend --");
cBull = ParamColor("Bull Trend", ColorRGB(0,191,255));
cBear = ParamColor("Bear Trend", colorRed);
cNT = ParamColor("No Trend", colorLightGrey);

Show_TSL =ParamToggle("Show TSL Line","No|Yes");
TSL_Len = Optimize("TSL_Len",Param("Optimize 1: TSL Period",10, 1, 55 ,1),1, 55 ,1);
CTFx1 = Optimize("CTFx1",Param("Optimize 2: Cur_TF X =>",5, 1, 55 ,1),1, 55 ,1);
CTFx2 = Optimize("CTFx2",Param("Optimize 3: Cur_TF X =>",22, 1, 55 ,1),1, 55 ,1);

Mode_Agressive =ParamToggle("Mode","Normal|Agressive",1);
Mode_StopNRev =ParamToggle("Switch To Stop And Reverse","No|Yes");

Show_Ribbon =ParamToggle("Show Ribbon","No|Yes");

CloseTradeAtEOD = ParamToggle("Close Positions at EOD", "No|Yes");
MktCloseTime=Param("Market Close Time",152500,000000,235959,1 );

Color = SM_TrendBars(cBull, cBear,cNT );
Plot( C, "Price", Color, styleCandle | styleThick );

if (Mode_StopNRev==0)

TF = CTFx1*Interval();

mode = IIf(Mode_Agressive, expandFirst, expandLast);


TF = CTFx2*Interval();

Buy = IIf((Low > WTSL AND Low > MTSL), DB, ((WB AND Low > DTSL AND Low > MTSL) OR (MB AND Low > DTSL AND Low > WTSL)));
Sell=IIf(NOT CloseTradeAtEOD, (DS OR (DS AND WS) AND (Low > MTSL)), (DS OR (DS AND WS) AND (Low > MTSL)) OR TimeNum() > MktCloseTime);
Short = IIf((High < WTSL AND High < MTSL), DS, (WS AND High < DTSL AND High < MTSL) OR (MS AND High < DTSL AND High < WTSL));
Cover=IIf(NOT CloseTradeAtEOD, (DB OR (DB AND WB) AND (High < MTSL)), (DB OR (DB AND WB) AND (High < MTSL)) OR TimeNum() > MktCloseTime);
dtsl=SM_TSL(TSL_Len, 1);

Buy = Cover = DB;
Sell = Short = DS;

if (Show_Ribbon)
col=IIf(state == 1 ,51,IIf(state ==0,3,1));


BarsSincebuy = BarsSince( Buy );
BarsSinceshort = BarsSince( Short );
LastSignal = IIf( BarsSincebuy < BarsSinceshort, 1, -1 );

entry = IIf( LastSignal == 1, BuyPrice, ShortPrice );


Relax = NOT Long AND NOT Buy AND NOT shrt AND NOT Sell AND NOT Sell AND NOT Cover;
BuyDifference= BuyPrice - BuySL;
SellDifference = SellSL - SellPrice;

tar1 = IIf(Buy OR Long AND NOT Relax AND NOT Sell AND NOT Cover, (BuyPrice + BuyDifference), (SellPrice - SellDifference));
tar2 = IIf(Buy OR Long AND NOT Relax AND NOT Sell AND NOT Cover, (BuyPrice + (2*BuyDifference)), (SellPrice - (2*SellDifference)));
tar3 = IIf(Buy OR Long AND NOT Relax AND NOT Sell AND NOT Cover, (BuyPrice + (4*BuyDifference)), (SellPrice - (4*SellDifference)));

buyach1 = IIf((Buy OR Long AND NOT Relax AND NOT Cover AND NOT Short AND NOT Shrt), H > tar1, 0);
buyach2 = IIf((Buy OR Long AND NOT Relax AND NOT Cover AND NOT Short AND NOT Shrt), H > tar2, 0);
buyach3 = IIf((Buy OR Long AND NOT Relax AND NOT Cover AND NOT Short AND NOT Shrt), H > tar3, 0);

sellach1 = IIf((Short OR Shrt AND NOT Relax AND NOT Sell AND NOT Buy AND NOT Long), L < tar1, 0);
sellach2 = IIf((Short OR Shrt AND NOT Relax AND NOT Sell AND NOT Buy AND NOT Long), L < tar2, 0);
sellach3 = IIf((Short OR Shrt AND NOT Relax AND NOT Sell AND NOT Buy AND NOT Long), L < tar3, 0);

if (Show_TSL)
tsl = IIf(Buy OR Long OR Short OR Shrt AND NOT Relax, dtsl,Null);
tslcolor = IIf(Buy OR Long AND NOT Relax, colorGreen, colorRed);

Plot(tsl, "",tslcolor, styleLine|styleDots|styleThick, Null, Null, 0, 1);


_SECTION_BEGIN("Alert Output");
VoiceAlert = ParamToggle("Voice Alert", "No|Yes");
EmailAlert = ParamToggle("E-mail Alert", "No|Yes");
AlertOutput = ParamToggle("Alert Output", "No|Yes");

if (VoiceAlert)
str = " in "+Name()+" at current market price ";

if (SelectedValue(Buy)==1) Say("Go Long"+str+C);
if (SelectedValue(Short)==1) Say("Go Short"+str+C);
if (Mode_StopNRev==0)
if (SelectedValue(Sell AND NOT Short)==1) Say("Exit long"+str+C);
if (SelectedValue(Cover AND NOT Buy)==1) Say("Exit short"+str+C);


if (EmailAlert)
str = " signal generated on "+FullName();

AlertIf( Buy, "EMAIL", "Long"+ str, 1 );
if (Mode_StopNRev==0)
AlertIf( Sell AND NOT Short, "EMAIL", "Exit Long"+str, 1 );

AlertIf( Short, "EMAIL", "Short"+str, 1 );
if (Mode_StopNRev==0)
AlertIf( Cover AND NOT Buy, "EMAIL", "Exit Short"+str, 1 );

if (AlertOutput)
str = " signal generated on "+Name();

AlertIf( Buy, "", "Long"+str, 4 );
AlertIf( Sell AND NOT Short, "", "Exit Long"+str, 4 );
AlertIf( Short, "", "Short"+str, 4 );
AlertIf( Cover AND NOT Buy, "", "Exit Short"+str, 4 );



Show_TrendLine = ParamToggle("Show", "No|Yes");

if (Show_TrendLine)

percent = 0.01 * 1; /* Adjust this percent as necessary, */

firstpoint = 2;

L1 = Ref(L, -1);

for( i = 1; i < BarCount AND y0 >= y1; i++ )

x0=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(TroughBars(L,percent,firstpoint));
x1=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(TroughBars(L1,percent));

TLine=LineArray( x0, y0, x1, y1,True);
Plot( TLine, "Support Trend line", colorGreen, styleThick|styleDots );

firstpoint = 2;
H1 = Ref(H, -1);

for(i = 1; i < BarCount AND y0 <= y1; i++ )
x0=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(PeakBars(H,percent,firstpoint));
x1=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(PeakBars(H1,percent));
TLine = LineArray( x0, y0, x1, y1,True );

Plot( TLine, "Resistance Trend line", colorRed, styleThick|styleDots );


Show_Bands = ParamToggle("Show", "No|Yes");
Periods = Param("Standard Error", 80, 3, 200, 1);
Smooth = Param("Smooth",14,2,100,1);

//NOTE1 = ParamStr("*** Standard Deviation 1 ***", "");
MB_Color=ParamColor("MidBand Color",colorLime);
MB_Style= ParamStyle("MidBand Style", styleDashed);

OB_Color=ParamColor("OuterBand Color",colorGreen);
OB_Style= ParamStyle("OuterBand Style");

/* Standard Error Bands */
MALRCurve = SM_SmLR(Periods,Smooth);
SErrorAvg = SM_SmSE(Periods,Smooth);

UpperBand = MALRCurve + SErrorAvg;
LowerBand = MALRCurve - SErrorAvg;

Plot( MALRCurve , "MidBand", MB_Color, MB_Style);
Plot( UpperBand , "UpperBand", OB_Color, OB_Style);
Plot( LowerBand , "LowerBand", OB_Color, OB_Style);


// Linear Regression Line with 2 Standard Deviation Channels Plotted Above and Below
_SECTION_BEGIN("Linear Regression Channel");
Show_LRC = ParamToggle("Show", "No|Yes");
P = ParamField("Price Field",-1);
Daysback = Param("LRC Period",21,1,240,1);
shift = Param("LookBack Period",0,0,240,1);

//NOTE1 = ParamStr("*** Standard Deviation 1 ***", "");
SDP = Param("### Standard Deviation 1 ###", 1.5, 0, 6, 0.1);
SDColor = ParamColor("SD1_Color", colorCycle );
SDStyle = ParamStyle("SD1_Style");

//NOTE2 = ParamStr("*** Standard Deviation 2 ***", "");
SDP2 = Param("### Standard Deviation 2 ###", 2.0, 0, 6, 0.1);
SDColor2 = ParamColor("SD2_Color", colorCycle );
SDStyle2 = ParamStyle("SD2_Style");

x = Cum(1);
lastx = LastValue( x ) - shift;
aa = LastValue( Ref(LinRegIntercept( p, Daysback), -shift) );
bb = LastValue( Ref(LinRegSlope( p, Daysback ), -shift) );
y = Aa + bb * ( x - (Lastx - DaysBack +1 ) );

if (Show_LRC)
// ==================Plot the Linear Regression Line ================================================== ========
LRColor = ParamColor("LR Color", colorCycle );
LRStyle = ParamStyle("LR Style");
LRLine = IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y, Null );
Plot( LRLine , "LinReg", LRCOLOR, LRSTYLE ); // styleDots );

// ========================== Plot 1st SD Channel ================================================== =============
SD = SDP/2;

width = LastValue( Ref(SD*StDev(p, Daysback),-shift) ); // THIS IS WHERE THE WIDTH OF THE CHANELS IS SET
SDU = IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y+width , Null ) ;
SDL = IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y-width , Null ) ;

Plot( SDU , "Upper Lin Reg", SDColor,SDStyle );
Plot( SDL , "Lower Lin Reg", SDColor,SDStyle );

// ========================== Plot 2d SD Channel ================================================== =============
SD2 = SDP2/2;

width2 = LastValue( Ref(SD2*StDev(p, Daysback),-shift) ); // THIS IS WHERE THE WIDTH OF THE CHANELS IS SET
SDU2 = IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y+width2 , Null ) ;
SDL2 = IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y-width2 , Null ) ;

Plot( SDU2 , "Upper Lin Reg", SDColor2,SDStyle2 );
Plot( SDL2 , "Lower Lin Reg", SDColor2,SDStyle2 );


_SECTION_BEGIN("Support & Resistance");


ResColor = ParamColor("Res.Color", colorRed);


SupColor = ParamColor("Sup.Color", colorGreen);


HaClose = EMA(SM_WP(),3);
HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 0.5 );
HaHigh = Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
HaLow = Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) );

test = TEMA ( High , ResPrd ) ;

PK = test > Ref(test,-1) AND Ref(test,1) < High;//Peak
PKV0 = ValueWhen(PK,haHigh,0);//PeakValue0
PKV1 = ValueWhen(PK,haHigh,1);//PeakValue1
PKV2 = ValueWhen(PK,haHigh,2);//PeakValue2

MPK = PKV2 < PKV1 AND PKV1 > PKV0 ;//MajorPeak

MPKV = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,1); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),1); //MajorPeakDate
SD = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD), Null, LastValue(MPKV));//SelectedDate

Plot(SD, "Res1", ResColor,Res1Style);

MPKV2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,2); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),2); //MajorPeakDate
SD2 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD2), Null, LastValue(MPKV2));//SelectedDate
Plot(SD2, "Res2", ResColor,Res2Style);

MPKV3 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,3); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD3 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),3); //MajorPeakDate
SD3 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD3), Null, LastValue(MPKV3));//SelectedDate
Plot(SD3, "Res3", ResColor,Res3Style);

test = TEMA ( Low , SupPrd ) ;

SP = Ref(test,1) > Low AND test < Ref(test,-1);
SPV0 = ValueWhen(SP,haLow,0);//PeakValue0
SPV1 = ValueWhen(SP,haLow,1);//PeakValue1
SPV2 = ValueWhen(SP,haLow,2);//PeakValue2

MSP = SPV2 > SPV1 AND SPV1 < SPV0 ;//MajorPeak

MSPV = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,1);
MSPD = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),1);
SD = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD), Null, LastValue(MSPV));
Plot(SD,"Sup1", SupColor,Sup1Style);

MSPV2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,2);
MSPD2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),2);
SD2 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD2), Null, LastValue(MSPV2));
Plot(SD2,"Sup2", SupColor,Sup2Style);

MSPV3 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,3);
MSPD3 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),3);
SD3 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD3), Null, LastValue(MSPV3));
Plot(SD3,"Sup3", SupColor,Sup3Style);



Show_Fib = ParamToggle("Show Fibonacci Lines","No|Yes");
Show_FibLabel = ParamToggle("Show Text","No|Yes");

pctH = 0.325; HiLB = 1;
pctL = 0.325; LoLB = 1;
Back = 1;
Fwd = 0;
hts = -33.5;
style =styleLine;

x = BarIndex();

pRp = PeakBars( H, pctH)==0;
yRp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pRp, H, HiLB));
xRp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pRp, x, HiLB));

pSp = TroughBars( L, pctL)==0;
ySp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pSp, L, LoLB));
xSp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pSp, x, LoLB));
Delta = yRp0 - ySp0;

function fib(val)
dist = (Delta * Val);
IIf(Val < 1.0 AND xSp0 < xRp0, yRp0 - dist,
IIf(Val < 1.0 AND xSp0 > xRp0, ySp0 + dist,
IIf(Val > 1.0 AND xSp0 < xRp0, yRp0 - dist,
IIf(Val > 1.0 AND xSp0 > xRp0, ySp0 + dist, Null))));

x0 = Min(xSp0,xRp0)-Back;
x1 = (BarCount -1);

r236 = fib(0.236); r236I = LastValue (r236);
r382 = fib(0.382); r382I = LastValue (r382);
r050 = fib(0.50); r050I = LastValue (r050);
r618 = fib(0.618); r618I = LastValue (r618);
r786 = fib(0.786); r786I = LastValue (r786);
e127 = fib(1.272); e127I = LastValue (e127);
e162 = fib(1.618); e162I = LastValue (e162);
e200 = fib(2.00); e200I = LastValue (e200);
e262 = fib(2.618); e262I = LastValue (e262);
e424 = fib(4.236); e424I = LastValue (e424);

p00 = IIf(xSp0 > xRp0,ySp0,yRp0); p00I = LastValue (p00);
p100 = IIf(xSp0 < xRp0,ySp0,yRp0); p100I = LastValue (p100);

color00 =IIf(xSp0 > xRp0,colorLime,colorRed);
color100 =IIf(xSp0 < xRp0,colorLime,colorRed);
numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible")));
fraction= IIf(StrRight(Name(),3) == "", 3.2, 3.2);
Plot(LineArray(xRp0-Fwd,yRp0,x1,yRp0,Back),"PR",colorRed, styleDashed|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(xSp0-Fwd,ySp0,x1,ySp0,Back),"PS",colorGreen, styleDashed|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r236,x1,r236,Back),"",45,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r382,x1,r382,Back),"",44,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r050,x1,r050,Back),"",colorGold,styleDashed|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r618,x1,r618,Back),"",43,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r786,x1,r786,Back),"",42,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e127,x1,e127,Back),"e127",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e162,x1,e162,Back),"e162",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e200,x1,e200,Back),"p200",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e262,x1,e262,Back),"p262",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e424,x1,e424,Back),"p424",25,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);

//PlotText(" 0% = " + WriteVal(p00,fraction), LastValue(BarCount-8)+(numbars/hts), p00I, color00);

PlotText(" 0% = " + WriteVal(p00,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), p00I + 0.05, color00);
PlotText("23% = " + WriteVal(r236,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r236I + 0.05, 45);
PlotText("38% = " + WriteVal(r382,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r382I + 0.05, 44);
PlotText("50% = " + WriteVal(r050,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r050I + 0.05, 41);
PlotText("62% = " + WriteVal(r618,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r618I + 0.05, 43);
PlotText("78% = " + WriteVal(r786,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r786I + 0.05, 42);
PlotText("100% = " + WriteVal(p100,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),p100I + 0.05, color100);
PlotText("127% = " + WriteVal(e127,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e127I + 0.05, 47);
PlotText("162% = " + WriteVal(e162,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e162I + 0.05, 47);
PlotText("200% = " + WriteVal(e200,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e200I + 0.05, 47);
PlotText("262% = " + WriteVal(e262,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e262I + 0.05, 47);
PlotText("424% = " + WriteVal(e424,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e424I + 0.05, 25);



_SECTION_BEGIN("Day High/Low");
Show_DHL =ParamToggle("Plot Day High/Low","No|Yes");
ColorHi = ParamColor("Color High", colorBrightGreen);
ColorLo = ParamColor("Color Low", colorDarkRed);

// Day High Low And Pivots
H1 = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily); // Today's high
L1 = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily); // low

if (Show_DHL)
Plot(H1, "",ColorHi, styleDashed|styleNoLabel);
Plot(L1, "",ColorLo, styleDashed|styleNoLabel);


Show_Vol =ParamToggle("Show","No|Yes");
Color = ParamColor("Color", colorGrey50);
if (Show_Vol)
Plot( Volume, _DEFAULT_NAME(), Color, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale);


_SECTION_BEGIN("MA Cross Over");
ShowCrossover = ParamToggle("Show", "No|Yes");



_SECTION_BEGIN("Message Board");

GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 13, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );

if ( SelectedValue( LastSignal ) == 1 )
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkGreen );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkRed );

y = Status( "pxchartheight" ) ;
xx = Status( "pxchartwidth");

Left = 1100;
width = 310;
x = 5;
x2 = 290;

MktCond = SM_MktCond();

if (Show)
GfxSelectPen( colorLightBlue);
GfxRoundRect( x, y - 210, x2, y , 7, 7 ) ;
GfxTextOut( "Thunder Bird Trading System V1.0",13,y-200);

GfxTextOut( WriteIf(MktCond>0, "Market Condition : Trending",
WriteIf(MktCond<0, "Market Condition : Ranging" ,"")),
13, y-170);

WriteIf (Buy, "Long At " +(BuyPrice),
WriteIf (Short, "Short At "+(SellPrice),
WriteIf (Relax, "NOT In Trade - RELAX!!!",""))),
13, y-120);

WriteIf ( Buy OR Short, "StopLoss : " + dtsl, ""),
13, y-100);

if (Mode_StopNRev==0)
GfxTextOut( WriteIf(Sell AND NOT Short, "Exit Long At "+C,
WriteIf(Cover AND NOT Buy, "Exit Short At "+C,"")),
13, y-130);


WriteIf (Long AND NOT Buy, "Long At " +(BuyPrice),
WriteIf (Shrt AND NOT Short, "Short At "+(SellPrice),
WriteIf (Relax, "NOT In Trade - RELAX!!!",""))),
13, y-120);

WriteIf ( (Long AND NOT Buy) OR (Shrt AND NOT Short), "StopLoss : " + dtsl, ""),
13, y-100);

WriteIf (Long AND NOT Buy, "Current P/L: "+(C-BuyPrice) +" Points",
WriteIf (Shrt AND NOT Short, "Current P/L: "+(SellPrice-C)+" Points","")),
13, y-145);

GfxTextOut( WriteIf (Long OR Buy OR Shrt OR Short, "Target 1 : "+tar1,""), 13, y-70);
GfxTextOut( WriteIf (Long OR Buy OR Shrt OR Short, "Target 2 : "+tar2,""), 13, y-50);
GfxTextOut( WriteIf (Long OR Buy OR Shrt OR Short, "Target 3 : "+tar3,""), 13, y-30);

GfxTextOut( WriteIf (buyach1 OR sellach1, "- Done!",""), 160, y-70);
GfxTextOut( WriteIf (buyach2 OR sellach2, "- Done!",""), 160, y-50);
GfxTextOut( WriteIf (buyach3 OR sellach3, "- Done!",""), 160, y-30);


GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13 );
GfxSetTextAlign( 6 );
GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB (217,217,213));
//GfxTextOut( "TBTS V1.0", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15 );
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 );
GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB (103,103,103));
//GfxTextOut( "By", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15*2.5 );
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 );
GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB (103,103,103));
//GfxTextOut( "", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15*4 );
GfxSelectFont("MS Sans Serif", 10, 500, False, False, 0);

PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-25);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-35);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-30);

PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=25);
PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=35);
PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-30);

if (Mode_StopNRev==0)
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeStar, shapeNone),colorGold, 0, L, Offset=-15);
PlotShapes(IIf(Cover, shapeStar, shapeNone),colorGold, 0,L, Offset=-15);
PlotShapes(IIf(CloseTradeAtEOD==True AND TimeNum() > MktCloseTime AND NOT Relax, shapeStar, shapeNone),colorGold, 0,L, Offset=-15);


BackTest_Margin = Param("Margin Required", 15,0.001,100,0.001);
BackTest_LotSize = Param("LotSize", 50,5,5000,5);
BackTest_nLots = Param("# Lots Traded",1,1,10000,1);

//Settings for exploration

Filter=Buy OR Short;
AddColumn( IIf( Buy, 66 , 83 ), "Signal", formatChar, colorDefault, IIf( Buy , colorGreen, colorRed ) );
AddColumn(Close,"Entry Price",1.4, colorDefault, IIf( Buy , colorGreen, colorRed ));
AddColumn(dtsl,"Stop Loss",1.4, colorDefault, IIf( Buy , colorGreen, colorRed ));
AddColumn(tar1,"Target 1",1.4, colorDefault, IIf( Buy , colorGreen, colorRed ));
AddColumn(tar2,"Target 2",1.4, colorDefault, IIf( Buy , colorGreen, colorRed ));
AddColumn(tar3,"Target 3",1.4, colorDefault, IIf( Buy , colorGreen, colorRed ));
AddColumn(Volume,"Volume",1.0, colorDefault, IIf ((Volume > 1.25 * EMA( Volume, 34 )),colorBlue,colorYellow));

//Settings for Backtester
SetOption("AllowSameBarExit", False);
SetOption("AllowPositionShrinking", False);
SetOption("FuturesMode", True);
RoundLotSize = BackTest_LotSize;
ApplyStop(stopTypeTrailing, stopModePoint, DTSL, True, True );

PositionSize = C*RoundLotSize*BackTest_nLots;
BuyPrice = Close;
SellPrice = Close;
ShortPrice = Close;
CoverPrice = Close;

//End of Settings for Backtester

_SECTION_BEGIN("Magified Market Price");

FS=Param("Font Size",30,11,100,1);
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",940,1,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",12,1,830,1);


GfxSetBkMode( 1 );

GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", FS, 700, True );
GfxSetTextColor( colorLime );
GfxTextOut(""+C, Hor , Ver );

GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", 11, 700, True );
GfxSetTextColor(colorYellow );
GfxTextOut(""+DD+" ("+xx+"%)", Hor , Ver+45 );



Well-Known Member
Please Mr. KelvinHand, can you remove the protection of the date from this formula?;thanks in advance...

SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer panel color ",colorLightYellow));
SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("BackGround Color", colorDarkGrey));

Title = EncodeColor(colorYellow)+ Name() + " - " + EncodeColor(colorRed)+ Interval(2) + EncodeColor(colorSkyblue) +
" - " + Date() +" - "+"\n" +EncodeColor(colorYellow) +"O= "+O+", H= "+H+", L= "+L+", C= "+C+", V= "+ WriteVal(V);

NNN =ParamStr("### Paint Trend Bar Direction###", "-- Color: Bull, Bear & No Trend --");
cBull = ParamColor("Bull Trend", ColorRGB(0,191,255));
cBear = ParamColor("Bear Trend", colorRed);
cNT = ParamColor("No Trend", colorLightGrey);

Show_TSL =ParamToggle("Show TSL Line","No|Yes");
TSL_Len = Optimize("TSL_Len",Param("Optimize 1: TSL Period",10, 1, 55 ,1),1, 55 ,1);
CTFx1 = Optimize("CTFx1",Param("Optimize 2: Cur_TF X =>",5, 1, 55 ,1),1, 55 ,1);
CTFx2 = Optimize("CTFx2",Param("Optimize 3: Cur_TF X =>",22, 1, 55 ,1),1, 55 ,1);

Mode_Agressive =ParamToggle("Mode","Normal|Agressive",1);
Mode_StopNRev =ParamToggle("Switch To Stop And Reverse","No|Yes");

Show_Ribbon =ParamToggle("Show Ribbon","No|Yes");

CloseTradeAtEOD = ParamToggle("Close Positions at EOD", "No|Yes");
MktCloseTime=Param("Market Close Time",152500,000000,235959,1 );

Color = SM_TrendBars(cBull, cBear,cNT );
Plot( C, "Price", Color, styleCandle | styleThick );

if (Mode_StopNRev==0)

TF = CTFx1*Interval();

mode = IIf(Mode_Agressive, expandFirst, expandLast);


TF = CTFx2*Interval();

Buy = IIf((Low > WTSL AND Low > MTSL), DB, ((WB AND Low > DTSL AND Low > MTSL) OR (MB AND Low > DTSL AND Low > WTSL)));
Sell=IIf(NOT CloseTradeAtEOD, (DS OR (DS AND WS) AND (Low > MTSL)), (DS OR (DS AND WS) AND (Low > MTSL)) OR TimeNum() > MktCloseTime);
Short = IIf((High < WTSL AND High < MTSL), DS, (WS AND High < DTSL AND High < MTSL) OR (MS AND High < DTSL AND High < WTSL));
Cover=IIf(NOT CloseTradeAtEOD, (DB OR (DB AND WB) AND (High < MTSL)), (DB OR (DB AND WB) AND (High < MTSL)) OR TimeNum() > MktCloseTime);
dtsl=SM_TSL(TSL_Len, 1);

Buy = Cover = DB;
Sell = Short = DS;

if (Show_Ribbon)
col=IIf(state == 1 ,51,IIf(state ==0,3,1));


BarsSincebuy = BarsSince( Buy );
BarsSinceshort = BarsSince( Short );
LastSignal = IIf( BarsSincebuy < BarsSinceshort, 1, -1 );

entry = IIf( LastSignal == 1, BuyPrice, ShortPrice );


Relax = NOT Long AND NOT Buy AND NOT shrt AND NOT Sell AND NOT Sell AND NOT Cover;
BuyDifference= BuyPrice - BuySL;
SellDifference = SellSL - SellPrice;

tar1 = IIf(Buy OR Long AND NOT Relax AND NOT Sell AND NOT Cover, (BuyPrice + BuyDifference), (SellPrice - SellDifference));
tar2 = IIf(Buy OR Long AND NOT Relax AND NOT Sell AND NOT Cover, (BuyPrice + (2*BuyDifference)), (SellPrice - (2*SellDifference)));
tar3 = IIf(Buy OR Long AND NOT Relax AND NOT Sell AND NOT Cover, (BuyPrice + (4*BuyDifference)), (SellPrice - (4*SellDifference)));

buyach1 = IIf((Buy OR Long AND NOT Relax AND NOT Cover AND NOT Short AND NOT Shrt), H > tar1, 0);
buyach2 = IIf((Buy OR Long AND NOT Relax AND NOT Cover AND NOT Short AND NOT Shrt), H > tar2, 0);
buyach3 = IIf((Buy OR Long AND NOT Relax AND NOT Cover AND NOT Short AND NOT Shrt), H > tar3, 0);

sellach1 = IIf((Short OR Shrt AND NOT Relax AND NOT Sell AND NOT Buy AND NOT Long), L < tar1, 0);
sellach2 = IIf((Short OR Shrt AND NOT Relax AND NOT Sell AND NOT Buy AND NOT Long), L < tar2, 0);
sellach3 = IIf((Short OR Shrt AND NOT Relax AND NOT Sell AND NOT Buy AND NOT Long), L < tar3, 0);

if (Show_TSL)
tsl = IIf(Buy OR Long OR Short OR Shrt AND NOT Relax, dtsl,Null);
tslcolor = IIf(Buy OR Long AND NOT Relax, colorGreen, colorRed);

Plot(tsl, "",tslcolor, styleLine|styleDots|styleThick, Null, Null, 0, 1);


_SECTION_BEGIN("Alert Output");
VoiceAlert = ParamToggle("Voice Alert", "No|Yes");
EmailAlert = ParamToggle("E-mail Alert", "No|Yes");
AlertOutput = ParamToggle("Alert Output", "No|Yes");

if (VoiceAlert)
str = " in "+Name()+" at current market price ";

if (SelectedValue(Buy)==1) Say("Go Long"+str+C);
if (SelectedValue(Short)==1) Say("Go Short"+str+C);
if (Mode_StopNRev==0)
if (SelectedValue(Sell AND NOT Short)==1) Say("Exit long"+str+C);
if (SelectedValue(Cover AND NOT Buy)==1) Say("Exit short"+str+C);


if (EmailAlert)
str = " signal generated on "+FullName();

AlertIf( Buy, "EMAIL", "Long"+ str, 1 );
if (Mode_StopNRev==0)
AlertIf( Sell AND NOT Short, "EMAIL", "Exit Long"+str, 1 );

AlertIf( Short, "EMAIL", "Short"+str, 1 );
if (Mode_StopNRev==0)
AlertIf( Cover AND NOT Buy, "EMAIL", "Exit Short"+str, 1 );

if (AlertOutput)
str = " signal generated on "+Name();

AlertIf( Buy, "", "Long"+str, 4 );
AlertIf( Sell AND NOT Short, "", "Exit Long"+str, 4 );
AlertIf( Short, "", "Short"+str, 4 );
AlertIf( Cover AND NOT Buy, "", "Exit Short"+str, 4 );



Show_TrendLine = ParamToggle("Show", "No|Yes");

if (Show_TrendLine)

percent = 0.01 * 1; /* Adjust this percent as necessary, */

firstpoint = 2;

L1 = Ref(L, -1);

for( i = 1; i < BarCount AND y0 >= y1; i++ )

x0=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(TroughBars(L,percent,firstpoint));
x1=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(TroughBars(L1,percent));

TLine=LineArray( x0, y0, x1, y1,True);
Plot( TLine, "Support Trend line", colorGreen, styleThick|styleDots );

firstpoint = 2;
H1 = Ref(H, -1);

for(i = 1; i < BarCount AND y0 <= y1; i++ )
x0=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(PeakBars(H,percent,firstpoint));
x1=BarCount - 1 - LastValue(PeakBars(H1,percent));
TLine = LineArray( x0, y0, x1, y1,True );

Plot( TLine, "Resistance Trend line", colorRed, styleThick|styleDots );


Show_Bands = ParamToggle("Show", "No|Yes");
Periods = Param("Standard Error", 80, 3, 200, 1);
Smooth = Param("Smooth",14,2,100,1);

//NOTE1 = ParamStr("*** Standard Deviation 1 ***", "");
MB_Color=ParamColor("MidBand Color",colorLime);
MB_Style= ParamStyle("MidBand Style", styleDashed);

OB_Color=ParamColor("OuterBand Color",colorGreen);
OB_Style= ParamStyle("OuterBand Style");

/* Standard Error Bands */
MALRCurve = SM_SmLR(Periods,Smooth);
SErrorAvg = SM_SmSE(Periods,Smooth);

UpperBand = MALRCurve + SErrorAvg;
LowerBand = MALRCurve - SErrorAvg;

Plot( MALRCurve , "MidBand", MB_Color, MB_Style);
Plot( UpperBand , "UpperBand", OB_Color, OB_Style);
Plot( LowerBand , "LowerBand", OB_Color, OB_Style);


// Linear Regression Line with 2 Standard Deviation Channels Plotted Above and Below
_SECTION_BEGIN("Linear Regression Channel");
Show_LRC = ParamToggle("Show", "No|Yes");
P = ParamField("Price Field",-1);
Daysback = Param("LRC Period",21,1,240,1);
shift = Param("LookBack Period",0,0,240,1);

//NOTE1 = ParamStr("*** Standard Deviation 1 ***", "");
SDP = Param("### Standard Deviation 1 ###", 1.5, 0, 6, 0.1);
SDColor = ParamColor("SD1_Color", colorCycle );
SDStyle = ParamStyle("SD1_Style");

//NOTE2 = ParamStr("*** Standard Deviation 2 ***", "");
SDP2 = Param("### Standard Deviation 2 ###", 2.0, 0, 6, 0.1);
SDColor2 = ParamColor("SD2_Color", colorCycle );
SDStyle2 = ParamStyle("SD2_Style");

x = Cum(1);
lastx = LastValue( x ) - shift;
aa = LastValue( Ref(LinRegIntercept( p, Daysback), -shift) );
bb = LastValue( Ref(LinRegSlope( p, Daysback ), -shift) );
y = Aa + bb * ( x - (Lastx - DaysBack +1 ) );

if (Show_LRC)
// ==================Plot the Linear Regression Line ================================================== ========
LRColor = ParamColor("LR Color", colorCycle );
LRStyle = ParamStyle("LR Style");
LRLine = IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y, Null );
Plot( LRLine , "LinReg", LRCOLOR, LRSTYLE ); // styleDots );

// ========================== Plot 1st SD Channel ================================================== =============
SD = SDP/2;

width = LastValue( Ref(SD*StDev(p, Daysback),-shift) ); // THIS IS WHERE THE WIDTH OF THE CHANELS IS SET
SDU = IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y+width , Null ) ;
SDL = IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y-width , Null ) ;

Plot( SDU , "Upper Lin Reg", SDColor,SDStyle );
Plot( SDL , "Lower Lin Reg", SDColor,SDStyle );

// ========================== Plot 2d SD Channel ================================================== =============
SD2 = SDP2/2;

width2 = LastValue( Ref(SD2*StDev(p, Daysback),-shift) ); // THIS IS WHERE THE WIDTH OF THE CHANELS IS SET
SDU2 = IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y+width2 , Null ) ;
SDL2 = IIf( x > (lastx - Daysback) AND BarIndex() < Lastx, y-width2 , Null ) ;

Plot( SDU2 , "Upper Lin Reg", SDColor2,SDStyle2 );
Plot( SDL2 , "Lower Lin Reg", SDColor2,SDStyle2 );


_SECTION_BEGIN("Support & Resistance");


ResColor = ParamColor("Res.Color", colorRed);


SupColor = ParamColor("Sup.Color", colorGreen);


HaClose = EMA(SM_WP(),3);
HaOpen = AMA( Ref( HaClose, -1 ), 0.5 );
HaHigh = Max( H, Max( HaClose, HaOpen ) );
HaLow = Min( L, Min( HaClose, HaOpen ) );

test = TEMA ( High , ResPrd ) ;

PK = test > Ref(test,-1) AND Ref(test,1) < High;//Peak
PKV0 = ValueWhen(PK,haHigh,0);//PeakValue0
PKV1 = ValueWhen(PK,haHigh,1);//PeakValue1
PKV2 = ValueWhen(PK,haHigh,2);//PeakValue2

MPK = PKV2 < PKV1 AND PKV1 > PKV0 ;//MajorPeak

MPKV = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,1); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),1); //MajorPeakDate
SD = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD), Null, LastValue(MPKV));//SelectedDate

Plot(SD, "Res1", ResColor,Res1Style);

MPKV2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,2); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),2); //MajorPeakDate
SD2 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD2), Null, LastValue(MPKV2));//SelectedDate
Plot(SD2, "Res2", ResColor,Res2Style);

MPKV3 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, PKV1,3); //MajorPeakValue
MPKD3 = ValueWhen(Ref(MPK,-1) == 0 AND MPK == 1, DateNum(),3); //MajorPeakDate
SD3 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MPKD3), Null, LastValue(MPKV3));//SelectedDate
Plot(SD3, "Res3", ResColor,Res3Style);

test = TEMA ( Low , SupPrd ) ;

SP = Ref(test,1) > Low AND test < Ref(test,-1);
SPV0 = ValueWhen(SP,haLow,0);//PeakValue0
SPV1 = ValueWhen(SP,haLow,1);//PeakValue1
SPV2 = ValueWhen(SP,haLow,2);//PeakValue2

MSP = SPV2 > SPV1 AND SPV1 < SPV0 ;//MajorPeak

MSPV = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,1);
MSPD = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),1);
SD = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD), Null, LastValue(MSPV));
Plot(SD,"Sup1", SupColor,Sup1Style);

MSPV2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,2);
MSPD2 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),2);
SD2 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD2), Null, LastValue(MSPV2));
Plot(SD2,"Sup2", SupColor,Sup2Style);

MSPV3 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, SPV1,3);
MSPD3 = ValueWhen(Ref(MSP,-1) == 0 AND MSP == 1, DateNum(),3);
SD3 = IIf(DateNum() < LastValue(MSPD3), Null, LastValue(MSPV3));
Plot(SD3,"Sup3", SupColor,Sup3Style);



Show_Fib = ParamToggle("Show Fibonacci Lines","No|Yes");
Show_FibLabel = ParamToggle("Show Text","No|Yes");

pctH = 0.325; HiLB = 1;
pctL = 0.325; LoLB = 1;
Back = 1;
Fwd = 0;
hts = -33.5;
style =styleLine;

x = BarIndex();

pRp = PeakBars( H, pctH)==0;
yRp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pRp, H, HiLB));
xRp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pRp, x, HiLB));

pSp = TroughBars( L, pctL)==0;
ySp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pSp, L, LoLB));
xSp0 = SelectedValue(ValueWhen( pSp, x, LoLB));
Delta = yRp0 - ySp0;

function fib(val)
dist = (Delta * Val);
IIf(Val < 1.0 AND xSp0 < xRp0, yRp0 - dist,
IIf(Val < 1.0 AND xSp0 > xRp0, ySp0 + dist,
IIf(Val > 1.0 AND xSp0 < xRp0, yRp0 - dist,
IIf(Val > 1.0 AND xSp0 > xRp0, ySp0 + dist, Null))));

x0 = Min(xSp0,xRp0)-Back;
x1 = (BarCount -1);

r236 = fib(0.236); r236I = LastValue (r236);
r382 = fib(0.382); r382I = LastValue (r382);
r050 = fib(0.50); r050I = LastValue (r050);
r618 = fib(0.618); r618I = LastValue (r618);
r786 = fib(0.786); r786I = LastValue (r786);
e127 = fib(1.272); e127I = LastValue (e127);
e162 = fib(1.618); e162I = LastValue (e162);
e200 = fib(2.00); e200I = LastValue (e200);
e262 = fib(2.618); e262I = LastValue (e262);
e424 = fib(4.236); e424I = LastValue (e424);

p00 = IIf(xSp0 > xRp0,ySp0,yRp0); p00I = LastValue (p00);
p100 = IIf(xSp0 < xRp0,ySp0,yRp0); p100I = LastValue (p100);

color00 =IIf(xSp0 > xRp0,colorLime,colorRed);
color100 =IIf(xSp0 < xRp0,colorLime,colorRed);
numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible")));
fraction= IIf(StrRight(Name(),3) == "", 3.2, 3.2);
Plot(LineArray(xRp0-Fwd,yRp0,x1,yRp0,Back),"PR",colorRed, styleDashed|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(xSp0-Fwd,ySp0,x1,ySp0,Back),"PS",colorGreen, styleDashed|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r236,x1,r236,Back),"",45,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r382,x1,r382,Back),"",44,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r050,x1,r050,Back),"",colorGold,styleDashed|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r618,x1,r618,Back),"",43,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,r786,x1,r786,Back),"",42,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e127,x1,e127,Back),"e127",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e162,x1,e162,Back),"e162",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e200,x1,e200,Back),"p200",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e262,x1,e262,Back),"p262",47,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);
Plot(LineArray(x0-Fwd,e424,x1,e424,Back),"p424",25,style|styleNoRescale,Null, Null,Fwd);

//PlotText(" 0% = " + WriteVal(p00,fraction), LastValue(BarCount-8)+(numbars/hts), p00I, color00);

PlotText(" 0% = " + WriteVal(p00,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), p00I + 0.05, color00);
PlotText("23% = " + WriteVal(r236,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r236I + 0.05, 45);
PlotText("38% = " + WriteVal(r382,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r382I + 0.05, 44);
PlotText("50% = " + WriteVal(r050,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r050I + 0.05, 41);
PlotText("62% = " + WriteVal(r618,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r618I + 0.05, 43);
PlotText("78% = " + WriteVal(r786,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts), r786I + 0.05, 42);
PlotText("100% = " + WriteVal(p100,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),p100I + 0.05, color100);
PlotText("127% = " + WriteVal(e127,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e127I + 0.05, 47);
PlotText("162% = " + WriteVal(e162,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e162I + 0.05, 47);
PlotText("200% = " + WriteVal(e200,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e200I + 0.05, 47);
PlotText("262% = " + WriteVal(e262,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e262I + 0.05, 47);
PlotText("424% = " + WriteVal(e424,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/hts),e424I + 0.05, 25);



_SECTION_BEGIN("Day High/Low");
Show_DHL =ParamToggle("Plot Day High/Low","No|Yes");
ColorHi = ParamColor("Color High", colorBrightGreen);
ColorLo = ParamColor("Color Low", colorDarkRed);

// Day High Low And Pivots
H1 = TimeFrameGetPrice("H", inDaily); // Today's high
L1 = TimeFrameGetPrice("L", inDaily); // low

if (Show_DHL)
Plot(H1, "",ColorHi, styleDashed|styleNoLabel);
Plot(L1, "",ColorLo, styleDashed|styleNoLabel);


Show_Vol =ParamToggle("Show","No|Yes");
Color = ParamColor("Color", colorGrey50);
if (Show_Vol)
Plot( Volume, _DEFAULT_NAME(), Color, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale);


_SECTION_BEGIN("MA Cross Over");
ShowCrossover = ParamToggle("Show", "No|Yes");



_SECTION_BEGIN("Message Board");

GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 13, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );

if ( SelectedValue( LastSignal ) == 1 )
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkGreen );
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorDarkRed );

y = Status( "pxchartheight" ) ;
xx = Status( "pxchartwidth");

Left = 1100;
width = 310;
x = 5;
x2 = 290;

MktCond = SM_MktCond();

if (Show)
GfxSelectPen( colorLightBlue);
GfxRoundRect( x, y - 210, x2, y , 7, 7 ) ;
GfxTextOut( "Thunder Bird Trading System V1.0",13,y-200);

GfxTextOut( WriteIf(MktCond>0, "Market Condition : Trending",
WriteIf(MktCond<0, "Market Condition : Ranging" ,"")),
13, y-170);

WriteIf (Buy, "Long At " +(BuyPrice),
WriteIf (Short, "Short At "+(SellPrice),
WriteIf (Relax, "NOT In Trade - RELAX!!!",""))),
13, y-120);

WriteIf ( Buy OR Short, "StopLoss : " + dtsl, ""),
13, y-100);

if (Mode_StopNRev==0)
GfxTextOut( WriteIf(Sell AND NOT Short, "Exit Long At "+C,
WriteIf(Cover AND NOT Buy, "Exit Short At "+C,"")),
13, y-130);


WriteIf (Long AND NOT Buy, "Long At " +(BuyPrice),
WriteIf (Shrt AND NOT Short, "Short At "+(SellPrice),
WriteIf (Relax, "NOT In Trade - RELAX!!!",""))),
13, y-120);

WriteIf ( (Long AND NOT Buy) OR (Shrt AND NOT Short), "StopLoss : " + dtsl, ""),
13, y-100);

WriteIf (Long AND NOT Buy, "Current P/L: "+(C-BuyPrice) +" Points",
WriteIf (Shrt AND NOT Short, "Current P/L: "+(SellPrice-C)+" Points","")),
13, y-145);

GfxTextOut( WriteIf (Long OR Buy OR Shrt OR Short, "Target 1 : "+tar1,""), 13, y-70);
GfxTextOut( WriteIf (Long OR Buy OR Shrt OR Short, "Target 2 : "+tar2,""), 13, y-50);
GfxTextOut( WriteIf (Long OR Buy OR Shrt OR Short, "Target 3 : "+tar3,""), 13, y-30);

GfxTextOut( WriteIf (buyach1 OR sellach1, "- Done!",""), 160, y-70);
GfxTextOut( WriteIf (buyach2 OR sellach2, "- Done!",""), 160, y-50);
GfxTextOut( WriteIf (buyach3 OR sellach3, "- Done!",""), 160, y-30);


GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13 );
GfxSetTextAlign( 6 );
GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB (217,217,213));
//GfxTextOut( "TBTS V1.0", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15 );
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 );
GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB (103,103,103));
//GfxTextOut( "By", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15*2.5 );
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 );
GfxSetTextColor( ColorRGB (103,103,103));
//GfxTextOut( "", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15*4 );
GfxSelectFont("MS Sans Serif", 10, 500, False, False, 0);

PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-25);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-35);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-30);

PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=25);
PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=35);
PlotShapes(IIf(Short, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-30);

if (Mode_StopNRev==0)
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeStar, shapeNone),colorGold, 0, L, Offset=-15);
PlotShapes(IIf(Cover, shapeStar, shapeNone),colorGold, 0,L, Offset=-15);
PlotShapes(IIf(CloseTradeAtEOD==True AND TimeNum() > MktCloseTime AND NOT Relax, shapeStar, shapeNone),colorGold, 0,L, Offset=-15);


BackTest_Margin = Param("Margin Required", 15,0.001,100,0.001);
BackTest_LotSize = Param("LotSize", 50,5,5000,5);
BackTest_nLots = Param("# Lots Traded",1,1,10000,1);

//Settings for exploration

Filter=Buy OR Short;
AddColumn( IIf( Buy, 66 , 83 ), "Signal", formatChar, colorDefault, IIf( Buy , colorGreen, colorRed ) );
AddColumn(Close,"Entry Price",1.4, colorDefault, IIf( Buy , colorGreen, colorRed ));
AddColumn(dtsl,"Stop Loss",1.4, colorDefault, IIf( Buy , colorGreen, colorRed ));
AddColumn(tar1,"Target 1",1.4, colorDefault, IIf( Buy , colorGreen, colorRed ));
AddColumn(tar2,"Target 2",1.4, colorDefault, IIf( Buy , colorGreen, colorRed ));
AddColumn(tar3,"Target 3",1.4, colorDefault, IIf( Buy , colorGreen, colorRed ));
AddColumn(Volume,"Volume",1.0, colorDefault, IIf ((Volume > 1.25 * EMA( Volume, 34 )),colorBlue,colorYellow));

//Settings for Backtester
SetOption("AllowSameBarExit", False);
SetOption("AllowPositionShrinking", False);
SetOption("FuturesMode", True);
RoundLotSize = BackTest_LotSize;
ApplyStop(stopTypeTrailing, stopModePoint, DTSL, True, True );

PositionSize = C*RoundLotSize*BackTest_nLots;
BuyPrice = Close;
SellPrice = Close;
ShortPrice = Close;
CoverPrice = Close;

//End of Settings for Backtester

_SECTION_BEGIN("Magified Market Price");

FS=Param("Font Size",30,11,100,1);
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",940,1,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",12,1,830,1);


GfxSetBkMode( 1 );

GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", FS, 700, True );
GfxSetTextColor( colorLime );
GfxTextOut(""+C, Hor , Ver );

GfxSelectFont("Times New Roman", 11, 700, True );
GfxSetTextColor(colorYellow );
GfxTextOut(""+DD+" ("+xx+"%)", Hor , Ver+45 );

Actually i intended to release a lot of the AFL script after i received 1000 thanks. but someone enlighten me, so this will be not possible anymore.
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Well-Known Member
If that is the case what you said, then I will make myself very expensive:-
- Those need help on modification of AFL, need proof to shown use of legal amibroker
- Those need modification AFL need to seek the approval from the author.
- Those AFL from wisestock/amibroker website cannot make any modification.
- Those MT4 conversion, i shell not do the decompilation for any people here.
- Those request for Metastock/Tradstation/MT4 whatever software to AMI conversion or Ami to other software, i shell not do it for anyone here anymore.
Actually i intended to release a lot of the AFL script after i received 1000 thanks. but someone enlighten me, so this will be not possible anymore.
kelvin sir ,
u really help all of us from past . u know sir all persons who are asking for help , are strugglers , lossers in actual trading carrier , which are trying to succeed in trading , also have a limited resources in terms of capital /knowledge etc ...
it is right we have to respect original author , but sir if all of senior's (helping hands ) like u , are thinking in that matter than who will help person's like us ?
plz don't get distract with comments of other persons which are of great knowleadge but did not want to give a drop of it to other's ......(read here without a penny )

plz continue ur helping hands sir ....

p.s.: u help me great in my earlier days ,thanks for u sir ,by ur help i inclined to system trading and have my own for trading ,with a registered version of ami .
i did not intend to get upper mention sys , only intend to thanks u for ur humbleness .......
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