Kagi Chart

Hello everyone, I wanted to know if there is a Kagi chart for AmiBroker. I would like to MetaStock. I found something on the internet, but it's not what I wanted.
Thank you.
_SECTION_BEGIN("Kagi Chart");
// Formula Name: Kagi Chart
// Author/Uploader: Graham Kavanagh
// E-mail: [email protected]
// Date/Time Added: 2002-11-29 05:12:31
// Origin:
// Keywords: Kagi
// Level: medium
// Flags: system,indicator
// Formula URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/formula.php?id=236
// Details URL: http://www.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=236
// Kagi swing chart with change based on share price. Swing ranges from 3 to
// 5%.
// Place in indicator builder.

//KAGI Chart (or Swing) for Amibroker Indicator window.
//Reverse swing is 3%.
//Graham Kavanagh 16 Nov 2002


Close = IIf( C<10, round(C*10)/10, IIf( C>=10 AND C<50, int(C) + round(round(frac(C)*10)/5)*5/10, int(C)));

Reverse = LastValue(IIf(C<50,0.05,IIf(C>=50 AND C<100,0.04,0.03)));


Close = VBArray( AFL( "Close" ) ).toArray();

KC = new Array();

// initialize first element
j = 0;
KC[j] = Close[0];

down = 1; // By default the first bar is a down bar.
up = 0;
swap = 0;

// perform the loop that produces Kagi Chart
for( i = 1; i < Close.length; i++ )
Reverse =AFL("Reverse"); // percent reversal requirement

if( Close <= KC[j] && down) //continue down
KC[j] = Close;
if( Close >= KC[j]*(1 + Reverse) && down) //Change direction to up
swap = 1;

KC[j] = Close;
if( Close >= KC[j] && up) //Continue up
KC[j] = Close;
if( Close <= KC[j]*(1 - Reverse) && up) //Change direction to down

KC[j] = Close;
swap = 1;
if( swap )
swap = 0;
if( up )
up = 0;
down = 1;
up = 1;
down = 0;
delta = Close.length - j-1; //to get all of chart

AFL.Var("KC") = KC;
AFL.Var("delta") = delta;
AFL.Var("Reverse") = Reverse;


KC = Ref( KC, -delta );
C = KC;
L = LLV(C,2);
H = HHV(C,2);

MyColor =
Graph0BarColor = MyColor;
Graph0Style = 512+4096;
GraphXSpace = 5;
Graph0 = C;
Graph0Name = "Kagi Chart";
Graph1BarColor = 1;
Graph1Style = 16+2048+4096;
Graph1 = Reverse*100;
Graph1Name = "Reverse %";

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