How to calculate gross profit


Well-Known Member

My brokerage house does send me the reports.. they are mainly the contract notes which mentions the gross total, brokerage, net, STT, service tax levied.

The other reports that are available is the short+long term capital gains tax which mentions the net bought value (actual price + brokerage) and the net sold value and thus the short/long term P/L is calculated. For the last FY, I had given this report to my CA with other needed documents.

I was wondering if short term tax that was levied on my overall profit, i.e the net profit, was in fact right or wrong.

What other costs are you referring to?
Go to Action Financials's website. They've got online calculator that shows all breakups. Another site that has good calculator is RKSV and CompositeEdge.

One of the page of application form that you signed will have all % spelt out!!!
Your broker would have sent you either a PDF or a paper copy at time of account opening.