General Trading Chat


Well-Known Member
Iam a senior. Only govt scheme i use every year is SCSS Rs 1.5 lakhs/yearfor 80c deduco. ( 5 years fixed but can break with penalty after 1-2 years i think. Ceiling is 15 lakhs per pan.) Any body mention mutual fund,money market fund,short term gilts ,gold funds .ipo annuity,pf scheme,debt funds etc i run from them as fast i can, all these TN govt agencies may be ok but not for group/ Bajaj are all risky though stock market darlings! But apart from fd in many many banks ( 5.6 to 7.5% ), i keep 30% of my cash in SMB banks in high interest sb accouns to invest in niftybee/ bankbee ETF's at any opportunitistic time. ( All sb balances are just a RTGS away at 3pm to Zerodha if market tanks say 3-3.5% )
Equitas sb ( above 5 lakhs) pays me 7% in sb interest( quarterly) AU SMB pays me 5 % sb interest ( above 1 lakh but monthly payment of interest!! ) .Bandan sb 5% above 1 lakh, RBL sb interest 5.5% above 1 lakh .DCB Bank 5% above 1 lakhs. All these banks are risky ( but under RBI / nirmala seetharaman guarantee ) iam ok with that. Ask me how sat thro 1 month suspense when LVB went kaput.( With 7 laks fd with LVB.Finally DCb came & claimed the bride for free & saved my ass

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