Elections,results and effect on the markets.

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Well-Known Member
Ha ha. You are right my friend. Time to stop it. There is no cure for bigotry. Bigots will remain bigots.

BTW, my short position in Bharti Airtel is in deep profit. So I'm chilling for past few days. :)
If a trader wants to be super successful he needs to understand that it's a tough job to do, all humans have limited brain capacity and if you waste your brain energy on trivial matters then believe me your capacity to do other things gets affected, including trading

I don't watch much news, no TV for news (only entertainment) no paper, in news paper I mostly read entertaining stuff or knowledge improvement stuff, no politics nothing nada............. My trading room has no TV.

A trader needs to focus on his charts so much that his mind should be occupied in charts related stuff even when he is not on pc, day and night, yes it's initially very much necessary later when trader is an expert then maybe he can relax a bit, repetition leads to practice in mind and it matters,

We are so much occupied in trivial stuff in our lives that we forget what a big giant task we have acquired being a trader, nothing is more important than trading In initial years because initial years are make or break time for a trader, if he did not handle these years and could not achieve success the scars of his failures will not let him grow out of hard ship periods.

To each to his own, this is my personal viewpoint, others may differ :)


Well-Known Member
Though I do not want to post this link, but when several links posted by BT has no problem, then one should also go through this

The Link which you gave , read its second paragraph

गयासुद्दीन गाजी के पोते जवाहरलाल नेहरू ने स्वयं अपनी पुस्तक ‘भारत की खोज’ में महाराणा प्रताप की अपेक्षा अकबर को महान सिद्घ करने का प्रयास किया �था।
Now please go through this link for right information about Mr. Jawahar Lal Nehru's Grandfather


When the second paragraph of the article is so brilliant one can expect the whole article to be great .. :D
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