Complete list of all the scripts in BSE & NSE

hi mtash2000,

I did some research on these things... so whatever i know let me tell u...

how do we get historical data for all those scripts?

Like price/volume on any day in the past?

Use the below link:[document.scripform.series.selectedIndex].value&series=X

For example, for Infosys (INFOSYSTCH), it would be,[document.scripform.series.selectedIndex].value&series=X

In the response, if the no. of records are more than 100, then you'll get a link at the bottom of the page having URL as below:

So, what you can do is in excel you can directly open the above like. File -> Open and paste the above URL. Sometimes it will allow; if it doesn't allow, then open the 1st url and then open the 2nd from excel. Make sure both the links contain same from and to date.

That's it! Just pick one symbol from ( and you can get all info about all info from NSE.

For BSE, i've no idea. if anybody (including you) knows please let me know.
Sir Mr. RohitOberoi6592
I appreciate,appreciate and appreciate your post so so so much
so nice of you so generous of you multibillion thanks
i had been looking for this for years i am not a internet programmer or a programmer
just hobbyist and ......
Sir you made my day
May God Bless You Trillion times
althou this post is not meant for me but it repiled what i was looking for
Please help us out with such problems in future too

I want to fill this page with thanks but dont want to be absurd i guess
so humbly i thank you for sharing your knowledge
CSV File Link not Always Working Programmatically


According to Upper Written Post Of brother rohitoberoi6592 I tried it progammatically
i am using c# 2005. if the dates are filled correctly First Webrequest works correctly always but when it comes to downloading csv file it sometimes succeds and sometimes it does not what might i be doing wrong and i only
want data for "EQ" series therefore i appended EQ for series.I dont have problem of ports or firewalls.i have switched off firewal to test it

private void Download_Data_button_Click(object sender , EventArgs e)

FromDate_prop = FromDate_prop.Trim () ;
ToDate_prop = ToDate_prop.Trim () ;
ScripCodeToGetDataFor_prop = ScripCodeToGetDataFor_prop.Trim () ;

string RequestStr_1 = string.Format (

, FromDate_prop
, ToDate_prop
, ScripCodeToGetDataFor_prop
) ;

string RequestStr_2 = string.Format (


) ;

WebRequest Request_1 = WebRequest.Create( RequestStr_1 ) ;

Request_1.Proxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy;

HttpWebResponse Response_1 = (HttpWebResponse)Request_1.GetResponse() ;

System.IO.Stream Stream_1 = Response_1.GetResponseStream() ;
System.Text.Encoding Encoding_Obj_1 = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding( "utf-8" ) ;
System.IO.StreamReader Reader_1 = new System.IO.StreamReader( Stream_1, Encoding_Obj_1 ) ;

string Str_1 = Reader_1.ReadToEnd();

// up to this place it is always working

#region two

WebRequest Request_2 = WebRequest.Create( RequestStr_2 ) ;

Request_2.Proxy = WebRequest.DefaultWebProxy;
// here it almost always gives error as 402 or 404 that Protocol error etc... but again sometimes it succeeds.i am confused
HttpWebResponse Response_2 = (HttpWebResponse)Request_2.GetResponse() ;

System.IO.Stream Stream_2 = Response_2.GetResponseStream() ;
System.Text.Encoding Encoding_Obj_2 = System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding( "utf-8" ) ;
System.IO.StreamReader Reader_2 = new System.IO.StreamReader( Stream_2, Encoding_Obj_2 ) ;

string Str_2 = Reader_2.ReadToEnd();

Form fo1 = new Form () ;
fo1.Controls.Add ( new RichTextBox() ) ;
((RichTextBox )fo1.Controls[0]).Text = Str_2 ;
((RichTextBox )fo1.Controls[0]).Dock = DockStyle.Fill ;
((RichTextBox )fo1.Controls[0]).ScrollBars = RichTextBoxScrollBars.Both ;
fo1.Visible = true ;


Response_1.Close () ;
Response_2.Close () ;
Reader_1.Dispose () ;
Reader_1.Close () ;
Reader_2.Dispose () ;
Reader_2.Close () ;
Stream_1.Close () ;
Stream_2.Close () ;


requesting a quick response Please

Thanking you

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