Billionaire vision!!

Hi everybody
Here's wishing you and me billions!!
Am I glad I joined traderji!!
My story is so typical of many of the trading and investing books I have read... and so must you have read and experienced.
I started almost a 15 years ago, all enchanted by this magical world, an apparent "akshayapatra" that could make one rich and richer overnight... and how hard I fell!! Duped by many a broker, and so-called tips and 'newsletters', nearly wiped out, I quit for a long-long time, keeping my worthless paper shares in a corner. I committed all the mistakes in the book, and more. But then the best part came... the realization. Yes... Guys, that is the turning point, when you wake up and decide to get hold and not be swept off.
In my quest for knowledge, I came across this treasure... the traderji. Thanks for the wonderful info that you all have contributed. A perfect example that together one grows stronger and taller.
I am sure I will gain tons here, and perhaps down the years, contribute a few grams to it.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to the forum Satish.
You might be one the few people here who have seen more then one bull and bear markets.

We all make mistakes but very few people can correct them and show that persistence to make it.. without quitting.

With your experience, I am sure u can contribute in kilos.. not just in grams.Looking forward for your active participation.

Happy Trading.

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