about joining capstone


Well-Known Member
Bunti, If you seriously plan on becoming a 'trader', you should go ahead and join capstone.

I am guessing you have almost no or limited exposure to markets as of now. So you should take Capstone more of an opportunity to learn and get started in this field. Forget about scoring a ton the first time you play a match. It never happens.

I went through all the posts of anirudh's thread. There payout package, attrition rates, low stipend in beginning, etc. etc. should not be a concern. "Trading" per se itself is an high attrition field and perseverance is what matters the most. Understanding from what I red at anirudh's thread, there is no harm in giving it a try. You will get an opportunity to learn from others. You get 2000$ of firm's money to trade with. You won't loose from your pocket. You will get a chance to interact with senior traders and know the ground reality. Offcourse, they are not going to share there entire wisdom and knowledge with you in your few months of training. But even slight guidance regarding which road of the many to tread in the beginning makes all the difference. That is what you should aim at doing at capstone. If it doesnot looks ok, you can leave anytime. Its not bonded labor.....Like Basanti said, "Zamindar ki mazdoori thodi na hai, ki man ho na ho, karni hi hai".....:lol::lol:


Well-Known Member
Bunti, If you seriously plan on becoming a 'trader', you should go ahead and join capstone.

I am guessing you have almost no or limited exposure to markets as of now. So you should take Capstone more of an opportunity to learn and get started in this field. Forget about scoring a ton the first time you play a match. It never happens.

I went through all the posts of anirudh's thread. There payout package, attrition rates, low stipend in beginning, etc. etc. should not be a concern. "Trading" per se itself is an high attrition field and perseverance is what matters the most. Understanding from what I red at anirudh's thread, there is no harm in giving it a try. You will get an opportunity to learn from others. You get 2000$ of firm's money to trade with. You won't loose from your pocket. You will get a chance to interact with senior traders and know the ground reality. Offcourse, they are not going to share there entire wisdom and knowledge with you in your few months of training. But even slight guidance regarding which road of the many to tread in the beginning makes all the difference. That is what you should aim at doing at capstone. If it doesnot looks ok, you can leave anytime. Its not bonded labor.....Like Basanti said, "Zamindar ki mazdoori thodi na hai, ki man ho na ho, karni hi hai".....:lol::lol:
Well tnx bro for ur kind advice and yes iam very serious abt trading thts why iam learning hard frm 2 And half yrs :mad: iam quite satisfied wit swing positional style wit my own discretionary sys made frm scratch hope it does well in capston:D
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