Problem with ApplyStop function


I'm new to AFL coding and have been trying to code some basic strategies. Could somebody help me with one issue? Below is a section of the code:

Buy1 = C > Buyband;
Sell1 = (C < Sellband);
ApplyStop(stopTypeLoss, stopModePercent, 11, ExitAtStop = 0, True, 0);
Buy = ExRem(Buy1, Sell1);
Sell = ExRem(Sell1, Buy1);

The Buyband and Sellband are Bbands. When I backtest, although the ApplyStop function does give me an exit it does not give me re-entry again unless and until the Sell is triggered. The re-entry bars have been set to 0 but the issue still persists.

Will really appreciate some support.

Many thanks.

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