how to make different buy condtions for pos==0 and pos>0

Boys, why do you think this code doesn't work?

Pos = 0; 
EntryPrice = 0; 

Buy = C < WMA( C, 300 ) ; 
Sell = C >= WMA( C, 300 );// 

for ( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) 
    if ( Buy[i] AND Pos==0) 
        EntryPrice = BuyPrice[i]; 
        pos == 1; // position became greater than 0. stop buy at this point. but the system continues to buy. what is wrong?
    else if (pos == 1) 
        Buy[i] = 0; 



Well-Known Member
BuyPrice = ...;

Buy = C < WMA( C, 300 ) ; 
Sell = C >= WMA( C, 300 );// 

Buy = ExRem( Buy, Sell );
Sell = ExRem( Sell, Buy );


Well-Known Member
Boys, why do you think this code doesn't work?

Pos = 0; 
EntryPrice = 0; 

Buy = C < WMA( C, 300 ) ; 
Sell = C >= WMA( C, 300 );// 

for ( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) 
    if ( Buy[i] AND Pos==0) 
        EntryPrice = BuyPrice[i]; 
        pos == 1; // position became greater than 0. stop buy at this point. but the system continues to buy. what is wrong?
    else if (pos == 1) 
        Buy[i] = 0; 

When Loop i =0; buy and Pos=0, then EntryPrice = BuyPrice[0],
you set Pos = 1;

When Loop 2 onward, Pos is alway 1 then the condition test on (Pos==0) is always false regardless of Buy is true or false

The next condition test (Pos==1) will always set the Buy to false;

However your EntryPrice will always remember the buyprice at loop=0;
when loop is at long time ago.


Well-Known Member
Simply use ExRem if you want to remove excessive signals on chart.
In Analysis - Backtest ExRem is not required.

Here is AFL version of ExRem (not needed, use built-in one)

ExRem is *very* simple function it just matches Buy with corresponding Sell
and removes extra signals between. It is NOT necessary for backtesting because
backtester takes care of it by itself, see

Here is how ExRem is internally coded (note that this is AFL equivalent,
internal function is written in C++ )

Best regards,
Tomasz Janeczko

function ExRemAFL( BuyTable, SellTable )
	up = False;
	result = False;

	for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )
		result[ i ] = False;

		if( ! up && BuyTable[ i ] )
			up = True;
			result [ i ] = True; // generate True (1) impulse on buy

		if( up && SellTable [ i ] )
			up = False; // reset the flag on first matching sell

	return result;
And here is the difference between ExRem and Flip

B -> Buy
S -> Sell
1 -> True
0 -> False

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