Send me your valuable Amibroker AFL, I will protect it in minutes

Dear Friends of TJ,

Do you want to hide your AFLs from hackers and friends. Just PM me your valuable AFL. I will hide all lines of code immediately. In return I will give you an exe file, that you may login and get access to your AFL. Guaranteed, not a single line of code can be seen by any Amibroker user.

You may also create license service of your AFL. Means you may distribute your AFL with timebound license.

How it works? I will not create a DLL, instead I will hide all lines of code from the AFL and will make it practically impossible to see a single line of code.

Just send me your AFL for a beta test. BTW, I am not advertising my service, so will not charge a buck from TJ friends.

Dear Friends of TJ,

Do you want to hide your AFLs from hackers and friends. Just PM me your valuable AFL. I will hide all lines of code immediately. In return I will give you an exe file, that you may login and get access to your AFL. Guaranteed, not a single line of code can be seen by any Amibroker user.

You may also create license service of your AFL. Means you may distribute your AFL with timebound license.

How it works? I will not create a DLL, instead I will hide all lines of code from the AFL and will make it practically impossible to see a single line of code.

Just send me your AFL for a beta test. BTW, I am not advertising my service, so will not charge a buck from TJ friends.

can i edit it later and if yes... is process is as simple as now
Dear Friends of TJ,

Do you want to hide your AFLs from hackers and friends. Just PM me your valuable AFL. I will hide all lines of code immediately. In return I will give you an exe file, that you may login and get access to your AFL. Guaranteed, not a single line of code can be seen by any Amibroker user.

You may also create license service of your AFL. Means you may distribute your AFL with timebound license.

How it works? I will not create a DLL, instead I will hide all lines of code from the AFL and will make it practically impossible to see a single line of code.

Just send me your AFL for a beta test. BTW, I am not advertising my service, so will not charge a buck from TJ friends.

Instead of inviting and see nothing,
Can you encrypt the following system, and post the exe file and let us evaluate your magic tool:


_SECTION_BEGIN("Stupid Functions");

function HAI_F1(no)
return (IIf(avn==1,sup,res));

function HAI_F2(no)
return (Cross(C,HAI_F1(no)));

function HAI_F3(no)
return (Cross(HAI_F1(no),C));

function HAI_F4(no)
return (IIf(BarsSince(a)<BarsSince(b),1,0));

function HAI_F5(no)
state = HAI_F4(no);
return (state==Ref(state,-1));

function HAI_F6(p,n,s,m)
return (PDI(p)>MDI(n)AND Signal(s)<MACD(m));

function HAI_F7(p,n,s,m)
return (MDI(n)>PDI(p)AND Signal(s)>MACD(m));



no = 22;
sloss = HAI_F1(no);
a = HAI_F2(no);
b = HAI_F3(no);
state = HAI_F4(no);
sss = HAI_F5(no);
uptrend = HAI_F6(20,10,29,22);
downtrend = HAI_F7(20,10,29,13);

style = a * styleStaircase + b * styleStaircase;
PlotShapes(a,style, IIf(a,colorGreen,colorRed), 0, IIf(a,Low,High));

col=IIf(state == 1 ,51,IIf(state ==0,4,1));
PlotShapes( shapeUpArrow * a, colorGreen,0,L);
PlotShapes( shapeDownArrow * b, colorRed,0,H);

Filter = a OR b OR sss ;
AddColumn( IIf( a, 66,1 ), "buy", formatChar, 1, bkcolor =IIf (a,colorYellow, colorPink ));
AddColumn( IIf( b, 83,1 ), "sell", formatChar, 1, bkcolor =IIf (b,colorPink, colorYellow ));
AddColumn( IIf( sss, 87,1 ), "wait", formatChar, 1, bkcolor =IIf (sss,colorYellow, colorRed ));

_N(Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} " );

_SECTION_BEGIN("Intraday AFL System");
Buy = a;
Sell = b;

PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-30);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0, L, Offset=-40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-35);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=30);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-35);

dist = ATR(20);
for (i=0; i<BarCount; i++) {
if ( Buy[i] )
PlotText("Buy:" + O[ i ], i, L[ i ]-3*dist[i], colorGreen);
if ( Sell[i] )
PlotText("Sell:" + O[ i ], i, H[ i ]+3*dist[i], colorRed);


Plot( 2, /* defines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane width */"ribbon",
IIf( uptrend, colorGreen, IIf( downtrend, colorRed, 0 )), /* choose color */
styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );

//d = Close > Ref( ChandelierHL(ATR(3),20), -1);
//e =Close < Ref( ChandelierHL(ATR(3),20), -1);
//f = Close < Ref( ChandelierHL(ATR(3),20), -1);
//g = Close > Ref( ChandelierHL(ATR(3),20), -1);

Buy = a AND uptrend ;
Short = b AND downtrend ;
Sell = b AND downtrend ;
Cover = a AND uptrend;


Filter=Buy OR Sell;
Filter= Cover OR Short;

AddColumn( Buy, "Buy", 1);
AddColumn(Sell, "Sell", 1);

// Plot the Buy and Sell arrows.
shape = Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow;
PlotShapes(shape, IIf(Buy,colorGreen,colorRed), 0, IIf(Buy,Low,High));


//SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("BgTop", ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )),

//ParamColor("BgBottom", ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )),ParamColor("titleblock",ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )));
AlertIf( Buy, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\tada.wav", "Buy",1,1+2+4+8);
AlertIf( Short, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\notify.wav", "Short",2,1+2+4+8);

GraphXSpace = 5;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

messageboard = ParamToggle("Message Board","Show|Hide",0);
showsl = ParamToggle("Stop Loss Line", "Show|Hide", 0);

style = a * styleStaircase + b * styleStaircase;

PlotShapes(a,style, IIf(a,colorGreen,colorRed), 0, IIf(a,Low,High));
if (showsl == 0) Plot(sloss,"Stop Loss",colorCustom14,styleDots);
exitlong = Cross(sloss, H);
PlotShapes(exitlong * shapeNone, colorBlack,0,H,-10);
exitshort = Cross(L, sloss);
PlotShapes(exitshort * shapeNone, colorBlack,0,L,-15);

Buy = exitshort;
Sell = exitlong;
//Short = Sell;
//Cover = Buy;
Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);
//Short = ExRem(Short, Cover);
//Cover = ExRem(Cover, Short);
AlertIf( Buy, "", "BUY @ " + C, 1 );
AlertIf( Sell, "", "SELL @ " + C, 2 );

for (i=BarCount-1; i>1; i--) {
if (Buy[i] == 1) {
entry = O[i];
sig = "BUY";
sl = sloss[i];
tar1 = entry + (entry * .0040);
tar2 = entry + (entry * .0085);
tar3 = entry + (entry * .0179);
bars = i;
i = 0;
if (Sell[i] == 1) {
sig = "SELL";
entry = O[i];
sl = sloss[i];
tar1 = entry - (entry * .0040);
tar2 = entry - (entry * .0085);
tar3 = entry - (entry * .0212);
bars = i;
i = 0;

Offset = 20;
Clr = IIf(sig == "BUY", colorLime, colorRed);
ssl = IIf(bars == BarCount-1, sloss[BarCount-1], Ref(sloss, -1));
sl = ssl[BarCount-1];

printf("Last " + sig + " Signal came " + (BarCount-bars) + " bars ago");
printf("\n" + sig + " @ : " + entry + "\nStop Loss : " + sl + " (" + WriteVal(IIf(sig == "SELL",entry-sl,sl-entry), 2.2) + ")"+ "\nTarget_1 : " + tar1 + "\nTarget_2 : " + tar2 + "\nTarget_3 : " + tar3);
printf("\nCurrent P/L : " + WriteVal(IIf(sig == "BUY",(C-entry),(entry-C)),2.2));

if (messageboard == 0) {
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 13, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );

if (sig =="BUY")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorGreen ); // this is the box background color
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorRed ); // this is the box background color

pxHeight = Status( "pxchartheight" ) ;
xx = Status( "pxchartwidth");
Left = 1100;
width = 310;
x = 05;
x2 = 200;

y = Status( "pxchartheight" );

GfxSelectPen( colorGreen, 1); // broader color
GfxRoundRect( x, y - 143, x2, y , 7, 7 ) ;
GfxTextOut( ( " "), 10, y-140) ;
GfxTextOut( Name(),13,y-120);

GfxTextOut( ("" + WriteIf(sig =="BUY",sig + " @ ",sig + " @") + " : " + entry), 13, y-100);
GfxTextOut( ("Trailing SL : " + sl + " "), 13, y-80);
GfxTextOut( ("TGT:1 : " + tar1), 13, y -60);
GfxTextOut( ("TGT:2 : " + tar2), 13,y-40);
GfxTextOut( ("Current P/L : " + WriteVal(IIf(sig == "BUY",(C-entry),(entry-C)),2.2)), 13, y-20);;


Well-Known Member
Instead of inviting and see nothing,
Can you encrypt the following system, and post the exe file and let us evaluate your magic tool:


_SECTION_BEGIN("Stupid Functions");

function HAI_F1(no)
return (IIf(avn==1,sup,res));

function HAI_F2(no)
return (Cross(C,HAI_F1(no)));

function HAI_F3(no)
return (Cross(HAI_F1(no),C));

function HAI_F4(no)
return (IIf(BarsSince(a)<BarsSince(b),1,0));

function HAI_F5(no)
state = HAI_F4(no);
return (state==Ref(state,-1));

function HAI_F6(p,n,s,m)
return (PDI(p)>MDI(n)AND Signal(s)<MACD(m));

function HAI_F7(p,n,s,m)
return (MDI(n)>PDI(p)AND Signal(s)>MACD(m));



no = 22;
sloss = HAI_F1(no);
a = HAI_F2(no);
b = HAI_F3(no);
state = HAI_F4(no);
sss = HAI_F5(no);
uptrend = HAI_F6(20,10,29,22);
downtrend = HAI_F7(20,10,29,13);

style = a * styleStaircase + b * styleStaircase;
PlotShapes(a,style, IIf(a,colorGreen,colorRed), 0, IIf(a,Low,High));

col=IIf(state == 1 ,51,IIf(state ==0,4,1));
PlotShapes( shapeUpArrow * a, colorGreen,0,L);
PlotShapes( shapeDownArrow * b, colorRed,0,H);

Filter = a OR b OR sss ;
AddColumn( IIf( a, 66,1 ), "buy", formatChar, 1, bkcolor =IIf (a,colorYellow, colorPink ));
AddColumn( IIf( b, 83,1 ), "sell", formatChar, 1, bkcolor =IIf (b,colorPink, colorYellow ));
AddColumn( IIf( sss, 87,1 ), "wait", formatChar, 1, bkcolor =IIf (sss,colorYellow, colorRed ));

_N(Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} " );

_SECTION_BEGIN("Intraday AFL System");
Buy = a;
Sell = b;

PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-30);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0, L, Offset=-40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-35);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=30);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-35);

dist = ATR(20);
for (i=0; i<BarCount; i++) {
if ( Buy[i] )
PlotText("Buy:" + O[ i ], i, L[ i ]-3*dist[i], colorGreen);
if ( Sell[i] )
PlotText("Sell:" + O[ i ], i, H[ i ]+3*dist[i], colorRed);


Plot( 2, /* defines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane width */"ribbon",
IIf( uptrend, colorGreen, IIf( downtrend, colorRed, 0 )), /* choose color */
styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );

//d = Close > Ref( ChandelierHL(ATR(3),20), -1);
//e =Close < Ref( ChandelierHL(ATR(3),20), -1);
//f = Close < Ref( ChandelierHL(ATR(3),20), -1);
//g = Close > Ref( ChandelierHL(ATR(3),20), -1);

Buy = a AND uptrend ;
Short = b AND downtrend ;
Sell = b AND downtrend ;
Cover = a AND uptrend;


Filter=Buy OR Sell;
Filter= Cover OR Short;

AddColumn( Buy, "Buy", 1);
AddColumn(Sell, "Sell", 1);

// Plot the Buy and Sell arrows.
shape = Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow;
PlotShapes(shape, IIf(Buy,colorGreen,colorRed), 0, IIf(Buy,Low,High));


//SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("BgTop", ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )),

//ParamColor("BgBottom", ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )),ParamColor("titleblock",ColorRGB( 172,172,172 )));
AlertIf( Buy, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\tada.wav", "Buy",1,1+2+4+8);
AlertIf( Short, "SOUND C:\\Windows\\Media\\notify.wav", "Short",2,1+2+4+8);

GraphXSpace = 5;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */

messageboard = ParamToggle("Message Board","Show|Hide",0);
showsl = ParamToggle("Stop Loss Line", "Show|Hide", 0);

style = a * styleStaircase + b * styleStaircase;

PlotShapes(a,style, IIf(a,colorGreen,colorRed), 0, IIf(a,Low,High));
if (showsl == 0) Plot(sloss,"Stop Loss",colorCustom14,styleDots);
exitlong = Cross(sloss, H);
PlotShapes(exitlong * shapeNone, colorBlack,0,H,-10);
exitshort = Cross(L, sloss);
PlotShapes(exitshort * shapeNone, colorBlack,0,L,-15);

Buy = exitshort;
Sell = exitlong;
//Short = Sell;
//Cover = Buy;
Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);
//Short = ExRem(Short, Cover);
//Cover = ExRem(Cover, Short);
AlertIf( Buy, "", "BUY @ " + C, 1 );
AlertIf( Sell, "", "SELL @ " + C, 2 );

for (i=BarCount-1; i>1; i--) {
if (Buy[i] == 1) {
entry = O[i];
sig = "BUY";
sl = sloss[i];
tar1 = entry + (entry * .0040);
tar2 = entry + (entry * .0085);
tar3 = entry + (entry * .0179);
bars = i;
i = 0;
if (Sell[i] == 1) {
sig = "SELL";
entry = O[i];
sl = sloss[i];
tar1 = entry - (entry * .0040);
tar2 = entry - (entry * .0085);
tar3 = entry - (entry * .0212);
bars = i;
i = 0;

Offset = 20;
Clr = IIf(sig == "BUY", colorLime, colorRed);
ssl = IIf(bars == BarCount-1, sloss[BarCount-1], Ref(sloss, -1));
sl = ssl[BarCount-1];

printf("Last " + sig + " Signal came " + (BarCount-bars) + " bars ago");
printf("\n" + sig + " @ : " + entry + "\nStop Loss : " + sl + " (" + WriteVal(IIf(sig == "SELL",entry-sl,sl-entry), 2.2) + ")"+ "\nTarget_1 : " + tar1 + "\nTarget_2 : " + tar2 + "\nTarget_3 : " + tar3);
printf("\nCurrent P/L : " + WriteVal(IIf(sig == "BUY",(C-entry),(entry-C)),2.2));

if (messageboard == 0) {
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", 13, 100 );
GfxSetBkMode( 1 );
GfxSetTextColor( colorWhite );

if (sig =="BUY")
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorGreen ); // this is the box background color
GfxSelectSolidBrush( colorRed ); // this is the box background color

pxHeight = Status( "pxchartheight" ) ;
xx = Status( "pxchartwidth");
Left = 1100;
width = 310;
x = 05;
x2 = 200;

y = Status( "pxchartheight" );

GfxSelectPen( colorGreen, 1); // broader color
GfxRoundRect( x, y - 143, x2, y , 7, 7 ) ;
GfxTextOut( ( " "), 10, y-140) ;
GfxTextOut( Name(),13,y-120);

GfxTextOut( ("" + WriteIf(sig =="BUY",sig + " @ ",sig + " @") + " : " + entry), 13, y-100);
GfxTextOut( ("Trailing SL : " + sl + " "), 13, y-80);
GfxTextOut( ("TGT:1 : " + tar1), 13, y -60);
GfxTextOut( ("TGT:2 : " + tar2), 13,y-40);
GfxTextOut( ("Current P/L : " + WriteVal(IIf(sig == "BUY",(C-entry),(entry-C)),2.2)), 13, y-20);;
Brilliant idea. I was going to post the old Options AFL from Karthik's thread but this will do too. indrajit, protect this and let us see efficacy of your tool