Can sommeone please correct this formula for me......

_SECTION_BEGIN ( "Chart Display Theme" );
ChartDisplayTheme = ParamList ( "Chart Display Theme", "White background with B/W candles|Black background with R/G candles", 1 );
param_ShowSystemTitle = ParamToggle ( "Show System Title ?", "No|Yes", 1 );
TA_ChartDisplayTheme (ChartDisplayTheme);
//============================End of Chart Display Style=============================//
//============================Take User Inputs=============================//
_SECTION_BEGIN ( "Alerts" );
Param_AudioAlert = ParamToggle ( "Audio / text Alert?", "No|Yes", 1 );
Param_ShowValuesBox = ParamToggle ( "Display values in Box?", "No|Yes", 1 );
Param_BoxLocation = ParamList ( "Box Location?", "Left Top|Left Bottom|Right Top|Right Bottom", 0 );
Param_BoxBackgroundColour = ParamColor ( "Box background colour?",colorDarkGrey);
Param_HideBoxBehindChart = ParamToggle ( "Hide Box behind Chart?", "No|Yes" );
_SECTION_BEGIN ( "Money Management" );
Param_Show_Equity = ParamToggle ( "Show Equity ?(Enter correct INITIAL EQUITY in AA Settings)", "No|Yes" );
Param_Margin = Param ( "Margin required (used for backtesting only)", 15, 0.001, 100, 0.001 );
Param_LotSize = Param ( "Lot Size - DO NOT CHANGE", 50, 5, 5000, 5 );
Param_NoOfLots = Param ( "No of lots normally traded (used for backtesting only)", 2, 1, 10000, 1 );
Param_drawdown= ParamList ( "Trailing Stoploss Method - DO NOT CHANGE", "% of total trade value|Fixed amount per share" );
Param_Stoploss_percent = Param ( "Stoploss % per trade", 0.7, 0.01, 5, 0.01 );
Param_Stoploss_amount = Param ( "Stoploss Amount per share", 15, 0.01, 50000, 0.01 );
//============================End of User Inputs=============================//
//==========================Start of Show Resistance and Support Lines===============================//
_SECTION_BEGIN ( "Support-Resistance" );
Param_ShowResSup = ParamToggle ( "Show Resistance / Support ?", "No|Yes" );
Param_HowManyRS = Param ( "How many Support / Resistance to show ?", 2, 0, 10, 1 );
Param_ResSupVolatility = Param ( "Support / Resistance Volatility ", 0.1, 0.1, 100, 0.1 );
Param_SupLineColor = ParamColor ( "Support Line Color",colorBrightGreen);
Param_SupLineStyle = ParamStyle ( "Support Line Style", styleLine|styleNoTitle);
Param_ResLineColor = ParamColor ( "Resistance Line Color",colorRed);
Param_ResLineStyle = ParamStyle ( "Resistance Line Style", styleLine|styleNoTitle);
if(Param_ShowResSup AND Param_HowManyRS> 0 ) TA_ShowSupportResistance (Param_HowManyRS,Param_ResSupVolatility,Param_SupLineColor,Param_ResLineColor,Param_SupLineStyle,Param_ResLineStyle);
//===========End of Resistance and Support Lines===========//
_SECTION_BEGIN ( "Trading System" );
//====================Show Reversals ?====================//
Param_ShowReversals = ParamToggle ( "Show possible reversals ?", "No|Yes" );
if(Param_ShowReversals) TA_ShowReversals ();
//====================End of Show Reversals ?====================//
//====================Start of Trading System====================//
Param_ShowArrows = ParamToggle ( "Show Buy/Sell/Short/Cover Arrows ?", "No|Yes", 1 );
firstBarEntryExit = ParamToggle ( "First bar trade entry / exit ?", "No|Yes" );
A = Param ( "A - 14, 2, 25, 1 );
B = Param ( "B - 5, 2, 25, 1 );
CC = Param ( "C - 5, 1, 25, 1 );
D = Param ( "D - 5, 1, 25, 1 );
E = Param ( "E - 18, 1, 20, 1 );
TA_TradingSystemCheckEntry (A,B,CC,D,E,firstBarEntryExit);
//Settings for Backtester
//SetOption("InitialEquity", 100000);
SetOption ( "AllowSameBarExit", False);
SetOption ( "AllowPositionShrinking", True);
SetOption ( "FuturesMode", True);
SetOption ( "InterestRate", 0 );
SetOption ( "MaxOpenPositions", 1 );
RoundLotSize = Param_LotSize;
SetOption ( "MinShares",RoundLotSize);
SetOption ( "PriceBoundChecking",False);
SetOption ( "AccountMargin",Param_Margin);
SetOption ( "ReverseSignalForcesExit",True);
SetOption ( "UsePrevBarEquityForPosSizing",True);
SetOption ( "GenerateReport", 1 );
SetOption ( "MaxOpenLong", 1 );
SetOption ( "MaxOpenShort", 1 );
PositionSize = C*RoundLotSize*Param_NoOfLots;
SetTradeDelays ( 1, 1, 1, 1 );
BuyPrice = Open;
SetOption ( "RefreshWhenCompleted",True);
//End of Settings for Backtester
TA_TradingSystemCheckExit (Param_drawdown,Param_NoOfLots,Param_Stoploss_Percent,Param_Stoploss_amount,Param_LotSize,firstBarEntryExit);
//====================End of Trading System====================//
//==================Plot Equity, Arrows, AudioAlerts and box containing values================//
TA_PlotEquityArrowsAlertsValueBox (Param_BoxLocation, Param_Show_Equity,Param_ShowArrows,Param_AudioAlert,param_ShowSystemTitle,Param_ShowValuesBox, Param_HideBoxBehindChart,Param_BoxBackgroundColour);
//=================== End of Plot Arrows, AudioAlerts and box containing values================//
//=================== Start of Volume Display================//
_SECTION_BEGIN ( "Volume Selector" );
showVolume = ParamToggle ( "Show Volume ?", "No|Yes", 1 );
displayStyle = ParamList ( "Volume Display Mode", "Normal Volume|Coloured Volume|Volume at Price|Volume at Price (grouped)|Volume at Price + Volume|Volume at Price + Coloured Volume|Volume at Price (grouped) + Volume|Volume at Price (grouped) + Coloured Volume|Customised VAP / candles|Customised VAP / candles + Volume|Customised VAP / candles + Coloured Volume" );
Param_NormalVolumeColor = ParamColor ( "Normal Volume Colour", colorDarkBlue);
Param_NormalVolumeStyle = ParamStyle ( "Normal Volume Style", styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel, maskHistogram );
Param_UpVolumeColor = ParamColor ( "Up Volume Colour", colorGreen);
Param_DownVolumeColor = ParamColor ( "Down Volume Colour", colorRed);
Param_ColouredVolumeStyle = ParamStyle ( "Coloured Volume Style", styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel, maskHistogram);
Param_VAPLinesCount = Param ( "VAP Lines Count", 100, 5, 1000, 1 );
Param_VAPLinesWidth = Param ( "VAP Lines Width", 40, 1, 100, 1 );
Param_VAPVolumeColor = ParamColor ( "VAP Color", colorGold);
Param_VAPSide = ParamToggle ( "VAP Side", "Left|Right" );
Param_VAPOverlay = 4 * ParamToggle ( "VAP Z-order", "On top|Behind", 1 );
Param_VAPStyle = 2 * ParamToggle ( "VAP(grouped) Style", "Fill|Lines", 1 );
Param_Segment = Param ( "No. of candles for Customized VAP", 10, 2, 1000, 1 );
segmentValue = IIf ( Interval () < inDaily, Day (), Month () );
segmentValue = segmentValue != Ref ( segmentValue, - 1 );
if(displayStyle == "Normal Volume" )
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", Param_NormalVolumeColor, Param_NormalVolumeStyle, 2 );
else if(displayStyle == "Coloured Volume" )
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", IIf ( C > O, Param_UpVolumeColor,Param_DownVolumeColor), Param_ColouredVolumeStyle, 2 );
else if (displayStyle == "Volume at Price" )
PlotVAPOverlay ( Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide | Param_VAPOverlay );
else if (displayStyle== "Volume at Price (grouped)" )
PlotVAPOverlayA (segmentValue, Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide | Param_VAPStyle | Param_VAPOverlay);
else if (displayStyle == "Volume at Price + Volume" )
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", Param_NormalVolumeColor, Param_NormalVolumeStyle, 2 );
PlotVAPOverlay ( Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide | Param_VAPOverlay );
else if (displayStyle == "Volume at Price + Coloured Volume" )
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", IIf ( C > O, Param_UpVolumeColor,Param_DownVolumeColor), Param_ColouredVolumeStyle, 2 );
PlotVAPOverlay ( Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide | Param_VAPOverlay );
else if (displayStyle== "Volume at Price (grouped) + Volume" )
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", Param_NormalVolumeColor, Param_NormalVolumeStyle, 2 );
PlotVAPOverlayA (segmentValue, Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide | Param_VAPStyle | Param_VAPOverlay);
else if (displayStyle== "Volume at Price (grouped) + Coloured Volume" )
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", IIf ( C > O, Param_UpVolumeColor,Param_DownVolumeColor), Param_ColouredVolumeStyle, 2 );
PlotVAPOverlayA (segmentValue, Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide | Param_VAPStyle | Param_VAPOverlay);
else if(displayStyle== "Customised VAP / candles" ) TA_ShowCustomizedVAP (Param_Segment,Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide,Param_VAPStyle,Param_VAPOverlay);
else if(displayStyle== "Customised VAP / candles + Volume" )
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", Param_NormalVolumeColor, Param_NormalVolumeStyle, 2 );
TA_ShowCustomizedVAP (Param_Segment,Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide,Param_VAPStyle,Param_VAPOverlay);
else if(displayStyle== "Customised VAP / candles + Coloured Volume" )
Plot ( Volume, "Vol ", IIf ( C > O, Param_UpVolumeColor,Param_DownVolumeColor), Param_ColouredVolumeStyle, 2 );
TA_ShowCustomizedVAP (Param_Segment,Param_VAPLinesCount, Param_VAPLinesWidth, Param_VAPVolumeColor, Param_VAPSide,Param_VAPStyle,Param_VAPOverlay);
//=================== End of Volume Display================//


Well-Known Member
No, he seems to be a different guy.
But this AFL seems to be lifted from a turkish forum.
its not stolen....the author shared in in another forum.....I was getting some sintax errors and I needed help of a better guy......I dont think all everyone who uses afl codeds write their codes by themselves not everyone is so smart............I was just trying to get some help from the seniors........@ trash , hope u never stole any formula from any one or any forum.
AFL Help

HI friends,

i am new in stock market. i trade only in bank nifty use amibroker software.
i want one afl those totaly depand on price action

two condition in afl

if current market price is 12500

first sound alert if market price cross above 12525.

second sound alert if market price cross below 12475.

pls try....

its not stolen....the author shared in in another forum.....I was getting some sintax errors and I needed help of a better guy......I dont think all everyone who uses afl codeds write their codes by themselves not everyone is so smart............I was just trying to get some help from the seniors........@ trash , hope u never stole any formula from any one or any forum.
This AFL formula will work only if you have the supporting plugin (the .dll file) that comes with it

There are no sintax errors, if you have installed that plugin only then the AFL will work


Well-Known Member
its not stolen....the author shared in in another forum.....I was getting some sintax errors and I needed help of a better guy......I dont think all everyone who uses afl codeds write their codes by themselves not everyone is so smart............I was just trying to get some help from the seniors........@ trash , hope u never stole any formula from any one or any forum.
Then make a reference about who the author is and where you have got it! Is that so difficult? It's not your code it's the intellectual PROPERTY of someone else. And if you got it from another forum where the author was publishing it why don't you ask HIM there?

BTW I write my own codes so I do not depend on others.

And if you would have read the other sentence of my link there you would have seen that my other main message was that you need the according plug-in or include file because the code contains custom functions.


Well-Known Member
Hi Praveen
I just cant make out, why you are so much after this afl
Is it a holy grail
Do you have a chart of this AFL.
If so then please post it.
Let me also make a 'darshan' of it.

The web world is full of AFLs, just look for any other one.


Well-Known Member
trash sir in traderji we just share that we have
so please help if ur able to correct the alf code otherwise stop anything writing
All due to respect but please shut up that nonsense. I already told you what's the reason for the errors. If you are unable to read then please consult a brain surgeon. Even more so if you don't understand what I'm trying to say.

EDIT: interesting and shocking
Last edited:
Hi Praveen
I just cant make out, why you are so much after this afl
Is it a holy grail
Do you have a chart of this AFL.
If so then please post it.
Let me also make a 'darshan' of it.

The web world is full of AFLs, just look for any other one.

I dont have the chart for this afl.....found this formula in wisestocktrader with this title "BUY SELL SIGNAL 99% RESULT for Amibroker (AFL)"....thought it might be helpful.

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