need help for MT4 to AFL


Well-Known Member
Please convert following range bar mq4 code into AFL. Please find below how exactly the chart looks like.

#property copyright "Copyright 2010, NiX"
#property link ""

#property indicator_chart_window
#property indicator_buffers 1
#property indicator_color1 Black

#include <WinUser32.mqh>

extern int Range = 13;
extern int OutputTimeFrame = 2;
extern bool FiveDigitBroker = TRUE;
extern bool DisableComment = FALSE;
extern bool RefreshWindowOnAskPriceChange = FALSE;
extern int RenderUsing1MhistoryBars = 7200;
extern string SoundSignalOnNewBar = "clock_tick.wav";
int g_file_108 = -1;
int gi_112;
int gi_120 = 0;
double gd_124 = 0.0;
double gd_132 = 0.0;
double gd_140 = 0.0;
double gd_148 = 0.0;
double gd_156 = 0.0;
int gi_164 = 0;
bool gi_unused_168 = FALSE;
int gi_172 = 0;
bool gi_176 = FALSE;
int gi_180;
int gi_184 = 0;
int gi_188 = 0;
int gi_192 = 400;
string gs_196;
string gs_204;
int gi_212;
int g_digits_216;
int gia_220[13];
double gd_224;
double g_bid_232;
bool gi_240 = FALSE;
int gi_244 = 0;
string g_name_248 = "RB_title";
string g_name_256 = "RB_underline";
int gi_264 = 20;
string gsa_268[20] = {"RB_aux1", "RB_aux2", "RB_aux3", "RB_aux4", "RB_aux5", "RB_aux6", "RB_aux7", "RB_aux8", "RB_aux9", "RB_aux10", "RB_aux11", "RB_aux12", "RB_aux13", "RB_aux14", "RB_aux15", "RB_aux16", "RB_aux17", "RB_aux18", "RB_aux19", "RB_aux20"};

void DebugMsg(string as_0) {
if (gi_176) Alert(as_0);

void DebugPrint(string as_0) {
if (gi_176) Print(as_0);

bool isMTready() {
double l_bid_0 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID);
double l_ask_8 = MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK);
if (l_bid_0 > 0.0 && l_ask_8 > 0.0) return (TRUE);
return (FALSE);

int init() {
while (!isMTready()) Sleep(100);
gs_204 = Symbol();
gi_212 = Period() * OutputTimeFrame;
g_digits_216 = Digits;
if (Period() != PERIOD_M1) {
Alert("Please attach the script to 1M chart only! Exiting...");
Range = 0;
return (0);
switch (OutputTimeFrame) {
case 0:
case 1:
case 5:
case 15:
case 30:
case 60:
case 240:
case 1440:
case 10080:
case 43200:
Alert(OutputTimeFrame + " is a Metatrader4 reserver time frame. Please choose a different value. Exiting...");
if (!IsDllsAllowed()) {
Alert("The live range bar feed will not work if DLL calls are disabled! Exiting...");
return (0);
if (!DisableComment) {
if (ObjectFind(g_name_248) == -1) ObjectCreate(g_name_248, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
if (ObjectFind(g_name_256) == -1) ObjectCreate(g_name_256, OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
while (ObjectFind(gsa_268[gi_244]) == 0) gi_244++;
if (gi_244 >= gi_264) {
Alert("Indicator limit reached. Exiting...");
return (0);
ObjectCreate(gsa_268[gi_244], OBJ_LABEL, 0, 0, 0);
ObjectSetText(gsa_268[gi_244], Range + " pip range bars @ offline " + Symbol() + ",M" + OutputTimeFrame, 11, "Terminal", Gray);
ObjectSet(gsa_268[gi_244], OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(gsa_268[gi_244], OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 5);
ObjectSet(gsa_268[gi_244], OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 13 * gi_244 + 40);
ObjectSetText(g_name_248, "RangeBar Plugin v" + "1.03a" + " for MT4 (c)2010 NiX", 11, "Terminal", RoyalBlue);
ObjectSet(g_name_248, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(g_name_248, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 5);
ObjectSet(g_name_248, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 20);
ObjectSetText(g_name_256, "__________________________________________", 11, "Terminal", Blue);
ObjectSet(g_name_256, OBJPROP_CORNER, 1);
ObjectSet(g_name_256, OBJPROP_XDISTANCE, 5);
ObjectSet(g_name_256, OBJPROP_YDISTANCE, 25);
gi_172 = Range;
if (FiveDigitBroker) Range = 10 * Range;
int li_4 = (MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_ASK) - MarketInfo(Symbol(), MODE_BID)) / Point;
if (Range < li_4) {
Alert("You have chosen a range setting that is less than your spread for " + Symbol() + ". The setting has been updated to " + li_4);
Range = li_4;
DebugPrint("range = " + Range);
if (Range <= 0) return (0);
g_file_108 = FileOpenHistory(gs_204 + gi_212 + ".hst", FILE_BIN|FILE_WRITE);
if (g_file_108 < 0) return (-1);
gs_196 = "(C)opyright 2010, NiX";
FileWriteInteger(g_file_108, gi_192, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteString(g_file_108, gs_196, 64);
FileWriteString(g_file_108, gs_204, 12);
FileWriteInteger(g_file_108, gi_212, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteInteger(g_file_108, g_digits_216, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteInteger(g_file_108, 0, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteInteger(g_file_108, 0, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteArray(g_file_108, gia_220, 0, 13);
gi_112 = FileTell(g_file_108);
int li_8 = 0;
if (Bars > RenderUsing1MhistoryBars) {
if (RenderUsing1MhistoryBars == 0) li_8 = Bars;
else li_8 = RenderUsing1MhistoryBars;
} else li_8 = Bars;
for (gi_180 = li_8 - 1; gi_180 >= 0; gi_180--) processHistoryBar(Time[gi_180], Open[gi_180], Low[gi_180], High[gi_180], Close[gi_180], Volume[gi_180], 1);
gi_120 = Time[gi_180 + 1];
gi_188 = gi_120;
while (gi_120 <= gi_188) gi_120++;
DebugPrint("History written! lastpos: " + gi_112);
gd_224 = NormalizeDouble(Range * Point, Digits);
FileSeek(g_file_108, 0, SEEK_END);
FileWriteInteger(g_file_108, gi_120, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, gd_124, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, gd_132, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, gd_140, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, gd_148, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, gd_156, DOUBLE_VALUE);
gi_112 = FileTell(g_file_108);
if (gi_184 == 0) {
gi_184 = WindowHandle(gs_204, OutputTimeFrame);
if (gi_184 != 0) DebugMsg("Chart window detected correctly");
if (gi_184 != 0)
if (PostMessageA(gi_184, WM_COMMAND, 33324, 0) == 0) gi_184 = 0;
gi_240 = TRUE;
return (0);

int deinit() {
if (g_file_108 >= 0) {
g_file_108 = -1;
int l_count_0 = 0;
for (int l_index_4 = 0; l_index_4 < gi_264; l_index_4++)
if (ObjectFind(gsa_268[l_index_4]) == 0) l_count_0++;
if (l_count_0 == 1) {
return (0);

int start() {
if (g_bid_232 != Bid) {
g_bid_232 = Bid;
if (gi_184 == 0) {
gi_184 = WindowHandle(gs_204, OutputTimeFrame);
if (gi_184 != 0) DebugMsg("Chart window detected correctly");
if (gd_124 != 0.0) {
if (gd_140 < Bid) gd_140 = Bid;
if (gd_132 > Bid) gd_132 = Bid;
gd_148 = Bid;
gd_156 += 1.0;
} else {
gd_140 = Close[0];
gd_132 = Close[0];
gd_124 = Close[0];
gd_148 = Close[0];
gd_156 = 1;
gi_120 = Time[0];
if (NormalizeDouble(gd_140 - gd_132, Digits) > gd_224) {
processHistoryBar(gi_120, gd_124, gd_132, gd_140, gd_148, gd_156, 1, 1);
gi_188 = gi_120;
for (gi_120 = Time[0] + 1; gi_120 <= gi_188; gi_120++) {
if (gi_184 != 0)
if (PostMessageA(gi_184, WM_COMMAND, 33324, 0) == 0) gi_184 = 0;
} else {
FileSeek(g_file_108, gi_112 - 44, SEEK_SET);
FileWriteInteger(g_file_108, gi_120, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, gd_124, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, gd_132, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, gd_140, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, gd_148, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, gd_156, DOUBLE_VALUE);
if (gi_184 != 0)
if (PostMessageA(gi_184, WM_COMMAND, 33324, 0) == 0) gi_184 = 0;
} else {
if (RefreshWindowOnAskPriceChange) {
if (gi_184 != 0)
if (PostMessageA(gi_184, WM_COMMAND, 33324, 0) == 0) gi_184 = 0;
return (0);

void updateHistory(int ai_0, double ad_4, double ad_12, double ad_20, double ad_28, double ad_36, bool ai_44 = FALSE) {
int li_48;
if (g_file_108 >= 0) {
if (ai_44) {
FileSeek(g_file_108, gi_112 - 44, SEEK_SET);
DebugPrint("2H_rewrite--> " + TimeToStr(ai_0, TIME_SECONDS) + " " + ad_4 + " " + ad_12 + " " + ad_20 + " " + ad_28 + " " + ad_36);
} else {
FileSeek(g_file_108, gi_112, SEEK_SET);
DebugPrint("2H_-seek----> " + TimeToStr(ai_0, TIME_SECONDS) + " " + ad_4 + " " + ad_12 + " " + ad_20 + " " + ad_28 + " " + ad_36);
FileWriteInteger(g_file_108, ai_0, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, ad_4, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, ad_12, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, ad_20, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, ad_28, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, ad_36, DOUBLE_VALUE);
gi_112 = FileTell(g_file_108);
if (ad_28 > ad_4) gi_unused_168 = TRUE;
else {
if (ad_4 == ad_28) {
if (ad_20 - ad_4 > ad_4 - ad_12) gi_unused_168 = FALSE;
else gi_unused_168 = TRUE;
} else gi_unused_168 = FALSE;
if (ai_44) {
li_48 = ai_0;
for (gi_120 = Time[0]; gi_120 <= li_48; gi_120++) {
FileSeek(g_file_108, 0, SEEK_END);
FileWriteInteger(g_file_108, gi_120, LONG_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, ad_28, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, ad_28, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, ad_28, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, ad_28, DOUBLE_VALUE);
FileWriteDouble(g_file_108, 1, DOUBLE_VALUE);
gi_112 = FileTell(g_file_108);
DebugPrint("2H_following--> " + TimeToStr(gi_120, TIME_SECONDS) + " " + ad_28 + " " + ad_28 + " " + ad_28 + " " + ad_28 + " " + 1);
if (gi_240 && SoundSignalOnNewBar != "") {
if (SoundSignalOnNewBar == "alert_box") Alert("New bar on " + gi_172 + "pip chart for " + Symbol());
else PlaySound(SoundSignalOnNewBar);

void memoryBar(int ai_0, double ad_4, double ad_12, double ad_20, double ad_28, double ad_36) {
if (gi_120 != 0) {
gi_120 = ai_0;
gd_156 = ad_36;
} else gd_156 += ad_36;
gd_124 = ad_4;
gd_132 = ad_12;
gd_140 = ad_20;
gd_148 = ad_28;
DebugPrint("## memoryBar--> " + TimeToStr(ai_0, TIME_SECONDS) + " " + ad_4 + " " + ad_12 + " " + ad_20 + " " + ad_28 + " " + ad_36);

void memoryBarClear() {
gi_120 = 0;
gd_124 = 0;
gd_132 = 0;
gd_140 = 0;
gd_148 = 0;
gd_156 = 0;

int processHistoryBar(int ai_0, double ad_4, double ad_12, double ad_20, double ad_28, double ad_36, int ai_44, bool ai_48 = FALSE) {
double ld_76;
double ld_84;
double ld_92;
double ld_100;
if (ai_44 == 1 && gd_124 != 0.0) {
DebugPrint("NB ------------> " + ad_4 + " " + ad_12 + " " + ad_20 + " " + ad_28);
DebugPrint("MEM-----------> " + gd_124 + " " + gd_132 + " " + gd_140 + " " + gd_148);
if (ad_20 < gd_140) ad_20 = gd_140;
if (ad_12 > gd_132) ad_12 = gd_132;
ad_4 = gd_124;
DebugPrint("NB -updated----> " + ad_4 + " " + ad_12 + " " + ad_20 + " " + ad_28);
gi_164 = ai_0;
} else {
DebugPrint("Recursive entry...");
ai_0 = gi_164 + 1;
gi_164 = ai_0;
double ld_52 = NormalizeDouble(Range * Point, Digits);
double ld_60 = NormalizeDouble(MathAbs(ad_20 - ad_12), Digits);
double ld_68 = NormalizeDouble(ad_28 - ad_4, Digits);
if (ld_68 < 0.0 || (ld_68 == 0.0 && ad_28 > ad_12)) {
if (ld_60 > ld_52) {
ld_76 = NormalizeDouble(MathAbs(ad_20 - ad_4), Digits);
if (ld_76 > ld_52) {
if (ad_20 - ad_4 >= ld_52) {
ld_84 = ad_4 + ld_52;
updateHistory(ai_0, ad_4, ad_4, ld_84, ld_84, ad_36, ai_48);
memoryBar(ai_0, ld_84, ad_12, ad_20, ad_28, ad_36);
processHistoryBar(ai_0, gd_124, gd_132, gd_140, gd_148, 1, 0);
return (1);
ld_92 = ad_20 - ld_52;
updateHistory(ai_0, ad_4, ld_92, ad_20, ld_92, ad_36, ai_48);
memoryBar(ai_0, ld_92, ad_12, ad_20, ad_28, ad_36);
processHistoryBar(ai_0, gd_124, gd_132, gd_140, gd_148, 1, 0);
return (1);
if (ld_76 == ld_52) {
updateHistory(ai_0, ad_4, ad_4, ad_20, ad_4, ad_36, ai_48);
memoryBar(ai_0, ad_4, ad_12, ad_4, ad_28, ad_36);
processHistoryBar(ai_0, gd_124, gd_132, gd_140, gd_148, 1, 0);
return (1);
if (ld_76 < ld_52) {
updateHistory(ai_0, ad_4, ad_20 - ld_52, ad_20, ad_20 - ld_52, ad_36, ai_48);
if (ad_28 < ad_20 - ld_52 && ad_28 != ad_4) {
memoryBar(ai_0, ad_20 - ld_52, ad_12, ad_20 - ld_52, ad_28, ad_36);
} else {
if (ad_28 >= ad_20 - ld_52 && ad_28 != ad_4) {
memoryBar(ai_0, ad_20 - ld_52, ad_12, ad_20 - ld_52, ad_20 - ld_52, ad_36);
} else {
if (ad_28 < ad_20 - ld_52 && ad_28 == ad_4) {
return (0);
if (ad_28 >= ad_20 - ld_52 && ad_28 == ad_4) {
memoryBar(ai_0, ad_20 - ld_52, ad_12, ad_20, ad_20, ad_36);
processHistoryBar(ai_0, gd_124, gd_132, gd_140, gd_148, 1, 0);
return (1);
if (ld_60 < ld_52) {
memoryBar(ai_0, ad_4, ad_12, ad_20, ad_28, ad_36);
DebugPrint("Unfinished bar... 9");
return (1);
} else {
if (ld_60 > ld_52) {
ld_100 = NormalizeDouble(MathAbs(ad_4 - ad_12), Digits);
if (ld_100 > ld_52) {
if (ad_4 - ad_12 >= ld_52) {
ld_92 = ad_4 - ld_52;
updateHistory(ai_0, ad_4, ld_92, ad_4, ld_92, ad_36, ai_48);
memoryBar(ai_0, ld_92, ad_12, ad_20, ad_28, ad_36);
processHistoryBar(ai_0, gd_124, gd_132, gd_140, gd_148, 1, 0);
return (1);
ld_84 = ad_12 + ld_52;
updateHistory(ai_0, ad_4, ad_12, ld_84, ld_84, ad_36, ai_48);
memoryBar(ai_0, ld_84, ld_84, ad_20, ld_84, ad_36);
processHistoryBar(ai_0, gd_124, gd_132, gd_140, gd_148, 1, 0);
return (1);
if (ld_100 == ld_52) {
updateHistory(ai_0, ad_4, ad_12, ad_4, ad_4, ad_36, ai_48);
memoryBar(ai_0, ad_4, ad_4, ad_20, ad_28, ad_36);
processHistoryBar(ai_0, gd_124, gd_132, gd_140, gd_148, 1, 0);
return (1);
if (ld_100 < ld_52) {
updateHistory(ai_0, ad_4, ad_12, ad_12 + ld_52, ad_12 + ld_52, ad_36, ai_48);
if (ad_28 < ad_12 + ld_52 && ad_28 != ad_4) {
memoryBar(ai_0, ad_12 + ld_52, ad_28, ad_20, ad_28, ad_36);
} else {
if (ad_28 >= ad_12 + ld_52 && ad_28 != ad_4) {
memoryBar(ai_0, ad_12 + ld_52, ad_12 + ld_52, ad_20, ad_28, ad_36);
} else {
if (ad_28 < ad_12 + ld_52 && ad_28 == ad_4) {
memoryBar(ai_0, ad_12 + ld_52, ad_12, ad_20, ad_12, ad_36);
} else {
if (ad_28 >= ad_12 + ld_52 && ad_28 == ad_4) {
return (0);
processHistoryBar(ai_0, gd_124, gd_132, gd_140, gd_148, 1, 0);
return (1);
if (ld_60 < ld_52) {
DebugPrint("Unfinished bar... 10");
memoryBar(ai_0, ad_4, ad_12, ad_20, ad_28, ad_36);
return (1);
return (0);



Well-Known Member
Many Charting Softwares like Amibroker and Ninjatrader do not need code for Range bars as they can be customized in setting itself. MT4 needs code (EA) as it doesnt have this.

So no AFL is needed. Simply go to Tools, Preferences and then Intraday tab.
Below the custom time interval you will find custom Tick , Range,Vol.
Choose R- Range and put different ranges you would prefer like 300, 500, 700, 1000,etc

Then you can switch to any range like one does for diff time frames.

The caveat is, for smooth CRB you need Tick data which almost no vendor is providing except maybe e-signal ( not sure)
OR you have to use data capture utility like Josh's or Yusi's but backfill might be an isssue for some users.

Hope this helps


Well-Known Member
Many Charting Softwares like Amibroker and Ninjatrader do not need code for Range bars as they can be customized in setting itself. MT4 needs code (EA) as it doesnt have this.

So no AFL is needed. Simply go to Tools, Preferences and then Intraday tab.
Below the custom time interval you will find custom Tick , Range,Vol.
Choose R- Range and put different ranges you would prefer like 300, 500, 700, 1000,etc

Then you can switch to any range like one does for diff time frames.

The caveat is, for smooth CRB you need Tick data which almost no vendor is providing except maybe e-signal ( not sure)
OR you have to use data capture utility like Josh's or Yusi's but backfill might be an isssue for some users.

Hope this helps
I am already aware of those Amibroker settings, but the chart shown above is different than the Amibroker range bar chart.

With the settings you mentioned, Amibroker plots exact ticks. Above chart has open of current bar equal to low/high of previous bar, and there is no gap up/down between days.

Amibroker plots exact price action, whereas here I wanted continuous price action.

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