Can somebody modify this AFL superkake

:) This afl is written by Linkon but it's giving me syntax error. Can somebody modify this AFLnso that I could easily use this.
Col_1 = IIf(EMA(RSI(39),30) > Ref(EMA(RSI(39),30),-1),colorGreen,colorOrange);

Plot( C, "", col_1, styleCandle+styleThick );

e3 = EMA(Close,3);
e5 = EMA(Close,5);
e8 = EMA(Close,8);
e10 = EMA(Close,10);
e12 = EMA(Close,12);
e15 = EMA(Close,15);

e30 = EMA(Close,30);
e35 = EMA(Close,35);
e40 = EMA(Close,40);
e45 = EMA(Close,45);
e50 = EMA(Close,50);
e55 = EMA(Close,55);
e60 = EMA(Close,60);
Buy_guppy = e3>e60;
Sell_guppy = e60 > e3;
Buy_guppy = ExRem (Buy_guppy,Sell_guppy);
Sell_guppy = ExRem(Sell_guppy,Buy_guppy);
PlotShapes(Buy_guppy*shapeHollowSmallUpTriangle, colorYellow);
PlotShapes(Sell_guppy*shapeHollowSmallDownTriangle ,colorYellow);

Plot (e3,"",colorBlue,styleThick);
Plot (e5,"",colorBlue,styleThick);
Plot (e8,"",colorBlue,styleThick);
Plot (e10,"",colorBlue,styleNoLabel);
Plot (e12,"",colorBlue,styleNoLabel);
Plot (e15,"",colorBlue,styleNoLabel);

Plot (e30,"",colorYellow,styleThick);
Plot (e35,"",colorRed,styleNoLabel+styleThick);
Plot (e40,"",colorRed,styleNoLabel+styleThick);
Plot (e45,"",colorRed,styleNoLabel+styleThick);
Plot (e50,"",colorRed,styleNoLabel+styleThick);
Plot (e55,"",colorRed,styleNoLabel+styleThick);
Plot (e60,"",colorRed,styleNoLabel+styleThick);


_SECTION_BEGIN("rsi de ema");

Buy_rsi = EMA(RSI(21),3)> EMA(RSI(21),34);
Sell_rsi= EMA(RSI(21),34) >EMA(RSI(21),3);

Buy = Buy_rsi AND Buy_guppy; //AND Buy_stochk;
Sell = sell_rsi AND sell_guppy; //AND SELL_stochk;
Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);


_SECTION_BEGIN("Tops and bottom");

pd = Param("Periods",13,5,144,1);
pds = 2*pd-1;// (Adjustment for Wilders MA)
aa = Close-Ref(Close,-1);
uu = EMA(Max(0,aa),pds);
dd= EMA((Max(0,0-aa)),pds);

rf = IIf(C>2,1000,10000);

c1 = Param("Upper Level",70,50,90,1);
qq1 =100/(100-c1)-1;
ff1 = qq1*dd-uu;
ff2 = ff1/qq1;
f1 = Max(ff1,ff2);
UL = Close + f1*(pds-1)/2;
UL = IIf(UL>C,floor(UL*rf),ceil(UL*rf))/rf;

c2 = Param("Equilibrium",50,50,50,0);
qq2 =100/(100-c2)-1;// [=1]
ff = dd-uu;
MM = Close + ff*(pds-1)/2;
MM = IIf(MM>C,floor(MM*rf),ceil(MM*rf))/rf;

c3 = Param("Lower Level",30,10,50,1);
qq3 =100/(100-c3)-1;
ff1 = qq3*dd-uu;
ff2 = ff1/qq3;
f3 = Min(ff1,ff2);
LL = Close + f3*(pds-1)/2;
LL = IIf(LL>C,floor(LL*rf),ceil(LL*rf))/rf;

band = Param("band width",4,0,15,0.25);
mmu = MM+band;
mmd = MM-band;

X=Cross( C,LL);

Buy1= X ;
Sell1= Y ;


Filter=Buy1 OR Sell1 ;

dist = 1.5*ATR(10);

for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )

if( Buy_guppy ) PlotText( "Buy @ \n"+C , i, L[ i ]-dist,
colorBlack,colorGreen );
if( Sell_guppy ) PlotText( "Sell@ \n"+C, i, H[ i ]+dist,
colorBlack, colorRed );
//if( Buy ) PlotText( "B" , i, L[ i ]-dist, colorBlack,colorGreen );
//if( Sell ) PlotText( "S" , i, H[ i ]+dist, colorBlack, colorRed );
if( Sell1 ) PlotText( "Top" , i, H[ i ]+dist, colorGreen, colorBlack );
if( Buy1 ) PlotText( "Bottom", i, L[ i ]-dist, colorRed, colorBlack );

//PlotShapes( Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow, IIf( Buy,
colorYellow, colorYellow ) );
//PlotShapes( Buy * shapeSmallUpTriangle + Sell *
shapeSmallDownTriangle, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorRed ) );

PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-50);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=50);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-45);

Shrt=Flip(Sell_guppy,Buy_guppy );

_SECTION_BEGIN("Pivot calc");

TimeFrameSet( in15Minute*2 );

pd = ( DH+ DL + DC )/3;
sd1 = (2*pd)-DH;
sd2 = pd -(DH - DL);
sd3 = Sd1 - (DH-DL);
rd1 = (2*pd)-DL;
rd2 = pd +(DH -DL);
rd3 = rd1 +(DH-DL);



Title =
EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ "Linkon's Silver" + " - " + Name() + " - " +
EncodeColor(colorRed)+ Interval(2)
+ EncodeColor(colorWhite) + " - " + Date() +" - "

+EncodeColor(colorYellow) +"Op-"+O+" "+"Hi-"+H+" "+"Lo-"+L+" "+
"Cl-"+C+" "+ "Vol= "+ WriteVal(V)
//+ WriteIf ((e3>e45) ,EncodeColor(colorLime)+ " Direction :
LONG",EncodeColor(colorRed)+" Direction : SHORT")
+ WriteIf (Sell_guppy , " EXIT LONG / Reverse Signal at "+C+"\n","")
+ WriteIf (Buy_guppy , " EXIT SHORT / Reverse Signal at "+C+"\n","")

+WriteIf(Sell_guppy , "Total Profit / Loss for the Last Trade
WriteIf(Buy_guppy , "Total Profit / Loss for the Last trade
WriteIf(Long AND NOT Buy_guppy,EncodeColor(colorLime)+ "Trade : Long -
Entry price Rs."+(BuyPrice)+" Tgt : "+UL,"")+
WriteIf(shrt AND NOT Sell_guppy,EncodeColor(colorRed)+ "Trade : Short
- Entry price Rs."+(SellPrice)+" Tgt : "+LL,"")+"\n"+
WriteIf(Long AND NOT Buy_guppy, "Current Profit / Loss Rs."+(C-BuyPrice)+"","")+
WriteIf(shrt AND NOT Sell_guppy, "Current Profit / Loss
+ EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+ "\n R3 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD3
+ EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+ "\n R2 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD2
+ EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+ "\n R1 : "+
EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD1 + EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+ " UP TGT
: "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+UL
+ EncodeColor(colorBlue)+ "\n Pivot : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+pd+
EncodeColor(colorBlue)+ " MIDPOINT : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+MM
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+ "\n S1 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD1 +
EncodeColor(colorRed)+ " BOT TGT : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+LL
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+ "\n S2 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD2
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+ "\n S3 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD3

//AFL by Kamalesh Langote. Email:[email protected]
no=Param( "Swing", 2, 1, 55 );
tsl_col=ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle );


Plot(tsl, _DEFAULT_NAME(), tsl_col, styleStaircase);

shape=Buy*shapeUpArrow + Sell*shapeDownArrow;

SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner panel
upper",colorBlack),ParamColor("Inner panel lower",colorBlack));

_SECTION_BEGIN("Magnified Market Price");
//by Vidyasagar, [email protected]//
FS=Param("Font Size",28,11,100,1);
GfxSelectFont("Arial", FS, 700, italic = False, underline = False, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorViolet) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",766,1,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",1,1,1,1);
GfxTextOut(""+C,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("Arial", 12, 700, italic = False, underline = False, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor(ParamColor("Color",colorViolet) );
GfxTextOut(""+DD+" ("+xx+"%)", Hor+5, Ver+45 );


Well-Known Member
This afl is creation of Linkon. never call it in name of Super Keka. here is the afl in corect form. just copy and paste.

Col_1 = IIf(EMA(RSI(39),30) > Ref(EMA(RSI(39),30),-1),colorGreen,colorOrange);

Plot( C, "", col_1, styleCandle+styleThick );

e3 = EMA(Close,3);
e5 = EMA(Close,5);
e8 = EMA(Close,8);
e10 = EMA(Close,10);
e12 = EMA(Close,12);
e15 = EMA(Close,15);

e30 = EMA(Close,30);
e35 = EMA(Close,35);
e40 = EMA(Close,40);
e45 = EMA(Close,45);
e50 = EMA(Close,50);
e55 = EMA(Close,55);
e60 = EMA(Close,60);

Buy_guppy = e3>e60;
Sell_guppy = e60 > e3;

Buy_guppy = ExRem (Buy_guppy,Sell_guppy);
Sell_guppy = ExRem(Sell_guppy,Buy_guppy);

PlotShapes(Buy_guppy*shapeUpArrow, colorGreen);
PlotShapes(Sell_guppy*shapeDownArrow ,colorOrange);

Plot (e3,"",colorBrightGreen,styleThick);
Plot (e5,"",colorBrightGreen,styleThick);
Plot (e8,"",colorBrightGreen,styleThick);
Plot (e10,"",colorBrightGreen,styleNoLabel);
Plot (e12,"",colorBrightGreen,styleNoLabel);
Plot (e15,"",colorBrightGreen,styleNoLabel);

Plot (e30,"",colorYellow,styleThick);

Plot (e35,"",colorRed,styleNoLabel+styleThick);
Plot (e40,"",colorRed,styleNoLabel+styleThick);
Plot (e45,"",colorRed,styleNoLabel+styleThick);
Plot (e50,"",colorRed,styleNoLabel+styleThick);
Plot (e55,"",colorRed,styleNoLabel+styleThick);
Plot (e60,"",colorRed,styleNoLabel+styleThick);


_SECTION_BEGIN("rsi de ema");

Buy_rsi = EMA(RSI(21),3)> EMA(RSI(21),34);
Sell_rsi= EMA(RSI(21),34) >EMA(RSI(21),3);

Buy = Buy_rsi AND Buy_guppy; //AND Buy_stochk;
Sell = sell_rsi AND sell_guppy; //AND SELL_stochk;

Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);



_SECTION_BEGIN("Tops and bottom");

pd = Param("Periods",13,5,144,1);
pds = 2*pd-1;// (Adjustment for Wilders MA)
aa = Close-Ref(Close,-1);
uu = EMA(Max(0,aa),pds);
dd= EMA((Max(0,0-aa)),pds);

rf = IIf(C>2,1000,10000);

c1 = Param("Upper Level",70,50,90,1);
qq1 =100/(100-c1)-1;
ff1 = qq1*dd-uu;
ff2 = ff1/qq1;
f1 = Max(ff1,ff2);
UL = Close + f1*(pds-1)/2;
UL = IIf(UL>C,floor(UL*rf),ceil(UL*rf))/rf;

c2 = Param("Equilibrium",50,50,50,0);
qq2 =100/(100-c2)-1;// [=1]
ff = dd-uu;
MM = Close + ff*(pds-1)/2;
MM = IIf(MM>C,floor(MM*rf),ceil(MM*rf))/rf;

c3 = Param("Lower Level",30,10,50,1);
qq3 =100/(100-c3)-1;
ff1 = qq3*dd-uu;
ff2 = ff1/qq3;
f3 = Min(ff1,ff2);
LL = Close + f3*(pds-1)/2;
LL = IIf(LL>C,floor(LL*rf),ceil(LL*rf))/rf;

band = Param("band width",4,0,15,0.25);
mmu = MM+band;
mmd = MM-band;

X=Cross( C,LL);

Buy1= X ;
Sell1= Y ;


Filter=Buy1 OR Sell1 ;

dist = 1.5*ATR(10);

for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ )

if( Buy_guppy ) PlotText( "Buy @ \n"+C , i, L[ i ]-dist, colorBlack,colorGreen );
if( Sell_guppy ) PlotText( "Sell@ \n"+C, i, H[ i ]+dist, colorBlack, colorRed );
//if( Buy ) PlotText( "B" , i, L[ i ]-dist, colorBlack,colorGreen );
//if( Sell ) PlotText( "S" , i, H[ i ]+dist, colorBlack, colorRed );
if( Sell1 ) PlotText( "Top" , i, H[ i ]+dist, colorGreen, colorBlack );
if( Buy1 ) PlotText( "Bottom", i, L[ i ]-dist, colorRed, colorBlack );

//PlotShapes( Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow, IIf( Buy, colorYellow, colorYellow ) );
//PlotShapes( Buy * shapeSmallUpTriangle + Sell * shapeSmallDownTriangle, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorRed ) );

PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-50);
PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-45);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=40);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=50);
PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-45);

Shrt=Flip(Sell_guppy,Buy_guppy );

_SECTION_BEGIN("Pivot calc");

TimeFrameSet( in15Minute*2 );

pd = ( DH+ DL + DC )/3;
sd1 = (2*pd)-DH;
sd2 = pd -(DH - DL);
sd3 = Sd1 - (DH-DL);
rd1 = (2*pd)-DL;
rd2 = pd +(DH -DL);
rd3 = rd1 +(DH-DL);



Title =
EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ "Linkon's Silver" + " - " + Name() + " - " + EncodeColor(colorRed)+ Interval(2)
+ EncodeColor(colorWhite) + " - " + Date() +" - "

+EncodeColor(colorYellow) +"Op-"+O+" "+"Hi-"+H+" "+"Lo-"+L+" "+ "Cl-"+C+" "+ "Vol= "+ WriteVal(V,1.0)
//+ WriteIf ((e3>e45) ,EncodeColor(colorLime)+ " Direction : LONG",EncodeColor(colorRed)+" Direction : SHORT")
+ WriteIf (Sell_guppy , " EXIT LONG / Reverse Signal at "+C+"\n","")
+ WriteIf (Buy_guppy , " EXIT SHORT / Reverse Signal at "+C+"\n","")

+WriteIf(Sell_guppy , "Total Profit / Loss for the Last Trade Rs."+(C-BuyPrice)+"","")+
WriteIf(Buy_guppy , "Total Profit / Loss for the Last trade Rs."+(SellPrice-C)+"","")+
WriteIf(Long AND NOT Buy_guppy,EncodeColor(colorLime)+ "Trade : Long - Entry price Rs."+(BuyPrice)+" Tgt : "+UL,"")+
WriteIf(shrt AND NOT Sell_guppy,EncodeColor(colorRed)+ "Trade : Short - Entry price Rs."+(SellPrice)+" Tgt : "+LL,"")+"\n"+
WriteIf(Long AND NOT Buy_guppy, "Current Profit / Loss Rs."+(C-BuyPrice)+"","")+
WriteIf(shrt AND NOT Sell_guppy, "Current Profit / Loss Rs."+(SellPrice-C)+"","")
+ EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+ "\n R3 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD3
+ EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+ "\n R2 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD2
+ EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+ "\n R1 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD1 + EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen)+ " UP TGT : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+UL
+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ "\n Pivot : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+pd+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ " MIDPOINT : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+MM
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+ "\n S1 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD1 + EncodeColor(colorRed)+ " BOT TGT : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+LL
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+ "\n S2 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD2
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+ "\n S3 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD3

//AFL by Kamalesh Langote. Email:[email protected]
no=Param( "Swing", 2, 1, 55 );
tsl_col=ParamColor( "Color", colorCycle );


Plot(tsl, _DEFAULT_NAME(), tsl_col, styleStaircase);

shape=Buy*shapeUpArrow + Sell*shapeDownArrow;

SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner panel upper",colorBlack),ParamColor("Inner panel lower",colorBlack));

_SECTION_BEGIN("Magnified Market Price");
//by Vidyasagar, [email protected]//
FS=Param("Font Size",28,11,100,1);
GfxSelectFont("Arial", FS, 700, italic = False, underline = False, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor( ParamColor("Color",colorViolet) );
Hor=Param("Horizontal Position",766,1,1200,1);
Ver=Param("Vertical Position",1,1,1,1);
GfxTextOut(""+C,Hor , Ver );
GfxSelectFont("Arial", 12, 700, italic = False, underline = False, True );
GfxSetBkMode( colorWhite );
GfxSetTextColor(ParamColor("Color",colorViolet) );
GfxTextOut(""+DD+" ("+xx+"%)", Hor+5, Ver+45 );

happy trading
Thanks sr114 for your quick reply. Now it's working well. Can you please explain in which market condition this works best ie. in trending market or in trading market? Thanks again for reply.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
just follow the chart. it will be a fun to read the chart and you will know for which condition it is best suited. i use this afl for confirmation of my trade signal and the tf is 1 min.

happy trading


Well-Known Member
Please share the trading system (trading idea) of this afl with me.Thanks.
The idea is that buy signal is generated when short term ma cross the long term ma and vice versa. Here the short and long term mas used are guppy ma variation. Also used is the kpl swing system which acts as the stop loss.
Try to use the system in 1 min tf. [attached an image of rushil decor for today.]
Better used for confirmation of trade signals. In this sense use stockhunter's elh5 (find in the forum) along with the super kake afl. The part of Super Kake i like most is the Guppy part. (i use a customised version of guppy mas.)

another screen shot of the same system

Try to build your own system by experimenting the afls found in the forum. You can also found Linkons's superb afl collection in this form (find it searching - he has some amazing afl collection and also some generated by him . Hats off for Linkon7.

thanx and happy trading
Last edited:


New Member
The idea is that buy signal is generated when short term ma cross the long term ma and vice versa. Here the short and long term mas used are guppy ma variation. Also used is the kpl swing system which acts as the stop loss.
Try to use the system in 1 min tf. [attached an image of rushil decor for today.]
Better used for confirmation of trade signals. In this sense use stockhunter's elh5 (find in the forum) along with the super kake afl. The part of Super Kake i like most is the Guppy part. (i use a customised version of guppy mas.)

another screen shot of the same system

Try to build your own system by experimenting the afls found in the forum. You can also found Linkons's superb afl collection in this form (find it searching - he has some amazing afl collection and also some generated by him . Hats off for Linkon7.

thanx and happy trading
:) Please indicate(name) Linkon7's superb AFL and provide link.I've studied that he has provided the collection of 12000 AFL to the forum.How to decide which one is superb?


Well-Known Member
download the afl collection and study in real time. you can then understand which one is superb or not.

which real time data provider and software you are using, pls tell us.

happy trading and thanx
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
download the afl collection and study i real time. you can then understand which one is superb or not.

which real time data provider and software you are using, pls tell us.

happy trading and thanx
What a suggestion!

If testing 1 afl takes 2 months in realtime, to see it through different types of mkts like trending, bullish, bearish, sideways, etc, then 12000 afl's will take around 2000 years, give or take a few hundred years.

By then, he should have a good idea of which afl to use.


Well-Known Member
actually if u hav gone thru the collection, then u can recollect there are many repetition. so u have to shortlist from the collection which afl u r going to test.

lastly if afls r so potent then just apply afl in realtime and mint money but it never happens in real sense.

so the suggestion is to build ur own system. in this respect i mention the concept of elh5 of Sh. its a beautiful concept along with the super kake afl.(for confirmation of trade signal) just tweak it in ur own way to get help in trading.

i personally use it.

and sumosanammain thanx for the timing concept. have u gone thru the 2nd screen shot?


thanx and happy trading

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