code for sending auto exploration results to excel needed


Active Member
This code sends signals from AB to excel,but it is for drawdown charts so when you use it it will open excel sheets for all scrips one by one.Pl. tweak this code so that exploration results are sent to excel sheet.

Above mentioned code is at

Above code has some comments in Polish,translation of comments in polish is as follows
'Wymiana zmiennych miedzy skryptem AFL i VB
exchange of the variables between AFL and VB

'Uruchamianie Excela
starting excel

'Ustawianie Excela w stan gotowosci
setting excel into operational state

'Pisanie do komrek Excela
writing to excel cells

'Inicjacja maksimum Euqity - bedzie potrzebne
' do obliczania DrawDownu
initialization of maximum equity, will be required for drawdown calculations

'Wpisywanie stanu Equity i DrawDownu do Excela
writing equity and DD values to excel

'A teraz wykresy
and now charts...

'... i DrawDown (w procentach)
and drawdown (in percent)

'La Grande Finale - pokazujemy Excel swiatu.
'Mozna to wrzucic zaraz po otworzeniu arkusza,
' ale wydaje mi sie, ze tak skrypt jest minimalnie
' szybszy.

La Grande Finale - we show excel to the world
You can place this line it just after opening the spreadsheet,
but this way it seems to me a little faster

Pl. tweak above code for instant transmission of exploration results to excel

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