Trading the Volatility Bands

REQUESTING YOU TO HAVE SOME CREDIT FOR THE ORIGINAL CREATOR OF THIS AFL - KARTHIK MARAR.... Wonder how you people happy choose to hide the name and share just the AFLs alone..

its only bcoz of these cheap acts, legends like saint, Karthik, Ashish da have moved out...

grow up kids/guys.......... nobody is asking you not to share... first do a self study... dont expect to have fast food all the time.........

a full course meal will always lead you to a healthy life....... and not fast food...
No disrespect BUT the afl I posted is EXACTLY as I found it on the web. I DID NOT alter or delete or edit it in any way.

Here you go

--- Begin cut ---

You must have come across trading strategies based on Daily pivot and variations like the camarilla pivots.

Here is a strategy to trade on the statistical levels of volatility. The volatility values for a particular
day are calculated. Based on these volatility values bands are calculated for different standard deviations
0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 1.28, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5

This is based on the assumption that volatility reverts to the mean and the price also seeks a equilibrium
value. As per statistics the probability of the price being contained within a certain standard deviation
band is as follow.

1.00 68%
1.28 80%
1.50 88%
2.00 95%

You will observe that the prices tend to reverse at the extremes of these bands. The probability of a price
reversal at the one standard deviation band is 68% and the probability of reversal at the 1.28 bands is 80%
and so on. These probability bands provide a good method for intraday traders.

One can go long when the price crosses a particular band keeping the band value itself as a stop loss. When
the price crosses the next band raise the stop loss thereby locking the profit. When the price stalls at a
particular band unable to cross it is time to close your position and be ready to go on the reverse trade.

This strategy based on the volatility bands provides good high probability trades.
_SECTION_BEGIN("Volatility Bands V.1.0");
gxs=Param("GRAPH spaceing",10,5,50,5);
GraphXSpace = gxs;
SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Outer panel color ",colorGrey50));
SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("Inner panel color upper half",colorGrey40),
ParamColor("Inner panel color lower half",colorDarkOliveGreen));

Periods = Param("Periods", 10, 2, 100, 1 );


P1 = TimeFrameGetPrice( "C", inDaily, -1 );
T1a = P1+(P1*0.5*VfH);
T1b = P1+(P1*0.5*VfL);
B1a = P1-(P1*0.5*VfH);
B1b = P1-(P1*0.5*VfL);

T2a = P1+(P1*1*VfH);
T2b = P1+(P1*1*VfL);
B2a = P1-(P1*1*VfH);
B2b = P1-(P1*1*VfL);

T3 = P1+(P1*1.28*VfH);
B3 = P1-(P1*1.28*VfL);

T4 = P1+(P1*1.5*VfH);
B4 = P1-(P1*1.5*VfL);

T5 = P1+(P1*2*VfH);
B5 = P1-(P1*2*VfL);

T6 = P1+(P1*2.5*VfH);
B6 = P1-(P1*2.5*VfL);

T7 = P1+(P1*3*VfH);
B7 = P1-(P1*3*VfL);

T8a = P1+(P1*0.25*VfH);
T8b = P1+(P1*0.25*VfL);
B8a = P1-(P1*0.25*VfH);
B8b = P1-(P1*0.25*VfL);

Cb=ParamToggle("0.25 ","NO|YES" ,0);
Cb1=ParamToggle("0.50 ","NO|YES" ,0);
Cb2=ParamToggle("1.0 ","NO|YES" ,0);
Cb3=ParamToggle("1.28 ","NO|YES" ,1);
Cb4=ParamToggle("1.50 ","NO|YES" ,0);
Cb5=ParamToggle("2.0 ","NO|YES" ,0);
Cb6=ParamToggle("2.50 ","NO|YES" ,0);
Cb7=ParamToggle("Alerts","NO|YES" ,1);
Plot( T8A,"",colorYellow, 32|styleNoLabel );
Plot( B8A,"",colorYellow, 32|styleNoLabel );
Plot( T1a,"",3, 32|styleNoLabel );
Plot( B1a,"",3, 32|styleNoLabel );
Plot( T2a,"", colorOrange, 4|styleNoLabel );
Plot( B2a,"", colorOrange, 4|styleNoLabel );
Plot( T3,"",colorGreen, 32|styleNoLabel );
Plot( B3,"",colorGreen, 32 |styleNoLabel);
Plot( T4,"", colorLime, 1|styleNoLabel );
Plot( B4,"", colorLime, 1|styleNoLabel );
Plot( T5,"", colorOrange, 32|styleNoLabel );
Plot( B5,"", colorOrange, 32|styleNoLabel );
Plot( T6,"", colorLightOrange, 1|styleNoLabel );
Plot( B6,"", colorLightOrange, 1|styleNoLabel );
HaClose=C ;
PlotOHLC( Null, t1a, t1b, Null, "", colorGrey40, styleCloud);
PlotOHLC( Null, b1a, b1b, Null, "", colorGrey40, styleCloud);
PlotOHLC( Null, t8a, t8b, Null, "", colorLightYellow, styleCloud);
PlotOHLC( Null, b8a, b8b, Null, "", colorLightYellow, styleCloud);
PlotOHLC( Null, t2a, t2b, Null, "", colorTan, styleCloud);
PlotOHLC( Null, b2a, b2b, Null, "", colorTan, styleCloud);

up=(Cross(HaClose,t8a)OR Cross(HaClose,t1a)OR Cross(HaClose,t2a) OR Cross(HaClose,t3)OR Cross(HaClose,t4)OR Cross(HaClose,t5))
OR Cross(Haclose,b8b) OR Cross(Haclose,b1b) OR Cross(Haclose,b2b) OR Cross(Haclose,b3) OR Cross(Haclose,b4) OR Cross(Haclose,b5);
dn=Cross(b8a,HaClose)OR Cross( b1a,HaClose)OR Cross( b2a,HaClose)OR Cross(b3,HaClose)OR Cross( b4,HaClose)OR Cross( b5,HaClose)
OR Cross(t8b,HaClose)OR Cross( t1b,HaClose)OR Cross( t2b,HaClose)OR Cross(t3,HaClose)OR Cross( t4,HaClose)OR Cross( t5,HaClose);


PlotShapes( IIf( up, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone ),10,0,L,-10 );
PlotShapes( IIf( dn, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone ),13,0,H,-10 );}

C13=Param("fonts",20,10,30,1 );
C14=Param("left-right",2.1,1.0,5.0,0.1 );
C15=Param("up-down",7,1,10,1 );
Version( 5.04 ); // requires 5.04 or higher
GfxSetOverlayMode( 0 );
CellHeight = 18;
CellWidth = 50;
GfxSelectFont( "Tahoma", CellHeight/2 );
GfxSetBkColor(colorGold) ;
GfxSetBkMode( 2 ) ;
function PrintInCell( string, row, Col )
GfxDrawText( string, Col * CellWidth, row * CellHeight, (Col + 1 ) * CellWidth, (row + 1 ) * CellHeight, 0 );
PrintInCell( " +2.5 ", 0, 0 );
PrintInCell( " +2.0 ", 0, 1 );
PrintInCell( " +1.5 ", 0, 2 );
PrintInCell( " +1.0 ", 0, 3 );
PrintInCell( " +0.50 ", 0, 4 );
PrintInCell( " +0.25 ", 0, 5 );
PrintInCell( " -0.25 ", 0, 7 );
PrintInCell( " -0.50 ", 0, 8 );
PrintInCell( " -1.0 ", 0, 9 );
PrintInCell( " -1.50 ", 0, 10 );
PrintInCell( " -2.0 ", 0, 11 );
PrintInCell( " -2.5 ", 0, 12 );
GfxSelectPen( colorRed );
for( i = 1; i < 2 && i < BarCount; i++ )
PrintInCell( StrFormat(" %g ", LastValue(t6) ), i, 0 );
PrintInCell( StrFormat(" %g ", LastValue(t5) ), i, 1 );
PrintInCell( StrFormat(" %g ", LastValue(t4) ), i, 2 );
PrintInCell( StrFormat(" %g ", LastValue(t2a) ), i, 3 );
PrintInCell( StrFormat(" %g ", LastValue(t1a) ), i, 4 );
PrintInCell( StrFormat(" %g ", LastValue(t8a) ), i, 5 );
PrintInCell( StrFormat(" %g ", LastValue(b8a) ), i, 7 );
PrintInCell( StrFormat(" %g ", LastValue(b1a) ), i, 8 );
PrintInCell( StrFormat(" %g ", LastValue(b2a) ), i, 9 );
PrintInCell( StrFormat(" %g ", LastValue(b4) ), i, 10 );
PrintInCell( StrFormat(" %g ", LastValue(b5) ), i, 11 );
PrintInCell( StrFormat(" %g ", LastValue(b6) ), i, 12 );
GfxMoveTo( 0, i * CellHeight );
GfxLineTo( 13 * CellWidth, i * CellHeight );
GfxMoveTo( 0, i * CellHeight );
GfxLineTo( 13 * CellWidth, i * CellHeight );
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GfxMoveTo( Col * CellWidth, 0);
GfxLineTo( Col * CellWidth, 2 * CellHeight );

pxwidth = Status("pxwidth");
pxheight = Status("pxheight");
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GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 );
GfxTextOut( "Vol-Bands", Status("pxwidth")/C14, Status("pxheight")/C15*2.5 );
GfxSelectFont("Tahoma", Status("pxheight")/C13*0.5 );
Title =EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ "" + " +\n\n\n " + Name() + EncodeColor(colorRed)+ Interval(2) + EncodeColor(colorWhite) +
" - " + Date() +" - "+"\n" +EncodeColor(colorYellow) +"Op-"+O+" "+"Hi-"+H+" "+"Lo-"+L+" "+
"Cl-"+C+" "+ "Vol= "+ WriteVal(V);
NewDay = Day() != Ref( Day(), -1 );
Plot( NewDay, "", 31, styleDashed | styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel | styleLine | styleHistogram );

--- End cut ---

Thanks for sharing this AFL.

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