How can I create a AFL for Amibroker....HELP

I have seen some technical analysis softwares which can automatically calculate and draw daily,weekly and monthly pivot points on the charts but I could not find such option for Amibroker.I was searching for its solution and I found one of the member uploaded this AFL code for pivot points in amobroker.....can anyone please explain me how can I use this code in my amobroker.

/* Daily Pivots By Vidyasagar */

GraphXSpace = 5 ;

Plot(C,"Close",colorBlack, styleCandle);
ppl = ParamToggle("Plot Pivot Levels","Off|On",1);

numbars = LastValue(Cum(Status("barvisible")));
fraction= IIf(StrRight(Name(),3) == "", 3.2, 3.2);
hts = -33.5;

/* This code calculates the previous days high, low and close */
Hi1 = IIf(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Ref(HighestSince(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),H,1),-1),0);
Hi = ValueWhen(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Hi1,1);
Lo1 = IIf(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Ref(LowestSince(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),L,1),-1),0);
Lo = ValueWhen(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Lo1,1);
Cl1 = IIf(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Ref(C,-1),0);
C1 = ValueWhen(Day()!=Ref(Day(),-1),Cl1,1);


/* This code calculates Daily Piovts */

rg = (Hi - Lo);
bp = (Hi + Lo + C1)/3; bpI = LastValue (bp,1);
r1 = (bp*2)-Lo; r1I = LastValue (r1,1);
s1 = (bp*2)-Hi; s1I = LastValue (s1,1);
r2 = bp + r1 - s1; r2I = LastValue (r2,1);
s2 = bp - r1 + s1; s2I = LastValue (s2,1);
r3 = bp + r2 - s1; r3I = LastValue (r3,1);
s3 = bp - r2 + s1; s3I = LastValue (s3,1);
r4 = bp + r2 - s2; r4I = LastValue (r4,1);
s4 = bp - r2 + s2; s4I = LastValue (s4,1);

if(ppl==1) {
PlotText(" Pivot = " + WriteVal(bp,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), bpI +0.05, colorBlue);
PlotText(" r1 = " + WriteVal(r1,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), r1I +0.05, colorGreen);
PlotText(" s1 = " + WriteVal(s1,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), s1I +0.05, colorRed);
PlotText(" r2 = " + WriteVal(r2,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), r2I +0.05, colorGreen);
PlotText(" s2 = " + WriteVal(s2,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), s2I +0.05, colorRed);
PlotText(" r3 = " + WriteVal(r3,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), r3I +0.05, colorGreen);
PlotText(" s3 = " + WriteVal(s3,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), s3I +0.05, colorRed);
PlotText(" r4 = " + WriteVal(r4,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), r4I +0.05, colorGreen);
PlotText(" s4 = " + WriteVal(s4,fraction), LastValue(BarIndex())-(numbars/Hts), s4I +0.05, colorRed);



Well-Known Member
in amibroker, open - analysis - formula editor - copy the entire formula and paste it into formula editor - then in formula editor sheet, file - save as - into formula custom folder - then in formula editor - tools - apply indicator. now u can see the chart with the study
can any one help to create below afl file.

Candle has below parts (high, low, open close)

1. First hourly candle\15 minitue (big one) close should be near its high(first candle).---and this low should be near open
2. 2nd candle length should be within 1/3 length of first candle
3. 2nd candle should be inside first candle-
4. 2nd candle can be green/red

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