very poor man nead some help


Active Member
this formula for my friend asnavale
we want to make this fromla in daily time frame

EMAV = EMA(V, 10);
Above = 0;
Below = 0;

if(BarCount > 10)
for(i = 1; i <11; i ++)
if(V[BarCount - i] > EMAV[BarCount - i]) Above = Above + 1;
if(V[BarCount - i] < EMAV[BarCount - i]) Below = Below + 1;
Plot(Above, "Above", colorGreen, styleOwnScale | styleNoDraw | styleNoLabel);
Plot(Below, "Below", colorRed, styleOwnScale | styleNoDraw | styleNoLabel);


so please peopel poor man need help


Well-Known Member
First I don't know what this very poor man is trying to achieve with this afl. Maybe he is very poor because the afl itself is wrong.

I suppose he has to first correct the code as follows

EMAV = EMA(V, 10);
Above[0] = 0;
Below[0] = 0;

for(i = 10; i <BarCount; i ++)
if(V > EMAV)
Above = Above [i-1]+1;
Above = Above [i-1];

if(V < EMAV)
Below = Below [i-1]+1;
Below = Below [i-1];
Plot(Above, "Above", colorGreen, styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel);
Plot(Below, "Below", colorRed, styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel);

Then comes converting to daily ..... A general afl should work in any time frame unless of course it is designed to work in a particular time frame...and this one is not...


Active Member
First I don't know what this very poor man is trying to achieve with this afl. Maybe he is very poor because the afl itself is wrong.

I suppose he has to first correct the code as follows

EMAV = EMA(V, 10);
Above[0] = 0;
Below[0] = 0;

for(i = 10; i <BarCount; i ++)
if(V > EMAV)
Above = Above [i-1]+1;
Above = Above [i-1];

if(V < EMAV)
Below = Below [i-1]+1;
Below = Below [i-1];
Plot(Above, "Above", colorGreen, styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel);
Plot(Below, "Below", colorRed, styleOwnScale | styleNoLabel);

Then comes converting to daily ..... A general afl should work in any time frame unless of course it is designed to work in a particular time frame...and this one is not...

the very poor man want to change this afl to daily frame time and theres nothing bad with this afl i think its correct the proplem i want to change it to daily time frame only the qustion is when the very poor man will get some help from amibiroker siniors
by the way sorry for wrong spelling


Well-Known Member
Help came from the highest rank highest levels SIR karthikmarar
thank you

"Whoever puts the most vulnerable creation"

One Formula strange, simple and gorgeous.
thank you
Last edited:


Active Member

can be true.
ok i hope if any body share us with his ideas i hope that he can make his sharing more effictive if the formula worng i hope that some body will correct this afl if its wrong
i dont think its worng if its wrong please peopel gave me the correct formula
its not good for the very poor man to mintion that this fromula is not correct
and not try to correct it
i hope that the very poor man will recive some more help
and help to change this formula to daily time frame
if u call urself poor u will always remain poor
try to express ur self in correct meaningful words
its personal freedom every body call him self what did he want to call him self and i dont mind to stay poor for the rest of my life and its true im very poor man and trey to to be effictive and try to help us its better and if you are poor you are not bad person and the poor man is ahuman peen deserved to be traeted nicly and im not asking to gave me from your walite im asking only
ahelp any way im thankful for you concern
very poor man still waiting some help

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