I need help to correct this afl


Active Member
please we need help to correct this formula its the tony crable opining range fromula
only the price comes out theres no risistance or support comes out we need help for the correct cood

_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() );

_SECTION_BEGIN("Open Range Break Out");
//Determine the value of the market open. Initial setting is for
//9:30 AM to match US Market Open. Adjust as need for your market
MrktOpen = ValueWhen(TimeNum() == 093000, Open);
//Determine the highest high for each day's trading.
//Adjust time as needed for your market.
DlyHigh = HighestSince(TimeNum() == 093000, High);
//Take a snapshot value of the day's high at the time of market
//close. Intial setting is 4:00 pm to match US Market Close.
//Adjust as needed for your market.
DlyHighest = ValueWhen(TimeNum() == 160000, DlyHigh);
//Do the same for the lowest value of the trading day.
//Adjust time as needed for your market.
DlyLow = LowestSince(TimeNum() == 093000, Low);
DlyLowest = ValueWhen(TimeNum() == 160000, DlyLow);
//Now calculate the min range value using Open, Low and High
//variables calculated above
RngMin = Min(DlyHighest - MrktOpen, MrktOpen - DlyLowest);
//Compres this to a daily time frame in order to capture
//the final value of the Range Min for each trading day
DlyRngMin = TimeFrameCompress(RngMin, inDaily, compressLast);
//Use the compressed variable to calculate a 10 day average
RngMinAvg = MA(DlyRngMin , 10);
//uncompress the daily variable so that it can be used in
//calcuating the long and short break out levels for each day
RngMinAvg = TimeFrameExpand(RngMinAvg, inDaily);

//Use the values calculated above to determine the opening
//range break outs. Notice the Range Min has been shifted so
//that is reads the previous day's value and this is used against
//the current day's open to determine the break out levels
BreakOutLong = MrktOpen + Ref(RngMinAvg, -1);
BreakOutShort = MrktOpen - Ref(RngMinAvg, -1);

//Set parameter default to NO for diplaying values which
//are used to determine core metrics
PlotOHL = ParamToggle("Plot O,H,L", "YES|NO", 1);
//Set parameter default to YES for displaying the final
//results of the break out calculations.
PlotBreak = ParamToggle("Plot Breakout", "YES|NO", 0);

//Plot values per the parameter toggle settings.
if(PlotOHL == 0)
Plot(MrktOpen, "Daily Open", colorBlack, styleLine);
Plot(DlyHigh , "Daily High", colorGreen, styleDashed);
Plot(DlyLow , "Daily Low", colorRed, styleDashed);
Plot(DlyHighest , "Daily Highest", colorGreen, styleDots);
Plot(DlyLowest , "Daily Lowest", colorRed, styleDots);
if(PlotBreak == 0)
Plot(MrktOpen, "Daily Open", colorBlack, styleLine);
Plot(BreakOutLong , "Break Out Long", colorGreen, styleLine);
Plot(BreakOutShort , "Break Out Short", colorRed, styleLine);

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