Help needed for simple AFL

I am new to Amibroker. I want to code the following: Current Bar's Close should be greater than the HHV of prev 10 Bars. I tried:
Buy = High > Ref(HHV(Close,10),-1);
Sell = Low < Ref(LLV(Close,10),-1);
Buy OR Sell;

However, it doesn't work. Any suggestions? Thanx for ur help.
Dear Kenneth,
I was able to do what I wanted to do:


pricefield = ParamField("Price Field", 2);
Color = ParamColor("color",colorRed);
style = ParamStyle("style",styleLine,maskAll);
arrows = ParamToggle("Display arrows", "No|Yes",0);
PlotShapes(Buy*shapeUpArrow+Sell*shapeDownArrow,IIf(Buy,colorGreen,colorRed) );

Of course, this wouldn't have been possible without your pointers. Thanks!!

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